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Poenald Palen

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Posts posted by Poenald Palen

  1. I would send a notecard and IM the owner, unless they have another policy in thier profile.

    There might be a ticket you can file for it, or a bug report you can add our upset and disdain to.

    I will mention that as  merchant on that site, I have heard of the new system they are working on to reduce the failure rate and eliminate the 'magic box' that people blame for this.

    Even if they fix it there is only so much they can do. But, RAM can fail and networks have cross talk, collisions and so on. The amount of stuff that streams in SL is HUGE because everything you see is usually loaded across the net. But, there is a way to handle this! If the item was not a trans item and the owner has any customer support you simply ask them! They can see your order, if it got that far. They can easily just find your name and hit rediliver! I have done it and I try to check my list and contact people if the marketplaces system was able to detect a nondelivery. I even randomly used to check a bit back, I heard it was not as much of a problem...I think I will have to start randomly asking if they got their orders!

    Thanks for mentioning this, I will keep an eye on my marketplace stuff and I hope others will try to do this, if they are able to.

    Shopping in world is nice sometimes. I wish there was a "lag report" that is like a weather report lol. Then, you can check it and see "no deliveries. Failing Teleports and asset servers slow in x region with a grefier attack at y sim" and sort of just avoid the bad areas or skip logging in lol.

  2. Thakns for the response! Yea, when I learned they where using BVH I sort of looked at the files and immediatly got a notion there was a reason. Maybe streamed animation, with some mocap siute! I didn't know what had gone on with mocap since I saw it way back in the day, about a decae ago lol. SL was so...well....'rough' compared to a fluid and 'real' virtual world that many dream of, I keep looking for future proofing or stuff that is sort of in place to allow more cooler features to be added soon. I figured it was so specific with it's frames that it allowed streaming. They could have used soemthing else and relied more on the viewers built in animations, which would be less streaming and more codable to allow hands to wrap on things or fingers to push buttons. But, instead they send a file that is limited with no real world info activity. Obviously, if you where wearing a VR helmet YOU would guide it, you would be the "program" that puts the finger on the button! Smart move LL!? OR...was it all just faster and more based on how poser was doing anims? I didn't know about poser so much, but now I figure it is all sort of just what was fastest and easy for users to work with, since poser was standard and fast to learn for a resident.

    I am totally not a software engineer, nor network engineer. I have only peaked at some SL viewer code that is on the open source site. So...yeah, I am not programming this all up this weeken or anything lol. BUT, I did hear they already worked on this before even the 360 had this launched. So, I know the companies who make these boxes must be talking to gaming industry folks, and LL is sort of in the same catagory.

    But, yeah, gestures hat are similar to moves make sense. It is faster, still gets you moving and you can do stuff like acrobatics without breaking a few bones! lol. I can't imagine people getting carried away and all the antics of residents teaching each other back flips through youtube lol. Then there is all the other activities. But I mean, these days people have some sim gear in thier living rooms, hydrolics and so on! No shakign game pads for some adults who game, nope they want full simulators and maybe even real bleeding one day...you never know, some people are a little crazy about realism.

  3. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Arc

    I didn't think I would have to post this. But since I looked it up out of interest myself, here it is!


    I mean, there is this to: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Culling

    and maybe a few other things that are easy to find and understand about the rendering pipeline. As well as the open source code.

    Of course, the point of the post is to find the stuff that is maybe NOT seen in simple wiki entries. But, since I was looking this up and it points to a few examples (someone jsut mentioned copying a prim...um, it depends what is in view maybe? I mean, if some verts are not visable because they are behind another prim....does this get culled? These are some questions I am asking..so, here are the links above might help people seeing what I as saying about "other stuff" happening with ALL of the components and also teh file...I mean, how to all those prims get stuck into a link? It doesn't happen by magic, there is a file to make this happen. And if you copy one....well, my thought is "Compression!" but everyone elses is "Stupid LL math" so....I can't really say, because maybe the linked objects are NOT compressed and I don't know this....so, I hit the wiki! This is part of my job with cars, so I am reading it over again lol.

  4. There software has to do stuff before it turns it over to OpenGL.  I assume they are using this and also taking into account the "average" or mean range of PC hardware.

