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Poenald Palen

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Posts posted by Poenald Palen

  1. hhm. A tattoo? Like a Mole with a "dig or die" sort of scroll, with his arms crossed and some shades on?

    Possibly a mole skull with flames and sort of flying through the air toward the viewer with its mouth open and some mean glowign red eyes!

    Or maybe even a mole reaper! Yeah, with a shovel and a robe flying out of the darness, his little mole skull all angry and laughing as he has arrived to ..uh..shovel the souls over his shoulder into the after life!

    Or, Maybe a Mole marry type of thing? Her MoleLady of Peace!

    NO way, the coolest must be a HUGE sort of collection of moles all doing stuff and interacting...like biker mole party going on. Little biker mole chicks with not much on, big bearded geezer moles riding to the party and stuff!

    But then again...mabe a whole face tattoo that makes you look like a mole? Nah, those are to wierd. Tattoos of crazy stuff must be better, furry tattoo style is to wierd.

    I can maybe sling some vector art out of my PC and it might work out....paint it on that av I prepped for the project I wanted to do...the one with the clothes. It would do the tatto layer to.

  2. @Bactine. Expect to much or are promised to much. Maybe bothare a funciton of trying to get to much,thus have the same root cuase of desire to avoid or gain something....hhhm. But this is not going to get in peoples ways, they need buzzes and other such things to passify them. We need drips administered to angry people to make them drunk and buzzed on chocolate! Yes, this will be the solution!

    @Janelle. Wow, I haven't one! BUT, I can make one because you have a pretty avatar...but I wont. To much revolution to do, to many alcochocohaven places to make. I made that name up as I typed...it might work for this endevour....hhhm. (ps. I like your signature line in your posts.:D)

    @Alazarin. Yes, you are right...this would be more efficient! It could increase GPD....I am sure this is the secre tto the strong economy we see in London, historically speaking.

    @JT. Maybe no plans = no troubles for some even. Just wonder around and click stuff, then you beat both birds with one flail..so to speak...ok, that sounds strange and describes some peoples day in SL...hhhhm,...uh, like...Head controlled stuff? Yeah, it is fine enough. Unless people get you drunk at the alcochocoplace and then use you to camp against your knowledge. You wake up and your av is stuck petting a meeroo and all you have is a headache and wonder if it was the chocolate, or the alcohol...nope, it was brain slavery making your head work on petting meeroos!! This is a threat..we will need viglance and a flail...just in case some birds make thier ways into bushes and stop us all from...well, I never did understand why people killed birds just for being in bushes...wierd. Yes, slavery to others is not a good idea, in any direction. COmplaining might in fact use peer pressure to force market trends....then if no on buys...yeah, it was like a whip weilded to push the big biz guys into making stuff like...uh...yeah, New Coke! Or some strange thing like....pet rocks V2.0! Of course, for vengence the big biz guys might hire a rouge design guy to make tshirts with insulting names for the wearer. essentially creating the biggest inside joke among executives..I mean, seriously do you see bill gates wife in a baby tee that says she is a female dog!! OH yeah, they got us, the consumer tribe, back with that one! :P BUt, yeah..got to do it yourself. There is a time when a man has to solder wires onto bits of cardboard when he has no perff board, he has to duct tape the thingy and make parts with pine instead of injection moulding or CNC!! Yes, you have to just rig it like jerry, and fix it like...uh...some guy who fixes things!

    @Charolotte...OH, I already responded hastelly. Ah, you got special attentionbecuase you are cute...I mean, that is not true...but I can spread the malicious rumor I suppose..wow, now it has lost it's effect. Though, people will wonder still...do I have a sort of thing for Charolotte! Wow, this is embarassing. Uh...next response now!

    @Wili. Yeah, this might be true indeed. Now, they can live in peace and sip chocolatebeers and remember to make a watch to make sure some chinese gold farming slave master will not enslave thier sleepy brains with a head harness! The newletter might help..so far all suggestions could work to bring about world peace!

    @Amy. Yes, obviously a drunken buzzed mob that has many many empty bottles could throw them at the workers and then get that brain enslavement guy to use thier minds to give into thier impulses and control flying beers and chocolate bars, Or chocobearstouts, into thier hands and force them to drink when they have an impulse to! It might take some programming, but hey...we have computers and I might find some servo's and propellers around some place or maybe solicit for them through the newsletter...yeah, we can take over the world and bring world peace EVEN with workman thwarting peace and quit!

    @Poneald.OH, you responded to CHarolette first. Hahaha. Poenald and charlotte sitting in a tree *giggles* wiat....ah, that was my post...ah ha...this is awqward. hhm.

    Viva la alcochocolate revolution.

