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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Yeah, it was added later. The thread was closed by Kiera, but it was Harley who added the "explanation." When I came back to GD after posting my comment in this thread, above, that thread suddenly showed as containing unread posts -- i.e., Harley's. Whatever. LL. /me shrugs
  2. Wow. That was one hell of a weird thread. It reminds me a little of some much older ones that evolved around controversies like the new parcel rating system, when trolls and shiny new accounts with axes to grind were popping up like mushrooms. And . . . wow. LL really doesn't want us talking about this, do they? Not even an explanation this time. Peeve: I missed it all!
  3. What? You don't sit in your undies on your kitchen counter? Riiiiight.
  4. THIS!!! You see it even here sometimes, occasionally from people who should know better. SL is soooo diverse -- but a lot of us swim around in very small bubbles.
  5. Oh yes, I've certainly run across those before -- people who very deliberately decide to co-opt you into their exhibitionist fantasy RP. And yes, agreed: it's a form of griefing, a bit different perhaps from others who insist that you play along with whatever RP they are engaged in. I don't think this was the case here, though. I think she was probably just a bit clueless. /me "giggles" 🤢
  6. Yeah. I think there's a difference between "this is expected behavior" and "this is theoretically permitted here." There are places where one might go because one wants to experience that kind of oversharing. This very obviously was not one of them. I'm not, btw, "angry" at the woman in question. It was cringy and sometimes a bit gross, but I think she was just not very good at recognizing the nature of the place or the crowd. In some ways, I feel bad for her too: there was nothing "wrong" with what she was doing (although, yeeeeeesh . . .); she was just doing it in the wrong place. I think she probably got that message by the time she left -- and probably felt a bit embarrassed herself.
  7. So, not sure if this counts as a "peeve" or not . . . but . . . Last night at the club I regularly attend every Friday night, a guy TPs in with a woman whom he has presumably asked to dance. Woman almost immediately loses all her clothing, and begins some rather inappropriately public sex chat, accompanied by a great deal of "giggles!" (/me rolls her eyes). The club is adult, so no violation of the ToS, but it is not normal at this place for people to dance naked or engage in explicit sexual chat in public. Everyone was kinda embarrassed -- but most of all, the poor guy who'd brought her, apparently not realizing what was going to ensue. Eventually, he excused himself and left. Maybe a half an hour later, Naked Dancing Girl leaves too -- and almost immediately her original dance partner returns with a new woman, this time fully clothed. He joked a bit about his last partner, and worked very hard to establish that he was embarrassed too -- he tipped the DJ four times! He seemed a nice guy: I felt awful for him. So, hmmm, peeve? People who can't read the room and insist upon thrusting their over-the-top sexuality upon a community that pretty clearly didn't want to share in it.
  8. Go to the "Wearing" tab in your inventory, find the box, right click, and choose "Detach Item." There. I have made my worthwhile contribution to the forum for the day!
  9. I can genuinely say that a "IKR" and emoticon from you means more to me than a half page of prose from some others here. 🙂
  10. Bland reassurances that don't address the questions and issues raised aren't an "answer" -- they are an evasion. "Stay Calm and Keep Spending Your Money" is not an adequate substitution for a thoughtful response. As I am sure is happening. The forums are a pretty small fish tank, but LL might bear in mind some of the basic lessons of PR 101: get in front of a controversy, rather than sit on it hoping it will go away. I suspect they've just squirted a little bit of oil into a stil-manageable, but potentially troublesome fire.
  11. It was NOT answered. Keira's "point" doesn't begin to address the issues raised in that, or the previous thread. Frankly, LL's determination to shut down this conversation here is having the opposite of a "reassuring" effect upon me. If this is so harmless, why stomp out the discussion about it?
  12. Surprise surprise. Guess what just got locked, despite, so far as I can see, not contravening the forum guidelines in any way?
  13. This is an argument for deregulation of pretty much any and everything. Don't want to be slowly poisoned by pesticides? Stop eating veggies! Afraid your Tesla is going to suddenly accelerate into the back of a semi? Don't drive a Tesla! I have no such fears, myself. Anyone wanting info about me, personally, would be far far better served searching these forums: what they'd discover would serve as a wonderful soporific. The larger issue is how this might impact upon the platform as a whole, if it produces, intentionally or inadvertently, something that is, or is perceived to be, a "threat" to enough users.
  14. Good question! I think, as I've said above, that one of the more likely answers to that is probably compiling information about shopping habits, where people go, what they do, etc., in a way that might be monetized -- although it's always seemed to me that SL commerce is on such a small scale that no one is likely to pay much for such information. I think there is potential for it to be used to (very poorly) identify alts. Such information would be, again as I've said, full of inaccuracies -- but then so is alt detection by IP address, and there were lots of people ready to pay money for that. As I've said -- the threat, if there is one, is not clear yet. But this bears watching.
  15. Yeah. Sorry, Keira, but that too ignores (deliberately?) the nature of what can be accomplished with a really large data set. And telling us that we should, for our own "safety," not use to its full potential a tool that the platform provides for our use is hardly a reassuring or useful answer.
  16. Granted -- as I've said somewhere above, I'd love to hear their explanation of their motivations and intent. But it may not be anything more than selling the data to merchants, or enabling targeted ads / spam. Which, admittedly, is kind of awful too, but not a "threat" per se. I'm as, or more concerned about how this data might in turn be harvested by someone else with fewer scruples than the compilers might actually have.
  17. Well, he was a POS of a whole different order, as borne out by the fact that he ended up facing RL charges for scams entirely unrelated to SL. I've seen no evidence that BB is anything other than well-intentioned and benign. I certainly don't see it being monetized, which was xFire's whole thing. But whatever the intentions, I think it's worth keeping a close eye on this, because its impacts may be wholly unrelated to the original purpose of the data set
  18. As I said, it's far too early for lynch mobs or public executions. I've suggested this should be watched. I don't see that as a panicky or unreasonable response. You're also not really getting the "big / aggregate data" thing, are you? No one cares about your profile, Orwar.
  19. I agree. I've said it merits attention, not that we should be breaking out the pitchforks and torches. It's mere foolishness not to keep an eye on things that pose potential threats.
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