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Jase Devin

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Everything posted by Jase Devin

  1. Right, recently I've tried: Alchemy Black Dragon Genesis CoolVLViewer Firestorm Second Life Viewer Alchemy - I liked could get use to I think. Cool VL I think fps wise and looks maybe too, was best implementation of pbr I saw. But lacked buttons. These are RLV viewers, cause I have a attachment I made to combat bom monsters and I use rlv to do that(maybe for other reasons too oO). Firestorm came out not long ago and it was a shocker. I never tried pbr till that happened, I think for many others is the case. The thing was pegged at 100% gpu and so much was broken graphically. It really had me very worried. Second Life Viewer as limited as it is, works better now, there was an update yesterday or so, and gpu useage is at 50% typically. So by the time they force this on us, I think will be ok, with a performance hit of like 50%. But can the low/mid users take a 50% hit..... I don't think so, if they use this socially. So hope the new Spicy Content will bring new users..
  2. Ahh thank you. I liked the implementation of pbr in it, but I'm use to firestorm. So maybe you've heard a million times, need the button arrangements going on there for ease of access Thanks for the reply.
  3. I've been trying different viewers now, which is good option. I like Cool VLViewer. Long time Firestorm user here. But feel like total noob in there, I couldn't even find like a landmarks interface or, outfits 🤥
  4. I don't have any problems myself I run Ultra, except I lose 80% of my fps. I'm concerned about the people with mid grade machines being left behind. However things are looking up, I fired up Secondlife Viewer and there was an update Second Life Release (64bit). Now the GPU is only running at 50% which is a step in the right direction, that makes me happy.
  5. I have run FS7 but at 30fps before any AV's are around. Thats going from 200fps same setting. But I frequently go to crowded places, I go places wear the Av's are super complex, places like The Chamber, you have 90 AV's all Highend. This Viewer would crash over half of them and the other half in about 30 minutes once the memory runs out and pagefile just pukes. Thats the point, many say I can run it, sure..in your sim with no one around. This is a Social Game, I enjoy the Live Music, so unique to this game, the clubs the social aspect of it. But many are ok, runs ok, but it will positively not run ok in a social environment.
  6. Another topic not touched on, is what have they done. I have products that don't look right now because of this. Who knows how many complaints are going to come, as it is I have minimal IM's with my customers and because everything works and looks right. They use to break scripting in their server updates what a nightmare, this will be that on steroids. I don't even want to talk about my Custom EEP's ........butchered by this, just butchered.
  7. CPU: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-13600KF (3494.4 MHz) Memory: 65376 MB (Used: 2178 MB) Concurrency: 20 OS Version: Microsoft Windows 11 64-bit (Build 22631.3737) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070/PCIe/SSE2 Graphics Card Memory: 8192 MB So now we get to play ring around the rosy or what?
  8. You are dead wrong those so called worthless people contributed to over half the company revenue. I think there is worthless people in this forum and probably contribute nothing to the game and or economy.
  9. Exactly what I was talking about, looks like you have 38.8k posts, you fit the bill perfectly, thanks for contributing like I knew you would.
  10. I don't come here unless its important, and as usual you get the forum trolls that have nothing better to do. They discount you cause they don't see you on here, or don't agree with you, which is all fine and dandy, it is what it is. But this here is important, and as far as my experience in SL none of you have a clue, just discount anyone who comes in you haven't seen before as a noob, idiot. Let me tell you something I was Scripting Weapons in the Thick THICK LAG, when you were were trying to figure out the command to get your attachment up(/1 up)!! I've been here since 2006 scripting contributing kicking ass in SL in combat sims, was a sl millionaire multiple times over in 2007 and beyound, so pffft! Now this is Serious 2009 We had 88, 220 – 29th March 2009 at 1:28pm SLT Concurrent Users LL Company Revenue adjusted for inflation was $146,393,862.13 2024 Concurrent Users Maximum: 43, 000 – 48, 000 (average) 2023 LL Revenue is $75,000,000 What Happened? Viewer 2 launched officially (out of beta) on 31st March 2010 This is why I am here in these Forums trying to be heard before we see a income report for 2024/2025 as $37,000,000 This is a MAJOR EVENT, that will effect the game I've been playing in for 16 years and absolutely Love. I love this game, I don't want to see it go under. So discount away numbers don't lie, we are in another major even that could cut this game in half, its very serious.
  11. Yeah I'm a novice just throwing out numbers... You know what I've done since FS7 came out. Helped friends fix their nightmares and I watch the poor Firestorm Support group and help too. I go to clubs too and regular friends, I was being conservative with my numbers. My friends that I see everyday for a year or more 4 out of 5 , it totally wasted their experience. Were getting 30-40 fps now in the single digits, every last one of them. Only the high end users are surviving, but even then they were at 60-100 fps in the club, now at 30 and crashing a lot and their tower is a raging heat pump now.
