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Jase Devin

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Everything posted by Jase Devin

  1. I have a Private Sim, its set to 100 and I've had 100. I think that's the norm for private regions. That's why my guess is that mainland is 1/3 cpu with the 40 av max. Homestead 1/4 cpu with 20 av max.
  2. So mainland is 1 full cpu per sim? Why 40 avs only then? I speak of a 16 Core Server , when I talk about Private sims.
  3. Actually I think whats going to happen here all revolves around AMAZON. Concurrent User = Sales Which also reflect Sim Rentals, in turn reflects Server rental from Amazon. So will LL be able to scale down and still stay afloat is the question really. Mainland is Continents, my guess 1/3 cpu per Mainland sim via the 40 user max, can they scale down mainland? When some of those sims are empty, turn them into open space maybe? 1/8 cpu? I think they can, and private sims maybe 16 sims = 1 server, go ahead consolidate and start shutting servers down. Then employees, start laying off to scale down. But at some point scaling down may not work so well, there's a point in a business model where above this its profitable and below this its not, no matter how much you scale down.
  4. You, maybe you have computer/gaming knowledge to help with that. Most Don't. NEXT............
  5. After the Alpha Implementation and LL goes bankrupt. Your log in screen. Sad really if you actually cared about SL you would contribute.
  6. I didn't know that, thanks for the enlightenment! Yeah blame others I guess hahahah. Now its starting to make more sense whats happening actually. Someone showed him/her this shiny thing here and he said "We have to have that! at all costs!"
  7. I think what's important is Concurrent Users, and this is a dying game. taken from: https://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/second-life-statistics/ NOW Second Life User Daily Concurrency Level – Updated: 10th June 2024 Maximum: 43, 000 – 48, 000 (average) Median: 34, 000 – 38, 000 (average) Minimum: 27, 000 – 29, 000 (average) PEAK 88, 220 – 29th March 2009 at 1:28pm SLT Historical 60, 068 was the highest peak for Maximum Daily Concurrency – 13th April 2020 57, 746 was the highest peak for Maximum Daily Concurrency – 25th March 2021 55, 737 was the highest peak for Maximum Daily Concurrency – 5th February 2022 53, 567 was the highest peak for Maximum Daily Concurrency – 30th January 2023 53, 016 – 19th February 2024 (so far) 88, 220 – 29th March 2009 at 1:28pm SLT – highest peak ever! 86, 584 – 15th March 2009 at 3:57pm SLT 81, 913 – 28th February 2009 at 2:50pm SLT 80, 000 – 12th January 2009 70, 821 – 21st September 2008 at 1:58pm SLT 60, 000 – 14th January 2008 at 1:45pm SLT So what do we see? Game peaked in 2009 and has been slowly declining ever since. So what will make it better? Shove a Alpha Release down everyone's throat ?? With this data I predict after this Alpha Release gets implemented 2 things. #1 Concurrent users fall below 30,000 #2 CEO of Linden Labs has to find a new job After all Concurrent Users = Sales Sales Plummet after a bad call from higher management = Sales Plummet And any of us in this economy, with products or sims will bare the brunt of this and the game will sadly quietly go away. It doesn't have too, but this is the outcome that has been chosen.
  8. Pros Better looking Graphics maybe later - when bugs are worked out. Advancing the game technology wise - when bugs are worked out. I read they have offloaded some tasks so they are using multi-threaded(more than 1 cpu). Cons Bad implementation not even Beta material this is Alpha. Forcing New Users who want to try the game to download this Alpha Release. Poor Performance for the current user base making it unplayable for over 50% of them. Not considering the fundamental basics of the game, which is this is a Social Game. Being a Social Game you don't stand in a cornfield by yourself , you are social, meaning you go to places with other Avatars. Avatars make the most lag. So what are the choices? You can continue to play SL on your old machine on Low for most. Turn off the PBR stuff. So this achieved the opposite effect of what a gaming software company should achieve. They should be patching and delivering better performance every step of the way in their development. Bettering the system and bringing in new users/retaining old users to build the game/company/economy. For High End users they could run at High but will have problems once they see other Avatars. Again the opposite intended effect, the CEO head honcho who ever at Linden Labs job is to increase sales. That's his job no matter what anyone thinks, a CEO is increasing sales, because if hes not, hes out of a job. So when you go to be social hear everyone will be crashing, sooner or later when things get to hot, buffers get too full, pagfile explodes etc etc.. What should happen? This release should stay on the Beta-Testing shelf till it can bring added value to the game, its users and its economy.
  9. I don't need advice, I'm the one saying this is a Huge Mistake. What advice would you offer me? This is a great thing? Sl has and excellent Future with discarding 90% of new users and possibly 50%+ of current users when the game is unplayable? Lets be real this Game is barely holding on as it is, then you do something completely ignorant as this? Bye Bye game ..
  10. No it is not, I had everything the same, and this is my sim which I know very well. I do have good eep going thats it.