    The funniest thing is...Idon't consume either product! I can't and don't eat them! Of course, this is like hitlar!! The dark haired guy talking of bond arian supremacy, but at the helm all like the ubermenche or something! Yes, I godwinned my own thread after talking to myself and showing favor for harolette while responding to all posters to bolster support for a food based revolution for world peace that included slightly violent revolution against workman who mess with one person in this thread and and...I forgotten the rest. Ok. Now I must do productive things and go back to duller thinking.

  3. Charolotte Caxton wrote:

    I read somewhere that if you give a gold bar to certain persons, they will complain that it is too heavy. 

    Then I googled it and realized its not just a SL condition.

    Its a human condition.

    Now I want chockolatte.

    Ha, yes! I have done this myself! But the post is really a mess. I had an idea about acceptance in order to be more efficient, reduce stress...then I got stuck with teh title and realised there is no point to the thread. So, I used it for a cretive writting endevour! Which, while NOT being efficient at all WOULD reduce some peoples stress because they will either a) realise they are not as unfunny as they thought, and crack a joke or two because heck...if I am even writting this crazy post then the world surely needs better humour! and b) they will at least...ah, I forgot what b was...oh now, it happens again. Uh...ok, the second benifit is some might laugh, reducing stress!

    Now, if I avoid buying chocolate, then it technically drops the price. This means you get .000001 of a penny less price...so, if I simply avoid buying it I can sort of let you hav emore...so, technically by doing absolutly nothing you magically get more chocolate! Aren't money based markets crazy! It is like me teleporting chocolate slivers to you each year! I will try not to buy any, so this will happen. IF I start a ani-chocolate movement and I get like thousands..heck, you might get a whole cube or so!! But this is hard work, flyers might cost like 50$, and I could most likely buy you a big bag of chocolate. But then I would have to buy one for everyone, you know how it is! So...yeah, I will wish you one...maybe it will somehow work out you get like a discount at the store, a great low low coupon and it is just enough to leave money for some chocolate! Never know, maybe magic works and I should like...sacrifice a animals. I could squeesh a fly and maybe say a sentence or two in some odd language....but chocolate was not around when whichcraft was invented! Sadly, I am not sure. So, I think I will simply just have to hope you get some and are happy. Plus, all the starving and hurt people to, they need help and chocolate to!

    But, yeah...people complain and I do it to, I waste many minutes that become hours throughout the week!

  4. The objects could be framed by a picture taker/photographer. The art is of the photographers creation, not the greifer created bauty, IMHO. I will also add that swarm scripts or other script can be had by a photographer, they might even work on these in a CG program and make many more wonderful images with more ease, less stress and less wasting of resources. I don' think art is the goal here lol.

    Particles are neat in 3D programs, or after effects. There are so many neat things in 3D programs these days! Wonderful stuff. I think you can even program up particles in python with a graphics library or something. It is neat stuff, I see it buy just can't get around to trying to make neat stuff like that. You can make some chaotic bautiful things with particle based programs. It takes a bit math or some slider and button clicking, but can be fun from few times I tried it! I got nothing of use, I was going to try sparks but just clicked stuff and rendered the tiny animted sequence.


    • Like 1

  5. Ann Otoole wrote:

    I don't think destruction of millions of dollars worth of content owned by many thousands of customers would be a good move from the PR and Legal perspective.

    As for lag? Get an empty region and add 20 or more avatars with no attachments and wearing only system clothes and you will have server side lag. This transition to over 20 avatars cause massive lag arrived with homestead sims. For some reason full regions began to perform like homesteads with the exception they allow more prims. But whatever. Just my observation over time. Something server side appears to have issues with lots of avatars.

    If you are having client side lag issues then I recommend you upgrade to a GTX560 or better on a new type mobo with a new modern CPU and 4 GB RAM. Then when BF3 is released you will see what a real video game is like lol. Watch that 12 minutes of gameplay trailer for an eye opener. Would love to see SL perform that well.

    You do realize that mesh is not a solution to all issues and that SL designers will push things to the max (as they will always do) with mesh resulting in identical performance issues but just looking lots better right?

    OH, yes. You know they changed from one rack unit per simulator to multiple sims on on rack unit...something like that. It became like one CPU per sim, but then they have this federated thing where you sim gets more attention based one needs!

    The needs of the wheels of my physics object colliding outweighs the needs of you customers colliding with your store walls type of thing lol. "Live long and Lag" is a phrase that might apply here? I know this sounds crazy...but you could always try slamming a bunch of prims around in some kind of game or event and see what happens lol. But I think it is a moment by moment thing, so when you douse this stuff you still lag because this stuff lags...so, equal lagging for all I guess? Not sure. But I heard something about this, took note of it mentally because it affects physics.

  6. use simpler words or define more! Hey, you are not doing the wrong thing, you are doing the best for you! I am not going to say blender is better, but will point out that many say this because at some point you find blender has a feature that others don't and then you end up learning blender anyway lol.