    To be honest, you bus speed and GPU all work at different rates AND we also have different thresholds. So this number is known, from the start, as a sort of generel guide. It can help a creator who wishes to weigh in how much impact he might have on some of the customers. It is a quick way to sort of do it, obviously user testing and getting your users to use ctrl+alt+1 and ask them all the info might help a bit more. Screen shots and checking out there settings help, or simply adding in a quick script to let them change some things. Like shiney. It is different under the newer lighting system AND that lighting system might change. But, videos, movies, and pics are all over the net with that system! So, all I can do is add a menu item to my models and send out updates. Now I need to put in a update script to handle any more future updates easier, hand sending is hindered by the new system that allows profiles to be locked from public view! When I started out I don't remember this being an option. So, things change, I have to change my product. If people use ARC, then I would have to be a bit concerned or offer an alternative of the attachment, right? Well, maybe not BUT if enough people have issues it helps.

    That is why it is good to have freinds. They can test stuff for you...and you all figured you where just loved freinds of the 1000+ they had on thier facebook? They could always pay a pro, so you might still be simply loved...heck, maybe they have a great deal of love for humans in general...or furries or whatever!? I am not trying to put anyone down, but if you know people you can know the market a bit better, and ARC's math is irrelevent. It has something as a base, but no one cares about it...so whenever anyone mentions it they see it as propaganda to put them down as if they are not a "green" or community concious person. The funny thing is, SL was supposed to take up as much electricity as it took to feed a brazillian....so, I mean...you could feed a person of the joules of energy you use to power you PC, the network hardware and LL's servers etc. So, really and truly you could argue they are all evil, no ARC needed to prove anything! It is all perspective, there are so many things to consider and the total economics of energy use, what entertainment costs in joules that is NOT as simple as SL and so on....well, you can get into some long equations that have these odd bits that is where you almost make stuff up. Then you remember the phrases and qoutes about statistics and figures being lies or as good as them.

    So, it is all much ado about nothing...which is why epic threads can be made out of it! If it where simple people would accept it and carry on. It if funny to see what is NOT on forums here! It is funny to try and think about what is NOT asked!

  5. I think so much of Sl looks the same, newer people don't know about private sims and then there is just plain ol' "if they leave build on, then they must wish for common use!" and I sort of half way agree. Now, driving a vehicle based item up on land and leaving it, even though build is off, and then using a bot over and over...I sort of don't care to report them BUT..yeah, sort of a bit silly. The land has build turned off for a reason, right?

    Squatters rights is a funny thing to see practiced in a virtual world. I would think people have better things to do, they can get an open sim or maybe even learn how to use one of dozens of game engines that import 3D objects and learn a bit to have fun making much better and permanant things! These game egines can be free, though I admit they are a little more complex. But, OpenSim can be run on your own computer and is all from SL with the open source Sl communities additions and is basically a adaption of SL's sim!! It looks, works and has almost all the same abilities! It is a free download. You will have to figure out how to let others log in, but the wiki for opensim will help you out.


    These days you can find rentals for 1L each prim! So, around 1024 can be 250L with 250 prims.

    But, this reminds me of when I was new. I basically would hop around the map via just clicking it. I dropped into peoples houses when they where partying, flew around trying to find these people and couldn't figure out where they where hiding (I didn't know how to overcome the flight limit) and thought it was all public areas and people somehow just hung out there or they got rights to use it. I encountered privatly owned land and knew it, they had barriers up! So, it made sense. Private land ='s barriers. So, everywhere else is free and open to hanging out in! Private convo's in IM and on barrier protected land, all others are willing to meet people! My feelings where confirmed when I dropped into a party and would have people just say join in, they didn't mind and it was not exactly private.

    A little later, once I learned sandboxes where better and I had a store and understood all this a bit more I dropped into a place that used to be a hangout with a small track. The land was sold and the home there had no door for me to get out of. I tried camming around to find a place to sit, I really did NOT want to be there and just wanted to look to see if part of the land had a TP, maybe not all of it had been sold? The person was upset and started asking if I would leave. They where knew and didn't know how to eject? I mean PLEASE eject me, I thought. I continued to look for something outside to sit on and got out. It turned out the person was sort of role playing, judging from the talk they where having with each other. So I was a disturbing lost intruder that was confused lol. Well, that part was not so much a role play, I thought I had the wrong place by accident, wrong LM etc.

