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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. OH EM GEE!!! David Tennant is sooooooo bae!!
  2. Thank you! I've never tried a shorter style! And I think I need to explore Wasabi more!
  3. Marcello? Sei tu, Marcello? No! È Antonio! (*bats her eyelashes furiously. In Spanish*)
  4. Give unto Lelutka that which is Lelutka's, of course! But they didn't compose and set up these wonderful pics. They are just awesome.
  5. At Rusty (with new hair from Wasabi Pills and new bandana). Playing a bit with depth of field, which is giving me some trouble: what appears on screen isn't always what shows up in the snapshot. Hmmm.
  6. Mi scusi signore, puoi indirizzarmi verso i bagni rustici e affascinanti?
  7. Astonishing. No idea how you get such gorgeous pics, but I'm in awe.
  8. Scrubbed this pic, but can't figure out how to delete the post. Argh.
  9. That must have been a really odd experience! I'm going to have to start watching for the Skell clones wandering around in-world. If you meet one by accident, does the universe explode? Pffft. Ok, just accept your damned celebrity, Skell. We're all expecting to bask in the gentle glow of your Fame, so don't bugger it up for us, ok? This is a responsibility to your community and fans! Oh, I could have made a much worse comparison. As you well know.
  10. This is amazing. Pretty much everything about it. How on earth did you get that glowy-light effect on the jacket??????
  11. We'll just find a couch and give that plonking down and chatting thing a try, shall we? For what it's worth (which is probably not much) I really like your style, especially when you're wearing urban casual: it's sort of sophisticated and sharp, without being fussy. And, as I said, I think it's part of that approachable and interesting-to-talk-to look you've developed!
  12. One of the things I really love about your avi -- and your pics reinforce this a lot -- is how open, and approachable, and full of humour you look. It's not unlike the look that I think my old system avi used to convey, and I've been trying to reproduce it. It's difficult: I find (rightly or wrongly) that many of the more popular skins/appliers these days, both male and female, look a little severe and forbidding. I like that you look as though I could just plonk down on a couch beside you, and you'd immediately respond with friendly chit chat. ?
  13. RL, I'm afraid. And you'll NEVER guess what his name was.
  14. That is SO. COOL. Also, it's kind of wonderfully meta to be wearing a head named after oneself. It'd be sort of like Ronald Reagan wearing a Ronald Reagan mask? (Except Skell isn't at all like Ronald Reagan. But you know what I mean.)
  15. Wait. Catwa is producing a Bento head named after you???????
  16. Hmm. Time to start rummaging through your trash bin!
  17. I was briefly in-world (trying to find answer to the eternal question: "Does my nose look too big in this skin?") and I was able to back and forth with Belinda a bit, so it seems to be working fine!
  18. This is totally logically. I think you may have found the key to artistic genius! Actually, now I think about it, I have, on occasion, stripped down in RL to paint walls and ceilings. It's much easier getting paint drips off me than it is off my clothing. And I'm sure that my painting is much more accomplished as a result! ?
  19. It seems to me that you clean up very nicely indeed, Orwar. ?
  20. Thank you so much!! Coming from you (and from Saravendi, above, too), that really means something: you have such gorgeous avatars! I had resisted going the Bento head route, for a variety of reasons, but this thread, and the others here, have finally convinced me that if I want to do really nice photos in SL (and I'm a while away from that yet, but trying!), it makes no sense not to have a high-quality mesh avi at the centre of them. (I mean, duh, right?) The process has been frustrating, but surprisingly fun too. And now I can probably justify buying more and nicer clothes, right? RIght? ?
  21. Hah! This has very much been my experience! I left SL, mostly, in 2011, came back with an alt for about a year in 2013-2014, which at least introduced me to rigged mesh clothing, and then . . . well, I came back with my main about a month ago, I guess, with a system avatar wearing a skin and clothing that is now at least 8 years old. Yikes. I felt like I'd ridden into town on a horse and buggy, wearing petticoats and a bustle. Have you found the mesh learning curve difficult? I'm still struggling a bit, but it's becoming clearer. The people posting here have been amazingly generous with help and advice! ETA: Your 2007 avi, notwithstanding the system clothing, is adorable!!
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