    Blender has good UV unwrap features. The mesh is made up of points, the texture is mapped to these points at points withing the texture. Now, texture is a tricky word here...I mean, you have layers in most 3D programs and they all work with what are called "materials" to make what you see from the model (or even a 'particle', but those are not transferable to SL) and basically...wow, the pictures wrapped around need to be mapped. They need anchor points and then they might stretch, or possibly there are different sections. So you can make these different sections onto a flat 2d texture and then paint, draw or use photo source onto those bits. This making of sections on the one image that is eventually wrapped on a set of points in your model can be arranged in different ways. Blender seems to be good at this, so it is used alongside other software! it is common to see a pro artist veteran in 3D use multiple softwares in his workflow! Maybe one for making bump maps (crazy bump anyone!), another for sculpting (mud box, zbrush ect.), and maybe even more than one modelling app! Heck, Groboto is neat because you do lots of boolene type joining. What is boolene? Logic based stuff (the math behind it) that means you can join, cut out, make holes, or otherwise use 2 (or more) shapes to do this stuff to/with each other. So, you might not use 3Ds (which, I should mention, has a lot of tools that can be easier, if you learn they exist..plus plug-ins, one for sculpts and also another for prim building in that prog exist! it is a bit costly,but not for student usage...uh, I think they ahve a free demo to) SO, no 3ds for boolene stuff because Groboto is what style you want. This is a trouble with 3D. you hear of only 3Ds, C4D (oh, anther one that I have heard was easier than 3Ds, and also have plug -ins and exports files you can use in blender or other 3D progs) and the BIG names. But, there are programs like Groboto that is not as well known and might be easy or save you time. I don't know, I have not tried many of them BUT they do offer demo's! I went with blender due to support in SL of sculpts, plus it was free. Since I liked it enough, I stuck with it!

    Blender has a list of teachers that are actually certified by the foundation.

    But, seriously...you might really dig another program! Some really love Cinima4D, and it has a sculptie plug-in for it! I can't afford it, but it does cars so well I have seen it used for those...wow, some wonderful images from that program! Not sure of collada though...I think it does. There is always .obj then import into blender lol. Groboto is neat to, it is sort of new and not so well known. Good for concept art and who knows what else. It has a generative type feature, so you can make varients...so, once gain sort of good for concept and speeds up production of things that you need varients of!

  7. leliel Mirihi wrote:

    Vivienne Schell wrote:

    "I'll take that as a joke"

    No joke. Aren´t you artist enough to apply at EA, or what? Sounds as if you think that you actually can create "stuff like this". What a waste of potential! What a pity!

    And the point of this is what? I wasn't in the discussion over what qualifies as art. Where are you going with this?

    I think what they are saying is they are not as good as that, don't get paid accordingly and SL will never have totally optimized stuff because of different users wants.

    Some are here to make it like a doll house. Those dolls are not like robots, they don' t do much. Since we can TP away, something NOT seen in games, we have no choice.

    BUT, that being said...those who optimize are free to advertise such! If you can make assets like AE can, but don't work there or can't (there are a few reasons for this that are NOT related to skill, just think a minute!) then...well, advertise it! But we are saying...well, we are NOT that good. We are "user created content" people first, then we learn this stuff. If some guy form AE builds amazing stuff in his spare time and all things are equal...well, my extra polies will not save me! Polygons alone are NOT a valuable addition lol. BUT, it it makes things look better than they want to sell to those who like looks, why should they be stopped?

  8. Good looking lower Poly takes time. Time ='s Money. SL < money than Blizzard pays a artist there. So, Time is not spent on SL stuff because you would need to earn like 35, 000USD$ to equal what they make. Heck, some dude got paid once to make stuff AND sold the items (due to the license he had) as royalty free through an online marketplace and got 32, 000USD?$ JUST at that marketplace...who needs time wasting in SL to lower polycounts?

    I sometimes spend time lowering my stuff, from scripts, to textures (yes, I still many times upload 2 different versions to see which looks good enough and even try sharpening or squashing it in different dimensions...many here have never uploaded a 512x64, huh? ) and I dont' get any recognition. It is about learning, honey and improving for me. If it leads to amazing stuff (no, it didn't lol) then cool, everyone that buys gets way more than they paid for it when upgrades come around! Otherwise...uh, yeah....it is a waste of time I guess! This is something I seem to excel at...which reminds me!


    ANother issue. SL is mostly about looking at stuff for many. So, as a creator you make stuff so they can look at it lol. Now, at a track or three you will see them say "remove scritps" and stuff like that. They do this because it is their sim, they feel it works better. So, they ask and heck..if they want to ban you because they hate your hair style they can! WoW is all about gameplay. That is about it, the rest is sort of extra cool.

  9. Ann Otoole wrote:


    leliel Mirihi wrote:

    ... However that is orthogonal to the high poly counts in SL causing low frame rates on less than top end systems.