    So, sort of dont' notice much as I sort of don't watch people to close or know who owns what around me. BUT, I do know there is a LOT of abandoned land and people where selling stuff on that. You just make avehicle and drive it up on the abandoned land. Some of it has no auto return...well, it didn't used to. Now they are changing things and I bet this also gets changed. It looks like a protest, but I see cars (which are vehicles) parked on abandoned road sides as I test drive. I don't AR, but there is a policy about selling on Linden Land! And abandoned land is owned by the Governer, so counts? Not sure. I don't bother either way. I figure it si a protest, but who knows...maybe an earner? I think people buy clothes more than cars, and a clothes store can be made into a vehicle, as can anything. You drive it up, hop out and leave while it sits there. I imagine if people go ttogether they could AR until they are sick and then they might make a bot to check teh govs land and kick stuff off it and the bot could even auto generate a AR file to stash away...btu why bother?  They could do it already, but wont. We see more bot power put into some SL merchants greeting and modelling systems than they put into this? LOL. Millions in the back, but the little dress maker with a some role play town stores has more bot power than the gov hs to handle squatters? BTW, I don't know of any 'dress makers' that do this, but do remember getting the bots greeting me at a few locations. I remember one would walk you to a location and was explaining the product and service they offer you and it walked back to wait for another to serve! Just sort of joking, but maybe not so much.

  6. There are lots and lots of softwares that handle .dae. I wouldn't expect the Lindens to cover all that, BUT a mention of those packages that do have the right .dae file export to work with SL import might help people to at least know which and try them and document anything interesting they might need to. Plus, the companies might be glad to have a person quickly investigate it and make a tutorial, mention it on thier forums and so on. So, it can be a good thing to have a list, I feel. I remember reading about the sculptie exporter made for Rhino in it's forums. Considering some software companies also have plug-in makers, you never know which might make stuff and will add it all on thier own. So I can see how docs on that might not be a big deal because there are so many that might benifit from doing the work. Tonnes of software packages..

    Anything to do with LSL that is sort of different for mesh is a great help. Texture animation comes to mind. Physics stuff. Vehicle stuff. Scripting for setting shiney ect. I mean, surely this is easy for others to think up rather than me. I figure you get my drift. Some things might be different, even if obvious. Obvious stuff to some is not always obvious to others. 

    Anything to aid in higher performance. Lag busting and performance are something many think about, at least a little bit. I wish I had recently used some new techniques, but forgot to even check up on what was capable! So, maybe another effort to advertise documentation lol. If we don't know it exists, we can't use it. Which is a  

  7. Obvious use: Sell higher poly models that a person will lower poly and texture all their own. It means two things.


    1. You choose all the physics box, level of detail and so on. So basic performance issues on the sim creators environment are all under thier own control for newer people who log in and don't want to delve into preferences settings for higher performance.

    2. Notecards are free and save the seller finding a host and all the issues associated with that.

  8. Those are big peas! Plus, they seem to be getting sucked into some kind of a black hole! It is hard to say, SL has odd physics!

    Ok, now I am totally off topic! The size of peas in SL is not worthy of a thread on it's own. Ok, back to topic.

    Yeah, I think they will be more agressive with prim counts and the overall costs of uploading ect. But, if something has less verts, less file size to load and so on....why not make it cheaper and make an incentive for more to use these! Optimize SL via meshes looks and overall cost reduction, as well as sort of spruce some areas up a little to keep things interesting and give old wayard users something to look at again?

    But, yeah...the subsurf thingy and some other issues really add up. I was shocked at what was only 1 prim and all the wonderful holes and angles with sharp edges! I hope we get more materials and more control over shine at least! 

  9. Hey, don't worry. There is a tool arriving that lets you convert prims into mesh. The real thing that might be worth learning though is about mesh in general and how it is textured with SL's COLLADA files.

