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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Fun fact: it takes someone with advanced degrees in English to really mangle the language. I wouldn't trust a meme generator or ChatGPT to do it half so well as I can! lol I've just realized that I'm mostly batting my bedroom eyes at the microphone in that pic. Hide your sound equipment! Scylla's on the prowl, and there isn't a mic or amplifier on the grid that is safe! As I am typing this, I am stretched out languorously across my computer desk wearing nothing but frillies (ok, actually it's an old tee and leggings), testing out my next sexy pose. I think I've broken my mouse!
  2. Danielle, I happen to think that you create utterly delightful and lovely photos -- and I can guarantee I'm not the only one who thinks that. Much, much more importantly, though, you are a lovely, kind, and generous person, and I thank you. Nobody (I know of) is saying drivel about me in-world, other than my also lovely, kind, and generous best friend Maddy, who did quip that I wasn't "dangerous" (hence all these slightly tongue-in-cheek pics to prove her wrong!), but she's allowed -- partially because she said it with an affectionate grin, and partially because she's right! And that's fine! Why would I want to vamp all over the grid when I can instead just hang out here with sweet and supportive people like you? Being a man-killer is much overrated. And disposing of the bodies afterwards is such a pain. Anyway, hugs. And thank you again.
  3. I can explain!!!!! (But I told you I was dangerous! Now do you believe me????)
  4. And continuing my (likely vain) attempts to show that, you know, I could lure men to their deaths, . . . if I wanted to . . . 🙄
  5. Kevinxxxxx was the guy with a kazillion alts all using variations on "Kevin" who was notoriously hitting events and stores for months asking for handouts. He was clever, because he had a backstory, and asked for a very specific amount -- like L$467 or something. He got me . . . once. Moira is a new one who has hit me and about four of my friends in the last few days. She's apparently everywhere. Not as clever though. She just straight out asks for L$200.
  6. So, I ran "Scylla Rhiadra" through one of the ChatGPT text generators, and asked for a 500 word essay. It is so uncannily accurate, that I almost feel violated. An excerpt: "In Homer’s Odyssey, Odysseus and his crew encountered the two similarly dangerous situations of Scylla Rhiadra and her counterpart Charybdis. Odysseus was so taken by the beautiful Scylla that he wanted to win her affections, so he requested a love potion from the witch Circe." Well, part of this is wrong. Odysseus should know that he doesn't need a love potion to win my affection.
  7. Thank you! Like Blade Runner, I was going for a sort of 40s semi film noir kind of vibe!
  8. She says I look like Catherine O'Hara in it. 😡
  9. So, Maddy is taking some "pinup" photos, and refuses to consider ME as a model because I'm not "femme fatale" or "dangerous" enough. Well, I say she's WRONG! I CAN BE DANGEROUS TOO! Grrrr!
  10. I'll admit I'm totally befuzzled by this phenomenon. There's obviously a cultural reference I'm missing. Help anyone?
  11. Yep. But the conversation has shifted somewhat, the OP is gone, and really . . . there isn't a simple answer for what was asked originally anyway, other than the answer about impersonating a Linden, or engaging in inappropriate conduct with a child avatar. Interestingly, the one person I knew well who was permabanned was impersonating a Linden, sort of. He had a parody "Ebbe Linden" Twitter account, and it was convincing enough to take in at least a few people. He wasn't doing it in-world though. Mind you, he was a pretty toxic personality all round, so there may have been other reasons too.
  12. Credit where credit is due, Love. You zinged me. 😏
  13. I got myself banned from about a quarter of the sex sims in SL at one point -- places I had never even been to! The irony is that I got along really quite well with the one sex sim owner who probably did have legitimate reason to be deeply annoyed at me. We chatted, he didn't ban me, and even invited me back. (Which I did, a few times.) Oh, and I was banned from a number of places during the whole RedZone thing. But that wasn't a surprise.
  14. He was at SLU for a while, I seem to recall? Around 2009 or so?
  15. This was on the old RA forum, so before mid-2009 or whenever we migrated. Trout didn't come along.
  16. I did make one of the subgroups of the FIC one year (so did Maddy). I never did get the secret decoder ring or the key to the executive washroom, however. The LWL happened just as I was in the process of ducking out of SL for a few years. As for Trout's list . . . he never fancied me.
  17. Those are essentially the Community Standards, the violation of which can (maybe, sometimes) lead to a suspension or even, in extreme cases, a ban. But the OP's question was specifically about what might lead to a permaban -- not just a slap on wrist or a few day's holiday from SL. And I don't think anyone really knows the answer to that, because there are a great many variables.
  18. Yeah, nice try Ceka. You're not fooling us. Only members of the Feted Inner Core deny that they know what it means.
  19. I'm betting they have more fun in the FIC. I've been in the Woke Mob for years, and we've yet to have a single party at which drinks were served.
  20. Ask me in a week or so, and I'll let you know. 😏
  21. One of the relatively few drawbacks I noticed when we transitioned from Windlights to EEP was that a few garments -- just a handful, really -- suddenly looked as though they had been bathed in mineral oil. They were, of course, no mod, so there was no way to fix the materials settings. I live in fear that half of my fairly extensive wardrobe is going to go the same way when we move to PBR, despite the reassurances of (mostly) backward compatibility.
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