    So we are expected to make garbage looking wow crap to satisfy some miniscule number of people that are broke and cannot afford an upgrade much less afford to buy anything in SL.



    Expect more highly detailed attachments than ever. Better find a way to upgrade.

    You are right, angry highpoly-building-to-spite-them-all aside. I mean, if you make this and another mentions it AND shows this post people might seriously not want to buy your stuff because they figure you only added high poly to spite pepole and not add real detail! But, we all know you are sort of joking AND pointing out reality....plus, you never exactly mention YOU would do this for no reason but to add extra polygons.

    People don't realise that you can make stuff inefficiently and make absolutly zero improvement on looks. Mesh release will possibly teach people this about assets available to them and the prim count might really come to mind when they buy attachments IF everyone pushes their net with downloading...another reason people are wishing to NOT allow people mesh and why people hated sculpties. They just don't load. IT causes issues when every video you see of yourself half your stuff didn't load! So, the makers with snappy stuff that also look good get more recognition as a product that makes sense. It is like clothes in RL, some you buy are purely fo the cool factor, so yeah...they will sell because they are cool! But, if they smell funny because some odd die was used by someone who wanted to spite someone who said the die should be banned!! Wow, wierd lol. You take a risk here, but not many read forums anyway and who has time to care.

    P.S, the toungue in cheek nature is what I sense a tiny tiny bit due to the fact...well, people can use ctrl+p topen up preferences and turn to the graphics tab. Hit advanced, turn down the 'Object' slider half way and reduce lag...heck, turn it down all the way if you game or basically move quickly in SL! It helps a bit, I like it abotu 3rd away up, plus a few shaders turned off in those little check boxes. BUT, I upgraded. It cost me like 40usd$ or so...I think. One broke, so maybe add that up to a bit more and make it 70usd$ I made about that in SL! Ironically, one of my products is a 20 prim low poly, low texture, or basically low ARC (if you wear it to check texture amounts act.) that doesn't stream much or cause much heck...ok, all physics items cause heck when you use them lol. But, beside that....well, that helped my buy a GPU card! Irony, huh? Now I don't need it so much. It only helps with getting things loaded 1-2 seconds faster...maybe a bitmore, I am downplaying it knowing that people have seriously faster ISP's than I do! So, yeah...who cares about 1-2 seconds? Building things lower will help some people like your product, they will swear by it and enjoy the snappy response. I have heard this sort of thing from someone and noticed it myself. You sort of don't think, but it loads faster and you feel less hastled. The other one...not so quick loading. I hate the blobs of sculptie in my mouselook for so long! I made both, sol...not like I am hating on the competition here! Hell, it it sold one instead of the other...I lose money! I mention it due to wanting to just help with perspective to those who think hitting subsurf two extra times wlil make thier stuff awsome lol. I don't see you or you attachments, so it is not that either. Just a notice on the heard mentality and also a bit more...which I will mention below.

    There are different markets, different price ranges and different wishes for ones business activities and so on...becuase people are different! We don't need to see all of the extra polys to get the shape right enough sometimes! So, adding extra and not working harder to optimize and improve looks AND trim the fat....well, just makes you look like a n00b OR a spiteful Anne Fan lol. BUT, then again...if we never pushed the tech, the servers and so on we might not get more demand for GPU's and people will not bash older GPU's as garbage. Now, that means we might see higher prices for GPU's! So, bashing GPU's can possibly make us all better off with lower hardware costs! It is tempting to join in with a hearty "Yeah, who uses anything less than a 800mhz core these days anyway!!!" and so on lol. But, I figure I might as well delve into some othe thinking. I could be horribly wrong and there are NOT different markets, the rarity or search words my product comes up under are the sole reason people find and buy! Maybe it is something more sinister that givesa  person a reason to buy! Heck, 100$ isn't much of a budget to hurt or stalk another person, or communicate with persons who watch the stalked in their home....you never know!


    But yeah, funny post :D Anne is an epic poster and I see this funny agression now and then. She is a funny avatar/character indeed! "Kill their GPU's with overdrive created fire!...literally!" sort of thing, huh? lol.

  10. No compete contract, and/or NDA (non disclusure agreement) might help.

    I know non compete contracts would be for a location, not sure of a virtual world.

    TOS says you can patent BUT not keep othes in world from your patented methods. So, they can use it as a resident here, even if you own a patent. BUT, this is a TOS and may not be legal. Maybe it is not even in TOS anymore, but I rememebr reading something about it.

    IF the scripter comes up with the method...uh, he patents it and you get to use the scirts royalty free? This is what happens, I think. I mean, I am nto a lawyer but have recently read up on stuff to do with legal stuff in SL.