    Why care? You don't have to! You don't even have to mess with the prim to mesh export software that will most likely be around in August or possibly before. You don't have to care, you can build with prims and buy or pay for mesh you wish to use. It might help to learn about the textures and materails. This is a change. You can put 8 textures and colors BUT there are things to learn here. I can't get into it here. But, you don't need to know how to model to texture! Just how to deal with it via the SL client and understand what is where on your map that you get from the mesh maker. If there is not one...well...this is something you might wish to learn about. But I am betting 99% of full perms mesh makers will put in UV maps with verts and outlines ect. to help you paint up the parts to make the look you want AND will have a AO layer you can drop on and set to get it all looking a little more real! 

  10. I heard two things. 1st was AO integration or improvements. I already have heard of third party clients using the AO thing. You drop it in and viola. The next thing I heard about is LL would be adding this, maybe. BUT they where using the old "Rag doll" avatar physics stuff or something to make a posing thingy inside the SL client.

    OK, another  one I heard about was they where going to use the Kinect with a project they where already working on that sort of didn't get completed or they stopped working on it. It would use the Kinect to control the avatar.

    So my question is this. Has any third party started work on this? OR combining rag doll physics based "bones" and weights with the Kinect project. In other words YOu can sort of move your avatar with your own body attached to points. Lets say Hips (not all directions because you are sort of taller or shorter and camera angle ect.) with hands and legs. If you move in a certain way, you don't mess up your avatar to much. I mean, it is not a great solution....it might not work to well due to your body being different and so on. Plus, the sctreaming of all that info would end up delayed and lagged...not so fun, but people have learned to deal with this when using online jamming sites by just adjusting your timing to jump in early and you get used to it.

    Ok, the next idea though is simple enough. A Kinect through to control would mean that when you are on a scritped stand, pose ball or whatever that all the control keys get taken over and you are then able to trigger them. SO, you would move your arm forward or move in a running pattern and it would trigger forward key. then, if you walk back, backward. Obviously animations could be made and it would sort of make this all sort of neat. You can imagine that it could be used for all kinds of fun stuff and gets people on thier feet a bit.

    So...anything? Or is the kinect thing all worn off and people forget about it as it collects dust in the back of thier TV stand dvd storage cabinet? I don't have a kinect, but I seriously have looked into other inputs into SL, I think it is neat BUT I lack the coding knowledge and have my hours available to work drastically reduced. Sadly, I am getting to old to teach new tricks and can't do much each day....besides...they already worked on a video control thing like Kinect! The rag doll physics is like back in 2007 and 2008 or earlier! This stuff is stagnant....wow, I need to move into the animation business. There simply isn't any interest in it but from the purchasers of animations....doesn't everyone in SL buy at least one 10L animation at some point for something? lol. 

  11. Hhm. I was refering to the script limits that are arriving sometime in the future. These where mentioned as part of an effort to make SL more scalable, in order to handle growth. Not only growth of population but growth of "stuff" in inventories.

    There is another component to it that would give each avatar a "pool" of resources for thier scripts attached to them. So, the idea is hair will be borken, people will scream and makers get angry notecards lol. If a script is sitting inactive it still takes up resources from a server, but far less. They can add up and that is one of the things they where talking about. Hair with scripts in each prim will be dead! So a rash of prim resizers, color changes ect. where made and put in the library lol.

    But, I don't know about these limits, as far as what they will be. So, I figure CPU cycle/time, and KB's...right? I guess you know as much as anyone, which seems to be not much at all lol.

    The NDA was in reference to anyone on LL's script limit alpha, beta or otherwise.

    BTW, since I am here. You can find free fonts and even some guidelines to use if you search for "Tango icons" but these are under some open license...I assume you would need to check all that out.

    Anyway, neat project. Good luck as I know LSL can be tricky!


  12. The whole world has problems with catagories! I mean, no SL but RL to. Langauge is so messed up as we try so hard to communicate things that there are texts people do not understand due to jargon. There sort of is no other way but to keep learning and not get to stressed. So much overlap and decisions.

    For instance. By purpose there would only be ONE forum in this set. Creation.