  12. I have a Private Sim, its set to 100 and I've had 100. I think that's the norm for private regions. That's why my guess is that mainland is 1/3 cpu with the 40 av max. Homestead 1/4 cpu with 20 av max.
  13. So mainland is 1 full cpu per sim? Why 40 avs only then? I speak of a 16 Core Server , when I talk about Private sims.
  14. Actually I think whats going to happen here all revolves around AMAZON. Concurrent User = Sales Which also reflect Sim Rentals, in turn reflects Server rental from Amazon. So will LL be able to scale down and still stay afloat is the question really. Mainland is Continents, my guess 1/3 cpu per Mainland sim via the 40 user max, can they scale down mainland? When some of those sims are empty, turn them into open space maybe? 1/8 cpu? I think they can, and private sims maybe 16 sims = 1 server, go ahead consolidate and start shutting servers down. Then employees, start laying off to scale down. But at some point scaling down may not work so well, there's a point in a business model where above this its profitable and below this its not, no matter how much you scale down.
  15. You, maybe you have computer/gaming knowledge to help with that. Most Don't. NEXT............
  16. After the Alpha Implementation and LL goes bankrupt. Your log in screen. Sad really if you actually cared about SL you would contribute.
  17. I didn't know that, thanks for the enlightenment! Yeah blame others I guess hahahah. Now its starting to make more sense whats happening actually. Someone showed him/her this shiny thing here and he said "We have to have that! at all costs!"
  18. I think what's important is Concurrent Users, and this is a dying game. taken from: https://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/second-life-statistics/ NOW Second Life User Daily Concurrency Level – Updated: 10th June 2024 Maximum: 43, 000 – 48, 000 (average) Median: 34, 000 – 38, 000 (average) Minimum: 27, 000 – 29, 000 (average) PEAK 88, 220 – 29th March 2009 at 1:28pm SLT Historical 60, 068 was the highest peak for Maximum Daily Concurrency – 13th April 2020 57, 746 was the highest peak for Maximum Daily Concurrency – 25th March 2021 55, 737 was the highest peak for Maximum Daily Concurrency – 5th February 2022 53, 567 was the highest peak for Maximum Daily Concurrency – 30th January 2023 53, 016 – 19th February 2024 (so far) 88, 220 – 29th March 2009 at 1:28pm SLT – highest peak ever! 86, 584 – 15th March 2009 at 3:57pm SLT 81, 913 – 28th February 2009 at 2:50pm SLT 80, 000 – 12th January 2009 70, 821 – 21st September 2008 at 1:58pm SLT 60, 000 – 14th January 2008 at 1:45pm SLT So what do we see? Game peaked in 2009 and has been slowly declining ever since. So what will make it better? Shove a Alpha Release down everyone's throat ?? With this data I predict after this Alpha Release gets implemented 2 things. #1 Concurrent users fall below 30,000 #2 CEO of Linden Labs has to find a new job After all Concurrent Users = Sales Sales Plummet after a bad call from higher management = Sales Plummet And any of us in this economy, with products or sims will bare the brunt of this and the game will sadly quietly go away. It doesn't have too, but this is the outcome that has been chosen.
  19. Pros Better looking Graphics maybe later - when bugs are worked out. Advancing the game technology wise - when bugs are worked out. I read they have offloaded some tasks so they are using multi-threaded(more than 1 cpu). Cons Bad implementation not even Beta material this is Alpha. Forcing New Users who want to try the game to download this Alpha Release. Poor Performance for the current user base making it unplayable for over 50% of them. Not considering the fundamental basics of the game, which is this is a Social Game. Being a Social Game you don't stand in a cornfield by yourself , you are social, meaning you go to places with other Avatars. Avatars make the most lag. So what are the choices? You can continue to play SL on your old machine on Low for most. Turn off the PBR stuff. So this achieved the opposite effect of what a gaming software company should achieve. They should be patching and delivering better performance every step of the way in their development. Bettering the system and bringing in new users/retaining old users to build the game/company/economy. For High End users they could run at High but will have problems once they see other Avatars. Again the opposite intended effect, the CEO head honcho who ever at Linden Labs job is to increase sales. That's his job no matter what anyone thinks, a CEO is increasing sales, because if hes not, hes out of a job. So when you go to be social hear everyone will be crashing, sooner or later when things get to hot, buffers get too full, pagfile explodes etc etc.. What should happen? This release should stay on the Beta-Testing shelf till it can bring added value to the game, its users and its economy.
  20. I don't need advice, I'm the one saying this is a Huge Mistake. What advice would you offer me? This is a great thing? Sl has and excellent Future with discarding 90% of new users and possibly 50%+ of current users when the game is unplayable? Lets be real this Game is barely holding on as it is, then you do something completely ignorant as this? Bye Bye game ..
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