  11. It is mentioned that blender is not easy. I have a wierd feeling it is not so hard BUT there I still get all the UV stuff mixed up when projection painting, though I have done this a few times already! Each time I get something wrong or forget to check something! I wish it was easy as naming my image files and then naming the view screens for when I "... from view" the UV whatever stuff...see, I am not thinking well today BUT I still foget this either way! It is sad, but really blender 2.4x series was tough to learn. Right now I read about workflow stuff and a new render engine, all changes happening to the 2.5x series that might turn into the 2.6x series! So, learnign 2.5 is only part of it, there are maybe changes coming along with 2.6 that mean relearning. I know it sounds crazy, but I think blender might just help peoples memories by excersiing them! But, I really feel like skipping 2.5x series altogether and cut my losses since I never got into learning it and jus use 2.49 until 2.6x series starts.

    BTW, I use the word series due to the talk of changes and is not like official reference words or dev language lol. I can't think of a way to describe it because their are UI differences and this means there is not a perceptiable single 2.5 and then bug fixes, there are changes and this is seems like a way of refering to all the variants that where talked about as 2.5, when some of the tutorials where in releases that where beta! They would all say it might change, and it did. But yeah, they are so similar BUT there was enough difference to make me use the word "series" because hey are different enough. Uh, and yeah...don't rip the matress tags off or lift your hand off that hand grip while in motion....watch you head to, and so on.

  12. All avatars monitored all the time by throwing chucking a few frames a second out from a server side render system for all. That might work? Then when all the AR's fly, no issues arise over who did what? This might be the future of gaming in 2020! So easy, lose only a tiny bit of performance and if the gear gets fast enough it is all good.

  13. I have not kissed anyone. I have no heart....like play doh. I am more like paly doh than you, at least in that way. hey, wait....do I need to be kept in a jar or I dry out? This is confusing to say the least.

    Not many people kiss redheaded people...mostly colors other than the standard are usually aliens. They are rare, usually not real. I have never seen anyone with a red head, i mean pure red! Well...maybe at football games?

    Blue? Of course! There are aliens on TV, those avatars from the movie picture play dohians sit and watch. The blue man group. But red is rather rare! Darth Maul is not so appealing, but non the less does have a partially red head! BUT, not a true red head, he has black in there to! Some like this pattern maybe? Not my type of creature.

  14. I was reminded of a whole positive people thing that happens when I read a post just before. People say they are positive, exclaim others are useless because they complain about SL and then others are like "just have fun, don't analyze everything so much!" and then you don't realise...sometimes 'fun' is not what hey seek, and they have other options so try to evaluate that and then express it in order to actualy engage in exchange of information to enhance thier understanding. In otherwords, people don't "hate" SL, they "want to like" it and all others who disagree with me are basically all wrong! Unless, of course,they really do feel hate for it. Then it is simple enough and they wish to spread hate to make the world be more hatful, which leads to more heated exchanges and less investing in technology. Hate has this effect, and it makes people drink more. So, since all this can't be stopped I am shorting all investment stocks in technology, investing in beer and putting some more money into things to do with love, like chocolate.

    After this I will have more money than all, then I can open up a large chocolate and beer hall. I wll monitor this closely to learn technology trends, ones that wil surely totally fail after NOT getting investments upon the anger that brings people in for chocolate and beer! It compounds from there. Next I own the chocolate mines where small pigmy alpachas pull small clay baked carts along as happy smiling workers sing with jolly glee! The beer fields and beer trees of canada will be mine! I will tap the trees after making giant mushy piles of beer field icecream to feed the trees at tea parties, like all good canadians do! Then, upon the falling of the beer trees leaves (the ones obviously put onto the flag of the Canadia Provinces of Windsor) we will all watch the trees bleed with glee..yes, much glee. Then, it will be loaded into a giant pipeline and pumped down to the USA to secret beer springs, where a small army of mormons bottle it and bless it to make people not get drunk it will then be packed onto trained dogs to be smuggled into the various bars. After this stronger beer makes its way into the Chocolate and Beer Halls of Canadia branches all will releave themselves of the hate of SL, snort chocolate dust and swig back with a quick glug a large mouth full of Canadia's finest tapped beer! Yes, the glee of the trees weaping thier glorious sap into the piopelines, the glee of the workers who drive the pigmy alpachas will all seep into the minds of those who fell victim to SL hating! They will then roll to the small trams that will carry them back to the hinterlands of thier region, where they will slowely crawl into back yard offices like this one dude at pixar had and log in...they will not complain of lag, but conform to be positive. They will not try to write jira's, but conform and look for a new GPU. THey will conform and NOT worry about the prim count! just party, and try to hold onto the small amounts of glee they have. BUT, this will not save us!