    If you decide to look at it by tools then you have. Texturing. Building. Sculpts, mesh and animated textures.....oops, already messed up. Maybe they use a hand painted set of tools for thier frame based animated textures? Maybe they use video and then use a program simlar to texturing.....So....then we get to Animation and we see a large mess.

    Animation of avatars, animations of prims, animation of camera (this sort of is animated, if you script it to do so), Texture animation creation (different than just using the final texture in world) and then you have the fact that LSL is used in 90% of animated projects! So should there be an "Animation Focused LSL" catagory or simply only one for prim animations that covers any LSL considerations? Should that one be under LSL or Prim Animation section? Crazy stuff.

    Mechinima artists might be more likely to use animation due to the avatar being a large focus and moving being the big point of what they do.

  13. Um, you turn down draw distance and maybe adjust the network speed lower (or higher if you have an isp that plays nice with that) but the main issue I think will be textures loading. At least it is for me. So, I just enable the advanced menu's and the viewer 2's Develop menu and then hunt down "Disable Textures" and click that. In viewer 2 it will stay off. 1.23 would turn textures back on when you restarted the viewer and that is fine, because you need to load some textures of the place or the objects you wish to use most of the time anyway. It will leave stuff grey if you leave it on all the time lol. But, it helps a little when you are just wanting to stay in one area and not travel sim to sim.

    This sounds weird, but turning off water helps a bit. But the fastest and highest gains in Frames Per Second will be with changing your monitors resolution down to about 800X600. YOu will need to shrink the UI in the ctrl+p preference window somewhere. It is a slider, just go all the way to the left to 0.75 and then try out 800X600 resolution and also maybe put the hz up on your monitors settings, 70+ is nicer and smoother looking. 85hz is easy to get on most monitors at 800x600 and you might even see higher, for a CRT. Now, the flat LCD or whatever style are maybe different.

  14. Wow, this might work out well for many who wish to sort of make thier own multihud!

    My question is...how will you prepare for the new script limits? Will this product be better for that, or not much different from present multi funtion Huds, as far as Kb's and number of scripts go?

    I say this because I know an avatar that might be interested, so I will quickly ask these questions here and now since I am logged in. Plus, others might like to see the answers and it helps us understand the product a bit more. Thanks for any response!

    EDIT: I do not want anyone under any NDA to be trpped up here, so if there is any beta with script limits testing...please watch you don't get in trouble! lol.

  15. This is such a funny thread, not because of the odd boots pic BUT....no one has really delved into the thought I was expressing in the title or maybe answered it by showing a growing trend of SL mimiced items.

    Clarisa Llowell sort of got at what I was wondering when she said: (qoute) "That first pair could be good for someone with a leg injury, skin condition or prosthesis. Well, there must be a reason it was created."

    I was thinking they might have made them as a sort of laugh or to express the times. But, yeah...people with bad legs of prothesis! Since there are military females that might have fake legs but still want to go out and look pretty? Those girls are few and many times rougher or more into jeans and t shirts lol. Well, it might have been from a request they recieved from a person with leg injuries? Who knows, but the designer! I don't know, BUT...people collect shoes, right?

    So, I think this is a hint at capturing the times and it might be directly inspired by investigating SL's Stilleto Moody news story that circulated about millions in sales of fake world shoes! OR possibly a hint at the times and the plastic surgery that is so much well known and transhumanism...the material girl over the true deeper meaning shoes came into existance...as armour and protection from the elements....BUT, the most protecting shoes don't show off the healthy skin or the legs. So, transhumism almost starts with heels, as well as plastic surgery! It makes you legs look longer, makes you look taller!! Fake, not true height and it was very early way of working around a flaw....these shoes go back to the basics of what was seen as healthy...clear skin was sort of youthfull, but not zitty so the women was not a young young women. She was clean and was healthy and young. Then, from shelters and basic clothing comes shoes! Eventually it is NOT about preservation of healthy skin that already exists, it becomes about long distance signaling! It becomes abour face to face manipulation of reality! Heels are early ways you created an "virtual reality" of your height! You are not tall, BUT you are Virtually taller because of the shoes! Since SL could have been part of the study...well, they chuckle at the feet they see in a news article, viola...we have fake person skin looking boot shoe things!

