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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. Solar Legion wrote: Newsflash for you - I have e-mail addresses which are used for Second Life, I have an e-mail address that is used for PayPal. Neither of them has gotten this phishing attempt - or any phishing attempts. It's not Linden Lab - if it were, everyone that has ever used PayPal to pay them would have goten it. This is also a reply to your later post... Since it is only .de addresses that get it, it's reasonable to assume that the email was in German and wouldn't be understood by non-german speaking people, or that there is some other reason for only sending it to German people. And, if that's the case, then your bolded statement wouldn't apply.
  2. Freya Mokusei wrote: 'Many more'? No. If everyone in the world who recieved a phishing Email that said PayPal on it responded to my thread yesterday (all hundred million or other imaginary number), would this have proved the leak was somewhere in SL? No. One thing is certain. Those SL-dedicated email addresses were acquired from somewhere. On that, we can agree. It's true that an email travels the world, and passes through many systems, before it reaches its destination, and the addresses could have been garnered from some of the systems. It's also true that the many thousands of addresses were most likely gathered over a long period of time and, now that they are on the list, they'll no doubt be used for years by phishers and spammers. In the OP's case, there is one helluva coincidence that, out of ~100 addresses, only the SL-dedicated ones received the phishing shot, even though the OP has been using other addresses. That alone does suggest that the addresses were acquired from LL's end. If it weren't for that, then each dedicated address that received the scam could be put down to being picked up somewhere along the way when it was used or from a major site, such as gmail, being hacked. One site with lots of email addresses that are worth acquiring is, of course, LL's. Putting the OP's experience, and the fact that it's his/her own mail-server and not something like gmail, together with the other experiences of dedicated addresses, the balance of probability is, imo, that the dedicated email addresses were acquired at LL's end.
  3. Freya Mokusei wrote: I'd love for the OP to give me something even remotely supporting of their assumptions. Other people posting "I got Email from PayPal too" doesn't add anything to the OP's cause until they can determine that the attacks were connected. You are forgetting about those who posted that they got the email at their dedicated SL email address. It's those who show that it's not the OP who has inadvertently made a mistake somewhere. If it were just the OP's dedicated email address, I couldn't argue against your posts. But it's not just the OP's addresses. Other people have said that they got the email on their dedicated SL addresses. ETA. Someone posted that sites like SL do get hacked for email addresses. Don't you think that's true? If it's true, then, together with the multiple reports of SL-dedicated email addresses that received the phishing email, it does seem very likely that those email addresses were lifted from LL's end.
  4. The only information I have is what is written about dedicated SL email addresses, by a number of people, in this thread, Freya. It's all I have to go on. And the fact that it appears to be a lot more than just the OP, weighs heavily in the favour of those addresses being acquired at LL's end. The fact that the phishing is aimed at other, non-SL, .de addresses is irrelevant. What you can't do is what you've been doing throughout this thread - blaming it on the OP. You might have been able to if the OP was the only one but there are many more people with dedicated SL addresses who have also received the phishing email at those addresses. I disagree with you as to whether or not it's LL responsibility. It IS LL's responsibility to protect our private data, which includes our email addresses. I know that any protection cannot be absolute, but if/when it is breached, then it is most definitely LL's responsibility to take steps to try and ensure that it doesn't happen again. You said that you need something more concrete... How many people who receive the phishing email at their dedicated SL email address do you want before you accept that it's not likely to be each individual's own fault?
  5. Freya Mokusei wrote: I don't have any patience left to deal with you. If you've got actual evidence, paste it. You keep finishing with this thread but you keep posting more. The OP posted evidence in the first post. Other people have posted evidence too. It seems like you'll only settle for proof rather than mere evidence. I should comment on the 'evidence' that the phishing isn't just aimed at SL dedicated email addresses. The fact that that is so does not mean that emails addresses were not lifted from LL's end. The fact that the dedicated SL email addresses of several people in this thread and, I would assume, many more who don't use the forum, were included in the phishing does mean that they were lifted from LL's end. I don't see any other conclusion that can be drawn.
  6. I can't let your post go without responding, Freya. Freya Mokusei wrote: Suggest you remove that link, or swap the first part from http:// to hxxp:// so that it doesn't become clickable. Posting links containing probable malware is a quickfire way to get a slap. This issue has nothing to do with LL (anyone can send you spam, LL didn't send it), and they don't read this forum. If you really want to waste LL's time with this, see the Email address provided earlier in the thread. Again, phishing Emails are incredibly common, your data is your own duty to protect, none of this is any kind of big deal. Nobody has suggested that LL send the phishing emails, so those words were wasted. However, if the various reports in this thread are correct, and we have no reason to doubt them, it definitely IS something to do with LL in that the emails addresses were acquired from LL's system one way or another. You can't keep on believing that it's just the OP who made a mistake somewhere when other people in this thread have reported exactly the same thing. The evidence weighs heavily towards a breach at LL's end. I'm sorry, but that's rubbish. Data at MY end is for me to protect. Data at LL's end (e.g. our email addresses) is absolutely for LL to protect.
  7. Freya Mokusei wrote: To be clear, I never ridiculed you. I asked for information, you stonewalled. I provided other cases that don't match your hypothesis, you repeatedly ignored. There is nothing more I can do. I've read all of this thread so far (up to the post I'm replying to) and, to be fair, Freya, the evidence/experiences presented does weigh heavily on the side of the email addresses coming from LL's end.
  8. AnnMarie Otoole wrote: Why are there so many of the vehicles? I'm trying to provide good service with a vehicle about once every 10 minutes on average at any one road location. No you're not. Nobody wants the vehicles so the only person who you are providing a service to is you. And the service isn't transport. It's personal pride. What you do is a blight on the land, as everybody tells you, but you are so far into it that you daren't stop or it will be seen as a defeat. It's just pride.