    NO, we need hate to save us all! If we don't hate enough, no jira's will be wrote and all the lindens do is play lie...ing pong, the game of the devil that was designed by commie chinese to make peoples hands idle so that they can do the devils work with more skill, it was all a dirty trick! We can only be saved by people unhurling hateful threads of oppulent regions laging when they shouldn't, because we have freakin' portable pong games now! We have mario games in phones, like digital clocks used to be put in everything! Heck, tommorrow we will have toilet roll counters that have darn projectors in them and you will play mario while you deficate. YOU WILL PLAY MARIO WHILE YOU DEFECATE BUT SL WILL STILL LAG YOU TILL YOU LOG OFF AND THEN LOAD IN. Not only that...but the hate might bring back the tuanting. Oh yeah, you think we didn't notice all the hair peices and hats getting rammed up our behinds! YEAH, you know one of you figured out that bug and did it with no care in the world of the embarassing group chats biz dudes had. It must have been something that killed the deals some geeks had worked for to get thier Biz in SL..you know they just wanted an excuse to role play looking up the secretaries skirt...but, yeah, they worked for a long time on this! Now, AH, the hair is blocking the whole experience AND the damned boss hate it and just says NO to the deal! Yeah, it was all that one persons fault!! Yeah, him over there..jira him, quickly!! Jira him until he is programmed all out,smoothed over and worked all around! Oh, yeah,.....we will test and all that so there is alittle more fun, but soon he will be squeshed out of the system as people program his office closed aftger tehy send memo based scripts to the secretary. If DoorToOffice.2ndfloor.closed then llMoveTo9<20,50,12>); and all that stuff! It might take a while, the secretary might crash ab it...but eventually the desk will be cleared! THE HATE PURGES. It give life, it purges things. We see only improvement.

    Ok, this thread was supposed to say "People only complain about SL becuase they want the dream to be better, the reality to match the dream or any other combo of dreams and realilty." Then I realise...peoples dreams are all kinds of crazy and make no sense. I mean, they are saying they want to like have a pants detector on thier body so thier avatar can sort of have a feedback loop thing and they can see thier own pants be pushed off as they walk down a street full of cars and wonder why they have no pants on and need to get back home to feel sheets on thier legs to remind them they are not in the streets...stuff like that. So, bar the usage of a pants detector being sort of neat....basically, people just complain....so...uh...yeah, no way around it! But, they want better. They want more, they beleive more might be gotten and this is actually hope instead of hateful anger or simply being upset for the sake of being a drama queen. Not that dramatic queens do not exist, but that is nto the point and does NOT lead to a pants detector feeback loop servo thingy we might need to use to have full dream emersion!

  15. Talk down to you? How can that be working out? Uh.."HEY, wipe that smile off your face and think about what you DIDN'T say here! NO thank yous, you twerp!"


    Ok, that is wrong, but uh....blender is a long term investment type of deal. You learn more and you gain skills that allow you to handle sculpts as well as regular mesh. You can gain skills baking textures or otherwise making textures. An example is making parts to paint onto larger parts, like detail parts. This saves modelling them all, so saves prims and adds details.

    But, if you know how to build already...uh, sculpt studio gets a good name and I have seen it in action. It makes sense to many, some seem to have build  a whole business with it making parts packages to sell full perms! But, I think it is limited for end products. It makes great shapes that 'fit' with prim builds, if you wish to make hyrbids. I do this, but do NOT use this. I sort of regret it because i have seen it do tubes better then I have exported, which could be my technique. But, if it does it easier and I don't have to learn technique....well, I could use it for a roll cage this week! It is 5000L or so, which makes me think a bit. That is a bit of cash for me, I don't wish to get into my financial dealings but I also am looking at return on investment and time I lose learning it instead of learning new stuff with blender(that is maybe not even for SL! Blender can make stuff for other products and is a good CG tool set and makes animations as well as models for games and so on. 3dCG? Blender does it! I mean, just about will do anything.So....there is issues with those decisions that are more complex than needed to explain here, so I never bought it..yet. But I still think I will, I waited to long for mesh though and now laugh that mesh is arriving and NOW I need sculpt Studio lol. So, maybe I should wait...not sure.


    Oh, zbrush is one I have seen in action and it does painting prims easily. But is sort of limited in a way, blender has extra tools...uh, but zbrush vids are out there. I think videos sort of show a new user a bit about the software they dont' read, so I like to watch those. Screenshots just show you tools you don't understand with 3D software. It is complex, by nature it is a bit harder than learning..uh, like MS paint! Paint is very simple and has limited use though. 3D stuff has more demensions and is a little different than many think. Sculpting in real life is sort of like zbrush or blenders sculpting settings (yeah, it does this to, just one of many tools it has) and if you have used playdoh, pastercine, clay or played with mud you might understand this. BUT, for mechanical objects you would go with extruding, mirroring and so on with Polygons. You have different workfows BUT...all of this is out the window wiht sculpts! They are usually manipulated from a primitive shape that has the right amount of vertices and rings ect. This is a technical issue with how they work, wich is why they are not just called "3D models" but "sculpties" and they are a bit...weird. You can paint on sculpties in blender to, but the workflow seems a little more tricky to me. You can paint from a photo or a rendered image...uh, 3d rendering in 3d CG is what you do when you have simulated materials and simulated light sources make an image with your object. You place a virtual camera, virtual lights and a slew of settings get set or maybe not...depends on what you want and what materials you have in your library!