    Since many companies have people who watch news for industry upstarts, new trends and news on thier own brand (ironically, one of them might be reading this...uh...HI! :P ) well..you see, if they read of Stilleto Moody and then look at the shoes in SL they would see the feet sculpts! A world where they sell the feet to fit the shoes! So, you can get new FEET if you don't like the ones you where born with! What a funny thought about what people will do for fashion! Then the thinking and talks continue, viola....these boots are born with flesh color leather, like the ones in the picture first seen in this post thread!

    I am surprised though. Am I the only one who sees a deeper story, that wonders really and truly "What where they thinking? Seriously, I think it must be something more than that they look good" and..well, nope. People see the thread and figure it is a critique thread lol.

    Are you all such material girls (and guys) that you did not see something funny in it, something commenting on the times BUT..just saw ugly and had to post they where ugly!? lol. Anyway, yeah...they look uncanny!

  16. Um, I used to keep a freinds list. I went through different phases. I just kept them all, if the person was not heard from I would remove them. 

    Then I removed all of them and just kept cards! This was odd for some. But people didn't even remember who the heck I was and sent me friend add requests...I think Imust have made zero requests to others....not sure, but I am thinking only once of twice max because they wanted to TP me and I thought I had to...but even then I think I just asked for a LM lol.

    Now, zero freinds list. No way, I can't have freinds due to stalking. Yeah, people are that odd and really don't wish to connect when they get contact from a stalker. I mean,they pry or say stuff that lets me know they have talked to them...but besides a gag order I can't see why they would do this? Alas, I don't know and care not as I have to many life destroying happenings occuring to me.

    I think the landlord was my last add, and I removed him weeks later and just kept the card. If I need to communicate with someone over something I look them up and IM or notecard send via profile. If they are no in there...well, bye for good then! I think I have like 2 cards in my inventory, I really need to delete those soon as well! I have a different landlord now anyway, he doesn't chat much (to me) and that is good.

  17. I will not mention specifics, although I did start going through a list. I will post the website page address to the offiical collada list at thier wiki (I mena, as official as a wiki page can be, it can easily be behind or have dead links) and also mention that some programs have exporters and the collada.org site can help you with all that. 


    It is a large list, so be forwarned. 

    I will also mention there are conversion programs available (I think some are in that list) so you can always use a neat feature of one to make a .obj file and then epxort and work on it in a supported program! In many respects, this is the power of mesh. Before arbitrary mesh to sculpt was pretty dodgy and got ugly results (form what I remember seeing) so this is the power of using mesh, freedom to use one of many many softwares AND use almost all with export and convert capability.

  18. Um, I guess the shortest answer is...."I have no life" and "I have no money, SL is free" and "I like virtual reality, SL is sort of like that (sans helmets and such)" and "I used to always want to make or mod video games" and..or....well, basically. "I have no life, SL is free to try out, virtual reality is interesting, I need money and skills to make more, and I like the idea of making video games way back and it still makes me smile to think of the zaney games I could make" Instead, I make sort of boring normal stuff that is much less zaney than I would like. Yeah, I should have been the guy making Angry Birds or something. Heck, even teh farmville game was one of those games I would have liked to make because I like simulated endevour based games AND farming is sort of neat to think about. But, nah....I sat around here and suffer insanity alone with no money and no life....so...I guess the real answer was "I have no life" because if I DID have one or a chanve of one I would have made zaney games and you might have all been chuckling at my games right now on your small computing devices. 

    To think far back to the day I sat and gave up c-64 programming because I always coudl learn it when I was older....I kick myself. Now I have to much going on. Back then I could have made the sci fi game I wanted to, the extreme sports game. But today it takes me like 10 times as long as anyone AND I am still a quiter....not a good combo at all. But I still go back and try, which is how I have over a gig of files of 3d objects, textures made from scratch or render, bits of sculpted objects, even almost 3-4 compolete vehicles all not complete....now mesh arrives HA....ha....h...ah, I can't really laugh much at it right now as it is sort of rather sad to think back at myself trying to understand BASIC. With LSL, I can't remember the functions and need to keep looking up the wiki and "know" I can use this one set of functions with some thing and BAM I hit a road block or don't get why the operator wont work the way I thought it would (logic stuff) and blah blah blah. It is just sad.  

