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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. Tell me where and I'll come and give you the kiss of life - to resuscitate you, naturally:)
  2. Parhelion Palou wrote: Here are two pictures from the other side. I didn't catch the scarf or the shoes unfortunately. It looks like you were drinking from the watermelon rather than eating it ... what was inside? I spent some time at the table admiring Trinity's melons
  3. LOL. Admit it, Ceka. I turned out to be far more handsome and desirable that you'd imagined
  4. Coby Foden wrote: There are bebug settings in viewers which will make griefer's graphics crash attempts futile. Look here for instructions (easy, nothing complicated to do): http://thegreenlanterns.wordpress.com/2013/05/12/debug-settings-to-make-graphics-crashers-obsolete/ Just out of interest... I decided to set the settings that the link stated and this is what I found... The LL viewer has the settings' values by default, so there's no need to do anything with the LL viewer. Singularity doesn't have any of the settings' values by default, so they should be set.
  5. But there are things for free, including L$. Money trees, camping, money chuckers, etc.
  6. They got too many holes in them from catching on sharp things on the ground.
  7. Over the moon Meaning: delighted The full 9 yards The full monty Meaning: the whole thing
  8. Just to set the record straight... Phil doesn't have any new shoes. What was new is that I was wearing shoes
  9. Ren Toxx wrote: One thing I noticed is that most of the spammers' names look more or less like 'thought out' ones, if you know what I mean... but a few seem the result of a person hurriedly (and somewhat indifferently) hitting the keyboard in a semi-random manner, kinda like saying 'as long as it's alphanumeric characters, it'll go through the system'. Now, I don't know much about automated spamming bots, but these don't quite look like fully computer-generated text strings... could it be then that there's actual human beings doing the registration process, even if they then pass each succesful username/password combination to a fully automated spamming system? And if so, would captcha methods really slow they down that much? It would depend on whether or not the spammer actually creates an account by hand. I think it's extremely unlikely. If this were the only forum that the spammer is spamming, or one of just a few forums, then yes, spammers may create accounts by hand. But they target hundreds or thousands of forums so they can't create accounts by hand. What they'll do is create a list of usernames either by hand or programmatically for their spam programme to use.
  10. Yes, I didn't write it as an excuse for LL. It was just some information for people here. There is no excuse. There is, as you suggested, a possible reason, which is that LL simply has no interest in the forum. That's been known for years anyway.
  11. A CAPCHA in the SL account creation process would help. It wouldn't need to be in the forum software. They could also implement one in the forum login process, although that would get in the way of computers logging automatically from stored usernames and passwords. This is just general:- What they can't do is ban the spammers' IPs and expect them to stop, because the spammers will undoubtedly be using what I think are called 'open relay' servers - other people's servers that have been set up sloppily enough that they can be used to relay page requests, and the pages come back via them. Email spammers use them. I don't know a lot about it but, some years ago, I did know enough to write a programme that made use of them. I created a directory website and I wanted to populate it very quickly using data from the Yellow Pages website. So, to avoid a continual stream of page requests from my IP being spotted by the YP site, and my IP being banned, I used a load of open relay servers to do it, spooling round them so that each one wasn't requesting pages too quickly. Even then, the YP site's auto-detect system temporarily banned an occasional IP address, but it didn't stop my programme from continuing unabated.
  12. You could make a vehicle that auto-runs on the mainland roads and put your ad on it Or even pay Annemarie to put your ad on her auto-road-running vehicles. The problem with that is that her vehicles end up stationary and looking like rusting junk, so your ads would be seen as out of date. Or, better still, pay someone who operates those point-to-point vehicles - the ones that actually work - to have your ads on them.
  13. That's because I didn't get any food at all. Everyone else was happily eating lots of it but there was no food in front of me
  14. Ty, Parthelion. The pics I saw were from the table ends. Yours is excellent for this particular purpose.
  15. Coby Foden wrote: See, Coby? It all works perfectly But I'm a bit disappointed that you turned your back on me
  16. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I finally got to meet Phil in-world yesterday morning. I looked at him a good long while, trying to determine if he was too big, too small, or just the right size. I'm still not sure, though I am positive that I am precisely the right size. I forgot to snap a pic of me sitting next to him. We could have used that to start a whole new argument discussion! ;-) It was a real privilege to meet you, Maddy If my memory is correct, we looked just right sitting next to each other so, unless you have incredibly short legs, our sizes are well matched To my knowledge, there were 2 pics taken of us together at the table. One was taken by Tex and is in his SL feed, and the other was taken by someone else and passed to me. Both are snaps of the 4 ofus at the table - Tex, Trinity, you and me - and don't show a frontal view of us side-by-side, but a good idea can be got from the one in Tex's feed.
  17. Summer Tison wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Summer Tison wrote: A sanwich short of a picnic That's another good one that we use over here (UK). That's because I am 'over here' too Well, if we are all over here, who is over there?
  18. like a blue-arsed fly Meaning: very vigorously; e.g. very fast. "He set off like a blue-arsed fly"
  19. Summer Tison wrote: A sanwich short of a picnic That's another good one that we use over here (UK).
  20. Ceka Cianci wrote: you two!! am i gonna have to pull these forums over and come back there?!! Am I? Noooo don't pull us over. You know what they say about breaking and making up. The best part is just around the corner
  21. Coby Foden wrote: But, I think we are done now. (I hope...). :matte-motes-yawn: :matte-motes-asleep: No quite done You didn't mention room sizes in your 'summary' post and it could easily have been assumed that, when you said that "everything" is in RL sizes, rooms were included. That's why I replied about it. Now perhaps we are done
  22. A few slices short of a loaf Mentally sub=-normal.
  23. Not a full shilling. Meaning: mentally sub-normal. A shilling used to be a unit of British currency, and still is the unit of Kenyan currency.
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