    Oh, that is another issue. Blender bakes textures, so does zbrush. You can find materials for both, paint stuff up and then paint it or put it in a layer and then layer up more stuff on that till you get what you want in blender. But I never have used zbrush, so I speak from what I have seen and know there are a few using it in SL. But, 3ds also does sculpties, and a few more.

    YOu mention art of illusion, that doesn't do sculpties directly. I don't think you can bake with it, which is making the materials you made solid in an image to use as a texture...that is a quick no thinking explanation fromme...so sorry if it sounding vauge lol. But, basically you will see what I mean when you look at in world items that have shiny on to them and might look like a photo was wrapped around them. In fact, some do use photo's! Others bake OR use render source. Of course, you can use regular textures and then use SL's shine. But, it depends on what you are making. Baking and rendersource painting open up new methods and can be used in combo with SL shine, you can load up a texture to place onto a object (like in SL..sort of) and then change the materials in blender or zbrush and bake this out. This image tries to recreate what you have if you rendered the item in the 3D program. Hard to explain, but easy to see...which is why videos are worth 10X these words and take like 2 mins lol.

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  16. You can turn off lots of things in some of the menus in Advanced. Off the top of my head it is some kind of menu that says "render" something or other. Render Types? This might allow you to turn off enough. A big black sphere and a transparent floor prim might help you out, megaprims might work best here. Animations frame by frame? hhm, that is harder to do.

    OR, use a black sphere. A mega prim would work. Just rez one and then maybe make it a pose ball. You get a walk cycle pose broken down into frames. Upload them all, then load them in and sit on the pose thingy you hace scripted. Then, you press the keys and do some other stuff. When you turn, you need to make the sphere swivel. This is tricky, but will help preserve the lighting changes that happen as your av would turn around. Uh, so the avatar is not really walking but sort of standing still and looking like it is walking.


  17. This is such a problem, people can't use trademarked names and so on. Many don't wish to dance a fine line and there is no rule on how they will be named, so you never know what to search for.

    But, in general, you can drop in to many places and sort of learn the market. But the marketplace.secondlife.com site is faster and you sometimes have to browse for the item. It will most likely be in the motorcycle catagory or ground vehicles.

  18. LL has it best so far. Nough said! BUT, capability is an issue. But, bricks over clicks. To those those who say not true...uh, sort of a statistical fact. If you company serves only through electronic means you are missing out. People say "it is allmoving to the web, no one will leave thier house but for fun" doesn't understand that poeple are using foursquare, mobile phone entertainment means ZERO reason to sit in front of you computer for some, not all though...GPU's in Desktops are 100X more awsome!

    Basically, everything about amazon taking over all of you business and zero real world stores was wrong. It was predicted way back, but thier projections have come and gone. Not saying some industries didn't suffer, but lets face it people can be mobile now and that means new places and people need to eat, have other entertianment or purpose to be there. But, they are not cometing, people can have cyber stuff AND real world stuff. With some new services they use both, such as augmented reality. Although possibly overhyped some of the new stuff is sort of not pointing to less bricks, but more bricks and clicks...who needs clicks when you have touch with multiple fingers and gestures with accelerometers!

    SO...best business model in SL? Not sure, but LL has it really. They own the place. But in world only? That is hard to say, real world business is not good to advertise here...well, unless you use it to release a freebie that becomes popular at all the freebie places! But in world? Land makes more money. Any creation stuff you do or any other ideas wouldbe purely what you understand and can do and use some of you strengths of stuff you want to learn? I am not sure, but this sounds like what I hear. Land earns more than others though. So landlord or landbaron? But, if you can't do it then this becomes a "it depends" question.

  19. I know some sellers used to sell notecards with links to downloads, or some scripted/server based key/password/registration...maybe, I never used many of these things I can't remember lol.

    But, yeah, people sold .psd files, mesh files (once...that was a limited sale and was cars...not sure if the dude was breaking some rules though as they looked familiar and he claimed they where NOT to be used as is and for study or something lol) on the old xstreetsl/SlExchange website before it was bought and the technology/staff folded into SL.

    BUT, there is some info about selling items via download websites. BUT, a website or marketplace catagory that sells 3d programm files....sounds cool to me! especially considering there are listing issues, such as prim count exported as is and so on that might be really helpful for speedy sim building, item building.