  19. I have drove dozens of sim and I say "same old" BUT with odder prim bouncing now...well, now and then. BUT, I didn't do it with others in an event.

    Um, they talked about giving different attention to different sims (when M LInden was here) and they where doing away with the notions of Class 5 always having x amount of resources or whatever. They said they where moving toward giving more power to the sims that need it, like physics heavy sims. But I can't imagine you guys not practicing before filming or at least sort of floating around a bit and deciding what to do. Wouldn't that give the sims more attention and power for physics stuff? Those sailing boats use wind and so on, they are using the physics engine for sure! I can't beleive they don't have this working. I drove almost flat out on a homestead sim the other day, granted it was very ver sparse with like less than a dozen scripts on it's telepors and group sign up boards. It had 2 megaprim tracks on it, identical ones with only a few thousand prims on it. It was alright, I got super speedy laps and stressed it a bit and it was fine! I mean, I was testing collision handling stuff, so I was hitting the edges and fences now and then to! Homstead sims are not known for being good track sims. Maybe it is the sims needing restarted? Maybe this is something your Linden contacts where doing?

    I also will add that all the Viewer 2 issues are sometimes related to vid settings possibly different(ctrl+p and dig through that), http textures (turn them off in advanced menus), auto downloading newer versions(turn off tha tfeatures via ctrl+p and then check out the tabs for settings...I dont' remember where it is at) and also there is a issue of it crashing and so on due to inventory cache issues that I don't see any solution for but to spend 2 days logging in over and over every time it crashed and eventually it gets better. Yeah, I deleted the folders .secondlife and original and installed from a manal download. There is more to it than just those folders? Either way, it sorted itself out mostly. I am not defending it, just sharing my experience. I lost hours of work worrying if it would stop and contemplated switching to the other viewer. Figured it was worth sending in crash reports and also seeing what a newer person who does not seek out or hear about 1.23 viewers has to deal with. I am not defending it, but pointing out it was buggy and also has the previously mentioned flaws.

    I was testing steering for mainland driving, which I reluctantly am working into the turn adjustment lists...I am not so happy with mainland driving BUT do look on the brightside that it will work and exploring is fun. The only reason I did is due to requests and an incidence of finding a car crashed beside the road just one sim away! They went out to the rez area at the roadside that was right in front and basically didn't make it one sim length before crashing it off the road! It was reccomended for a track, which was an insinuation to not bother with mainland and that car. It has agressive steering and no adjust that is controllable to make it lower. Still, people buy a race car with racestripes and all and drive it on mainlands itty bitty 2 laners with massive lag lol. Those roads make people want to drive and I bet they ruin driving for a lot of people, which is why I stopped bothering with roadside as a serious investment in location searching. Sad.

    I guess this is so unproductive I need to just stop now! I don't feel I am bashing LL, I am not. But, saying "same old same old" is very much not a good spirit tohave about it. I wish I could give people tips, figure out what to do....but, alas....there really seems like nothing can be done. It is like barbi's car vs. a R/C racer....cars are looked at as being ornamental and they are not very cool or fast. Just toys for slight momentary role play with peoples digital dollies. Sad really.

    As far as Real LIfe sailing...well, I can only suggest you look at what Formula X Rocket Racing plane racing has done. They made a stand alone game and then worked on an iphone one and some new stuff. But I imagine the whole idea is virtual world based and using the existing community to sort of make something different. But, I can imagine a sailing sim being wonderful if there was some nice coastline to see. No goal, no racing or anything even! Being able to get out and mingle would be neat! Oh, now I remember that one new online world with cars that was arriving soon a few months back!! Wow, another diversion!

  20. Wow, 3 months to brace ourselves and hold on while we all redo parts and test and compare till we get what we want to look the way we want, work the way we want and so on! I tried a few bits and was shocked at the neat factor of being able to put holes in things with great ease! Air vents for every item and grills are a whole new level of fun to think about and design! Although, sometimes restrictions can really bring about different thinking. Suclpties did not really work to well for me, I am hoping meshes will unleash a great new product line and be a joy to work with instead of the feeling of a neccessary evil that I had felt with sculpties. The sad thing is, I sort of was getting more out of test builds with sculpts and had some fun projection painting and it opened up new ideas for me. All of those things I found out though are all helpful for mesh as well! So, yeah! Happy fun in the later part of the year for me. Until then, I will now accelerate my learning schedule to match with that, all things being equal in RL.