  11. White Listing works, cause they don't register Firestorm with the proper MS Channels. So you are downloading texture after texture because thats what sl is, a bunch of textures, then your antivirus has pull double duty and scan everything. Its bad enough to download and thrash the harddrive and store all these textures in cache but then they all have to be scanned. Anyway it works very well to whitelist and can be found here how to: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/antivirus_whitelisting
  12. Rumor has it next month there will be no more sl voice unless you use pbr version 7xxx.. Also 2 more updates and they will force all to use version 7xxxx. This is a huge mistake. One that may doom SL. Suppose to bring new users into SL but if its doesn't load, breaks and crashes all the time, those users are gone. Then suppose to retain the current users, if they require you to get a new $2k PC they will lose over half the current client base?!?!?! Who's making these decisions? This is unbelievable really someone in the company would plan the doom of sl like this.
  13. 2 key things to do for the people you are trying to help. If they newly updated to version 7 (pbr). #1 Clear Cache #2 Whitelist the right files >> https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/antivirus_whitelisting
  14. Well it does get hotter, if you pull up task monitor you will see your gpu being utilized 100% now vs 10-50% before.
  15. LL should be trying to get New Users in here That's impossible now. New user goes here: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ Downloads this Alpha at best Viewer and his/her user experience is super low fps, nothing loads, everything lags and then they crash. How you suppose to get new users? Maybe the new user has a High End Machine ...crashes a little less. The current users will be phased out, their hardware simply can not run this viewer. With pbr setting off you lose 60-70% fps vs current 6x build. With pbr setting on you lose 90% of your fps. Some say they are ok with it. Ok sure you're ok, you don't mind losing 90% fps. But you probably also stand in the middle of nowhere you yourself and you. This is a Social Gaming Platform - Lots of users gathered in a place 10-20-30 and for me 70-80 cause I do a lot of Live Music and DJ Events. They need to immediately remove this from the main download page!!!
  16. I'm sure they are trying to fix, no doubt. Should be in Alpha testing but its on the main download link, which is a Huge Mistake! Think about a new user coming in and his/her impression is nothing loads, lag everywhere 10fps and then crashes.....
  17. I checked out the Secondlife Viewer and the Firestorm one with PBR update. Findings: Drop in Frame Rates 60-70% without the new pbr settings turned on Drop in frame rates 80-90% with turned on EEP now not looking correct Endless users asking for help in support Other texture attributes not working right, showing different then intended (before pbr) Tons of lag, issues, problems mostly texture related So the topic "Need to be Careful with PBR no Forced Update Ever". Many users are running older systems 5-6 years old. They are able to come to SL now, even with sl/firestorm updates last year hindering performance and being forced to update to it. This update here should never be forced, it would alienate many users to the point they can not use the system. Secondlife is trying to retain users not send them packing. There's an entire Economy to consider. A Forced update to this would ruin SL for good in my opinion for many reasons. I'm sorry to the Techs that worked very hard on this Secondlife Viewer and Firestorm alike. I don't see this ever being fixed, and they put a lot of hard work into it. At best they fix it to the point where maybe they lose 60% frame rate. Unfortunately that wont work and cause users to leave and never come back. Finally: Think of a new user? Logging in and running this Viewer cause they don't know any better? So where are we then? Secondlife is trying to retain users, with this pbr update, wont happen. Secondlife is trying to gain new users? With this update won't happen. I normally don't write much on this Forum, but this is Alarming!!! I am part of this Economy as many are, don't want to see a blatant mistake made here. What should Happen? This PBR implementation should be on a strict BETA TESTING platform, never EVER put on a download list to be downloaded to new users. This Download here: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ Should be removed immediately, and the older version put in its place, because you are causing new users to not ever give SL a chance because of the bad performance of this pbr updated version. Again, sorry for all the hard work put in, but this Viewer is barely Alpha (super new full of bugs)not even Beta(older with few bugs).
  18. Well they bashed the originator of this thread too. Why? Have you tried it? Do you go to crowded clubs with 70+ Av's? Don't bash unless you try. If you dont go places with 70+ Av's then it might be over kill for you. Yes this is old lappy I think you right its msata.
  19. Nice forgot about that option. On my PC I just set cache to my non C M2 drive works great, on Laptop I setup Ram Drive for the Cache, works very well, no more freezing, and fast loading of cached textures.
  20. This is a great idea, and with recent Firestorm update (RAM HOG) this makes even more sense. Problem is this, you go to crowded club and you can watch your ram rise and rise. Till it starts writing to page file(harddrive). Then at that point you have 2 things desperately thrashing your harddrive, 1 Firestorm paging to page file and 2 Firestorm writing everything to cache. Which at this point overwhelms the system, M2 harddrive or not. To solve this simply download a free ram drive software. Then dedicate 1/4 of your ram to it. Then put all Firestorm cache files on it. This does 2 things, it relieves the harddrive when you reach peak ram useage and it starts writing to page file, and it makes everything in cache load much faster. This is a win win.
  21. Hi, need a Mesh creator for easy fast mesh project.
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