    THis also reminds me of the library feature in blender 2.5. One can pack up a set of items and they can be drag and dropped from taht library file. So, you can put building bits, liek architectural details, in a pack. Sell it and a building maker just opens it whenever they ened a bit, drops it in and closes the library down! I imagine similar workflows might work for others, old blender users had the append feature in the file menu, which is not drag and drop...I don't think, and was a less visual way of doing things. It really helps workflow and enhances peoples work. Leads to more detlightment of creators, faster builds to market so builders benifit AND i imagine more activity and uploads lead to more money for LL! Sounds like a Win/Win/Win to me!

    In a different position in life, I would do this myself because I don't think existing markets quit fit SL users well because the search functions can't add prim count, streaming costs ect. But, this is just me. There are so many variables to say I would use this type of warehouse myself, so I can't say I would no matter what. What payments are allowed, privacy policies and so many other details. But, yeah...my store is not so much a big deal so for that building a window frame here or there might be faster from a low cost blend library that also happens to have windows that I would like to use to build a garage with. So, they convert me over to a pruchaser, even though I like to make things myself I sort of have time constraints as anyone else does and this is why 3d warehouse marketplaces exist!

  20. A large object would change LOD at a distance while an av was flying above and it rotates closer to him, do to the larger extension up and down around it's center?

    Unlinked objects can each turn and show their other sides, that might be occluded IF they where linked in a way that they where butted...I mean, they MIGHT do this in typical builds people make. So they see them as possibly moving and ucclusion benifits are not the same?

    Size might be linked to LOD and rotation is the sort of gist of what I am saying. But, I dont' know! Hense the ? all over this post (which I sometimes foget to put in)

  21. It needs to be ID'd properly and tracked!

    hey...wait...waht the...


    /me watches a team of people wearing black drag a limp transaction out and put it on the ground as a dr. emerges from it with a gun and a electronic device

    They need to tag them, give them names....like wales. Or, the military can use radars to kill them...like whales...or maybe even people can make lamp oil and corsets with them...like whales. All I know is database stuff is kind of easy and don't they use some easy to use MS product? I know just enough to complain, not enough to fix it or be hired to fix it though lol. So, oh well. But, yeah...why no names specific? They want to foster complacency and make people feel as if they are paranoid when they question thier system? They have an option that is named something on thier site. This name is a word. It could/should be grabbed or otherwise used so they can display it here. I mean, it is fast and simple to just use IF price = 799 THEN print in little box "Front Page Feature" (I don't know any feature prices, so I am making this up for an example)

    But, yeah....I don't know enough to do this stuff and if I managed to get in and make it happen...uh, I would be in trouble for cracking into thier stuff...another thing I don't know how to do but know it happens. Well, back to trying to know other stuff less dangerous or profitable so I will know more than I did. Or, maybe the whole stack effect happens and when I push something into the stack somethings fall out and my mind has equal or less things in it? It does explain a lot, but I am betting I have stuff worth shoving out!

  22. I don't know but I do know SL is known to not be very quick with the graphics. But there is a lot of checking and streaming going on because of how the world is and how the physics work ect. So, I can't imagine that you can compare it to many other games. Many online games are pretty much low graphics quality and they stream a bunch. But even flash games. you wait for it to load!! So, it is hard to compare and compared to high quality 3D flash games, SL is pretty quick to let you get around and start interacting! But then again, I haven't played to many with such a large world and haven't played flash games in over a few years! But it is the closest example of a streamed or streaming type game online.

  23. Ah, you can use megaprims with sculpts. They are limited in some ways though, and you will not be able to walk on them and will have to make them phantom and put in prims to walk on and then maybe make those prims (if they are not all beneith the sculpt hidden) invisable with the 'default transparent.' texture in your library.

    You can even get magaprims that are 1024 meters, a sim is only 256 meterx256, so these can make a vast lanscape out over where you would normally have sky or water! I do not know where to buy these, but have seen them, as well as smaller ones that go off to one side! They can really make a space feel bigger, imho. If you match you interior ones, carefully cover up the sculpt edges of you land bits (if you have any, you can use a 256x256 megaprim BUT you might not like the texturing, it can get blurry...I know this from making stuff on the beta grid) and it might all work out very detailed and wonderful. But, yeah you use up prims to walk on. You can always throw in a few megaprims here and there, but remember that megaprims are not resizable and will shrink back when you try ot change them! You can make holes in some or do edge cutting etc.

  24. Mikki Miles wrote:

    but that won't bake the lights from the lamps nor the shadows, just AO and environment light...

    wow! really? OH, yeah. the same as what you see in 2.49. You select nodes for that material. Then you might have to choose the same material from a list, but I am not sure about 2.5.

    Then just make a window area and change it to nodes view. and go check out the (most likely) two nodes bits you have. One is your material, the other is the output.

    Go to the material one and leave Spec on only, turn off Diff or anything else. This will turn off all diff and only do the spec. But I don't know if you have this view in 2.5, I just don't use it much at all.

    If you search for baking specular blender 2.5 you might get something in search. I don't have time to watch through the vids and check them all out lol.

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