  21. First of all, thanks everyone! I know this is very unscientific BUT some tools are very popular and hearing of those is a help. I don't expect to make everyone happy but at least this is a starting point and I can reduce soem upset. Technically it is better to detach all of the HUD's when driving...but I can't expect that because people would get upset and who am I to say they should detach it if they are allowed it at the sim they are at!

    On the ARC does not = lag. I read that stuff. I don't have fast hardware! I also mentioned it is "hard core" and that means it is a bit on the odd side lol. I mention ARC becuase it DOES mean something and I don't want to lag others PC's with my av loading when I TP in or come into thier draw distance. I mean, they already have my car to load...why see my clothes when it makes my car a cloud of floating blobs? They see the car mostly anyway, so...I sort of keep it low lag for anyone with slower hardware.

    Having said that...well, it I was really "hard core" about reducing lag....well, no vehicles rezzed EVER is more effective! lol. But, it is fun to work on cars here and that is why I like it and keep doing it. It is what  I use it for, BUT if it helps me and also lowers streaming more prims and textures to people encountering my avatar...then good! Less ARC does make SL work a little bit smoother for some people, so I see no down side and just use an ugly or boring av lol.

  22. Um, OpenSim is what you might want to see. There are a few that left and went to opensim and I think one grid allows you to connect your server to it...maybe another one or two as well. Some are very low cost, but lack soem scripting and physics stuff. No vehicles is the general thing I notice. They also have a different land mapping thing (I made a neato offroad terrain and was unable to convert it and get around to uploading it etc. AND didn't want to rent a sim in world just to play around with terrain import...long story from a while back lol) and....yeah, no vehicles is all I remember.

    Now, I say that BUT I did see that there is some kind of vehicle because some guy built Le Mans replica on a bunch of sims! Now, that is the great thing about no 100usd$ plus sim costs! You can make a HUGE expanive area and have some fun.

    They do have physics engines BTW. But no vehicle code. I think you might still be able to use llMoveTo and scoot around. But it is not the same!


  23. EDIT: I just noticed the notation has > and another arrow. Well, I am assuming the normal looking arrow is the arrow key BUT the > one might be the mouselook based turn detect that also can be triggered via holding shift while pressing a turn arrow key left of right! Sorry about the below, but I will leave it to maybe help you if you are still trying to get it to work. But, so far my thinking is > ='s Shift key + Right Arrow key.

    Well, I don't know about that board BUT I do script using the control event and that is the event that takes keyboard inputs.

    Well, the arrows could mean seconds. He might have a timer that counts each second.

    I can also think you might have to press them fast. He might use the 'edge' detectable part of a keypress and that means when you start OR stop pressing a key it makes a trigger. So, you might actually be pressing to keys at once while trying to rapidly press keys.


    If the timer is set to like 5 seconds to make it easy...well, then you have the horrible fact people get impatient and try again before the 5 seconds is up! I mention 5 seconds specifically because it is in the wiki as a way to help reduce lag in sims and scripts. They say to try and not use a timer below 5 seconds to try and reduce lag. Just a guess BUT...well, wait more than 5 seconds between trying tricks and see if that works. If it is recording all inputs for 5 seconds and you start on like second number 3 or a 5 second part and don't get done...well, you can see the issue. Plus, if you are pressing forward already and then stop to do a combo...well, make sure you are not including the forward key press you made OR ...well, maybe you should include that one and the script is recording like 4 forward key presses instead of 3 due to the fact teh 'edge' detect feature of the 'control' event has been triggered when you lifted up....but then I am assuming that would never trigger....but surely he tried it himself!? So it must have worked at one time?

    Another thought is that he might be using some code that got changed during the mono upgrade. Sometimes stuff gets broken and it takes a bit to fix. Sadly, I don't know the board, brazilian or the script he uses so I can't help much.

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