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Alazarin Mondrian

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Everything posted by Alazarin Mondrian

  1. Um.... my band: The Invisible Band! Been doing shows regularly in SL for over 4 years. We do original prog-rock / space-rock stuff. Pop into our show today at 2 PM SL time at our place on the mainland Mystery @ Crescenthttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Crescent/72/98/116' target="_self" rel="nofollow">.
  2. And there was me thinking that 'Vintage Musicians' meant something along the lines of somewhere between mid-life crisis and senior citizen.
  3. Sling Trebuchet wrote: ...It's absolutely moronic. The bots will snap up such land in seconds. Sim neighbours will be faced with whatever markup the dealers reckon they can gouge... Sling, you forget one thing: in theory land barons can set the land at sky-high prices if they want but Adam Smith's Invisible Hand in the form of tier bills will eventually force their hands to lower their prices to prices that residents are prepared to pay. At least I hope that's how it will play out unless there are some strange people out there who simply want to hold masses of unsellable land for some unknown reason.
  4. Warp Drive and New Eden seem to be better defined tracks. Possibly because the drums [esp. Kikck] are well separated out. I tend to keep lower register sounds fairly dry unless there's *alot* of space around them. I've found it helps with defining a piece of music even for someone such as myself who habitually mixes drums and percussion low in the mix.
  5. Kerias wrote: I bought some linden land trought the auctions.. but now i want to sell, how i do it?? I wish you the very best of luck selling your land. Land prices at the moment are pretty much the lowest they've been for years. There's a quarter of my sim listed unrealistically at > L$6/m but actually only ever sold in the last year at L$1/m or less. Check the land sales listings for the current pricing to get a feel for what the market will bear. Does your land have protected sides? Road or waterway frontage? Unique geography? Just a plain old piece of 'flat green'? See what the going rates are and price your land accordingly. If it's a large parcel it might be a good idea to chop it into smaller 1024 / 2048 / 4096 sqm parcels. Remeber that you'll still have to pay tier on your land until [and including] the billing cycle month that it's sold. Depending on the size of your land parcel and selling price / value there eventually comes a point where, if you can't sell it, it will be cheaper to simply abandon your land than to continue holding it. That said, I hope you manage to find a buyer before you're faced with that decision.
  6. Hmmm... something about the reverb seems to obliterate the separation between the component parts of the sound into an overall 'soupiness'. I say reverb, but I could well be wrong there. You have a choppy comping sound in at the intro which seems to continue throughout the piece yet loses all definition once the main melody kicks in. You've got the makings of a very interesting piece there. Keep at it.
  7. Well, as a musician and long-time live music performer in Second Life I'd have to say that I really, really like my own stuff There's lots of great music in Second Life catering for all tastes.
  8. I am a live music performer in Second Life and I have no plans to use a live video feed from my studio as part of my Second Life live music performances. However I would be very interested in setting up a live projection of SL performances into my real-world performances.
  9. I went to create an alt named "Porgy Tirebiter" named after a character created by the Firesign Theatre. But, alas, that name was blocked and I had to settle with GeorgeLeroyTirebiter. Not quite the same cachet
  10. ...Can teens join any group?... ...I bet a few will slip through and all you need is one precocious 13 year old to ruin your day and your clean criminal record. Surely it should be trivial for LL to make it impossible for minors to join 'Adult' groups. LL already have their true age details so it should only require a few lines of code to ensure that no resident under a certain age can join an 'Adult and/or Mature' group.
  11. Doing another OnRez? Surely it would have made beter financial and PR sense to find a buyer for AU and to pull out rather than to pull the plug outright. AU is used by more than just the SL community and shutting down AU because it doesn't quite fit the SL roadmap belies a whopping contempt for other virtual worlds and MMO's. OK, buying AU was a bad move. Fine. It didn't work out. Things happen and you want to cut your losses. Sure, that's understandable. But shutting it down is a seriously bad move. Sell it as a going concern and recouping at least part of your invetment would make far better sense. Even if you only get pennies on the pound from the sale of AU that's a step up from nothing at all.
  12. An interesting question and something I'll have to check. I do know that you can quite easily fly over land that's set to group-only access without having to be a member of the land-owning group. IIRC, the cut-off altitude is 100 metres. Below which the access restrictions come into play. So in theory it should have no effect on people teleporting in at 700 metres. Maybe there's someone else reading the blogorums who has more experience of such things.
  13. Rez a prim and sit on it, you'll be effectively immobile. I'll send you a copy of my work platform. Sit on it, open your editor and change the z-co-ordinate to whatever height you want to work at , click on it & select 'rez'. Your work platform will materialise. My own preference is to remain seated while I work and to have sound and voice switched off. I extend my camera range to 512 metres and cam around whatever project I'm working on. If I want music, I've got a Hi-Fi at home that I can use.
  14. Deanna.Moonwall wrote: If there is a male in real life playing a female in second life, what actions by this female avatar could be considered abuse? No. Next question, please.
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