  9. AnnMarie Otoole wrote: I finally got a response from Lindens, it turns out someone clicked the wrong "crime", it was meant to be object encroachment, not abusing a Linden . Encroachment happens with my vehicles. The silly part about it is their own regulations prevent them from telling you where the offense took place so there is NOTHING you can do to correct it. In RL the idea of punishment is to alleviate crime. In a dictatorship you just punish with no feedback to improve the quality of life and reduce crime. So I have no doubt the encroachment will repeat itself and I'll get suspended again but never know where it happened and how to fix it. Don't be so ridiculous. There IS something you can do about it. You can remove the vehicles. You're the only one who wants them as every public comment you've had about them shows.
  10. That's about the marketplace. It has nothing to do with an in-world store.
  11. It would be nice to be able to keep one special thing in my inventory but, unfortunately, it can't be guaranteed. Loads of stuff disappears. Even my V3 slow dance and my LoveScene animations are gone, alo9ng with a load of other animations. But, to answer your question, I've never had anything that I considered to be so special that I just have to hang on to it.
  12. valerie Inshan wrote: My skin. That's one helluva beautiful face you have there, Valerie.
  13. Sassy Romano wrote: When an anomaly in performance is experienced, it's quite normal to seek the views of others to help determine if it's a local issue or something wider. I don't see whining at all but a growing consensus of opinion that there may be an issue with nvidia or core LL viewer code in an area of the render pipeline. Don't worry about it. It's jwenting who is whining. It's what he does in the forum.
  14. Listen to the cockerel (post above this one). He may be a feather duster tomorrow but today he's a cockerel I couldn't resist that - sorry.
  15. My mistake. I read your word "sell" and got the wrong idea. I've just noticed that you want to rent it, and you can do that. I read the first few words of Freya'a post and it looks like she explained it, so I won't bother
  16. No. I'm not familiar with 'land usage' but I'm assuming that's it's the same as the tier-free 512m that premium members get, in which case, it can't be disposed of. Land can be disposed of, of course, but not the ability to own land without paying tier.
  17. You can easily cut several small parcels and then join them to make the size of parcel you want. E.g. four 64x64s.
  18. When you buy a parcel of land, the box has an option to buy it for the group. I've never clicked that button so I don't know if you can select the group after you click it or if you need to have the group already activated - like you need for setting and deeding to a group. If I were to do it, I'd definitely have the right group already activated - just in case.
  19. Group land can be quite confusing. It's too early in my day for my brain to wrap itself around your problem but, if you haven't already dealt with it, I can say that selling group land to yourself only serves to complicate it further when you are at or near the limit for your tier level. That's because, when the land is group-owned, you can have an extra 10%, but not when it's privately owned, which it will be if you sell it to yourself. So if you are at or near the tier level limit, taking the 10% into account, changing some of the land to privately owned (by you) can push you up a tier level. Thankfully, there is absolutely no need to sell the land to yourself. In the Group's box, just make sure that the Owner ROLE is the only role that has the "Pay group liabilities and receive group dividends" option checked in Allowed Abilities. That way only the owner (you) will receive money that comes to the group via a land sale. You should know that, when group land is sold, you won't receive the money at the time of the sale. You'll get it the next day. So, if that option is NOT set for other members (roles) in the group, and then you sell the land without first selling it to yourself, there won't be a problem. Just out of interest, the simple way to work out how much group-owned land you can have at any particular tier level is.... (tier level amount + the tier-free 512) + 10% For instance, for the 4k tier level, it would be.... 4096 + 512 = 4608 +10% = 5068 It's actually 5056 because of the 16 sqm minimum size that land can by divided into. So to be at the 4k tier level, you can have 5056 sqm as long as it's all group owned. But, if you have a group-owned 4096 and decide to go up to 5056 by buying the extra land for yourself and then deeding it to the group, you will go into the next tier level up briefly, and you will have to pay the extra tier for that month. To avoid that, the extra land must be bought for the group. I don't know if any of that helps with your problem, or even if you still have the problem, but it might be interesting anyway ETA: Just out of interest.... for a while, tier donations to a group aren't critical. A group can own more land than it has tier donations for so, if there's a problem there, don't worry about it. There is plenty of time to sort it out. On the other hand, land ownership IS critical. If you own 1 sqm more land than your tier level, even for just a fraction of a second, you will be charged that higher tier for that month.
  20. s Ima said, it's because multiple copies of the item can be rezzed, therefore you need to pay more for that facility. Your idea of buying low and selling high doesn't work because the no copy perm can't be changed by the buyer to the copy perm. A person could try to sell the no copy item high, of course, but if the customer looks around it can be seen that it's a rip-off.
  21. Freya Mokusei wrote: At risk of agreeing with you twice in one day (gosh! I promise I'm not developing a crush, even though I did like your shoes)... LOL!
  22. That's the place - The Elbow Room. I only went there a few times and it was packed each time.
  23. There was a very brief period when LL staff told users that businesses were allowed on Homestead sims. Then, when lots had been sold, they said that businesses are not allowed on Homestead sims, and lots of people had been 'cheated' out of money by LL. So you did right not to allow such things on your Homestead sims. The other thing is that I knew a tiny club - 10m x 10m at the most, including a bar, and I think it was actually smaller - that used to get packed every day. Unfortunately I've forgotten its name, but incredibly tiny clubs are possible.
  24. It's something that I've never been involved in but the simple way is to do a search in SL on the word 'weddings' or 'wedding ceremony'. That should turn up some wedding event organisers. Then take it from there.
  25. Sorry, Freya, but it had to be said
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