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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Oh great. ANOTHER rival for his affections! ?
  2. This is so helpful! Thank you! I think I'm going to take the plunge and try it out. Because really, why not???
  3. Tell me about it, right? Hey, wait! Why don't YOU take Drake . . . AND LEAVE MY BF ALONE!!!!
  4. Fun? LIGHT HEARTED???? This is WAR! Now, grab your fife, drum, and musket, and CHOOSE A SIDE!!!
  5. NOT the kind of fullsome, all-hands-on-deck sort of support I was looking for, Skell. ? This forum is a jungle, and you're either for me, or against me (and for that trollop Cindy). There is no room here for mere observers!
  6. Don't worry, I haven't loaded them. Yet. Oops.
  7. Or, given his ability to fly through the women here, a "roam-eo"?
  8. That's really good to hear! I spent a semi-productive lunchtime picking up a Genus demo, the Nataly demo skin there, and three demo skins from Glam Affair to try on it. (On the menu: tuna salad, yoghurt, and mesh.) The head itself is really easy to edit! I don't have anything to compare it with, but it seems almost as responsive (in some ways, more so) than a system head. But . . . and this may be just because I don't know what I'm doing yet (or ever, really) . . . I couldn't get any of the appliers on the demo skins to work on it. Might that be because the head itself is demo? I'm also unsure of how to get the matching applier for my SLink body, as this didn't seem to be in any of the applier demos. I guess that's sold separately???
  9. Hi Xamuelsan, You'll have to forgive some testy answers here: although it's not as bad as it used to be during the height of the hype about SL some 10 years ago, the forums do still get a fair number of students asking questions. SL has been treated as a sort of ongoing anthropological/sociological experiment since Tom Boellstorff's book came out in 2008, and (understandably) people here tend not to want to feel like they are lab rats. There are also many students who simply expect the forum to provide them with the answers that they need for the essays that they are writing, without taking the time to explore it themselves. Ironically, had you NOT been upfront and identified yourself as a student, and simply asked (as you did) what are interesting things to explore, the response would have been much friendlier. In terms of understanding what the appeal of SL is, there are a couple of good suggestions above. Keep in mind that SL is not a "game" in the ordinary sense of the word, although it does include games within it: it is an open sandbox that was designed to allow people to explore their creativity in a virtual environment. Most of the content is user-generated, unlike many other gaming/VW platforms, and there is a still vigorous and robust economy that has developed out of that. Building and creating is an important part of the appeal of the place (although less so now, perhaps, because the growing dominance of mesh objects and avatars has made the learning curve for really good-looking items much steeper). Most users are not, however, content creators, but rather consumers. And without question, shopping is a huge part of the appeal here, although always as a means to end (whether enhancing one's avatar, creating a virtual "home" for oneself, or just having fun with the things one buys). SL is also really important as a kind of 3D social media platform, and socializing, making friends, and building communities in-world (and also here on the forums, which have a very strong community) are another huge part of the appeal of the place. The difference here, of course, is that real life identities become unimportant, and are, most often, kept secret: in that sense, we are very different from Facebook. Experimenting with identity is also really important. People represent as different genders, sexualities, species, or even just "personalities" here. It has always provided for a safe and generally very accepting environment for people who are restricted in RL from exploring their sexuality or sexual identity, for instance. It's been a godsend for some who are, for whatever reason, disadvantaged physically in real life: you should check out Virtual Ability in-world (I assume it's still there, although I haven't dropped by in years). And for people who are even just painfully shy, SL provides a means of connecting not available to them in RL. Art, literature, history, and gaming are all fairly important here too, and there are lots of groups and communities built around all of these. If you're interested in art, Linden Lab has the Linden Endowment for the Arts, an area reserved for artists to build installations. Some of it is very good indeed. Music is VERY big, in clubs and other venues which feature dancing, socializing, and live music. There is a surprisingly wide range of live music performers here. And then there's, yes, sex. There's lots of it here, and its importance overlaps with the categories I've mentioned above, such as exploring new identities, or connecting with others. Sex is also Big Business in SL. I think sex here is sometimes overemphasized by outsiders, as a way of scandalizing those who are inclined to be scandalized by such things, but it's a pretty important part of life in RL, and there's no reason why it shouldn't be important here as well. Others, I'm sure, can add to what I've said here: I've certainly not been exhaustive. DO explore yourself in-world, and don't rely on second-hand reports: you are missing the essence of the place unless you experience it first-hand, and without that you are in no position to talk about it with any kind of authority. Check out the Destinations Guide (which is, sadly, often out-of-date) and ask around for interesting places to visit. It's ENORMOUSLY diverse, and there is a huge amount to see and do, as well as a really broad international community. There has also been a vast amount written on and about Second Life. There are the "outsiders" (academics and others) who have written about it, but your best bet is to search for blogs about SL written by residents here. But seriously, make time to explore. It's the only way to understand the place. Good luck!
  10. It's not too late to make this happen! Just sayin' . . .
  11. You can fight about who is the cutest all you want. I spoke to him in the pixel, so to speak, and was ASSURED by him (and why would he lie???) that I am "perfect girl." And just to push home the point: [2018/11/01 08:49] ******** *******: believe me i saw many girls there but you i dont know what im say [2018/11/01 08:49] ******** *******: just i like you [2018/11/01 08:49] ******** *******: i want know you more So, how's THEM (τῇ καλλίστῃ) apples?
  12. I actually think that we should ALL accept his friendship offer . . . and then descend upon him all at once, all together, like a host of avenging demons.
  13. He's all yours, Kanry. I'd be happy to make the introductions if you'd like.
  14. Nothing random about it: that's exactly what he has been doing. He told me I had a wonderful profile, and I asked him where he'd seen it. He said from here, of the forum. It would be rather amusing to discover that he'd been picking names out from posters on this thread! It would be almost like performance art!
  15. And this is how you ended up in hell in the first place, Drake.
  16. Ok, cool, thanks for this! It might be worth checking out a demo, if only to get some sense of whether it might be possible to get the look I want from it. And L$3500 is at least a little more manageable! You've done such amazing things with yours, that I'm encouraged! Maybe there's a Bento head in my future after all . . .
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