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Poenald Palen

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Posts posted by Poenald Palen

  1. @Knowl. Thread Makers Remorse is a bit of an exageration, just sort of sort of pondering the whole issue of what works, what fails and how there isn't a rule...or is there? So all answers are interesting to me, but I read my OP and don't like it.

    As for you inventions...I rarely speak to anyone in world and will most likely continue with that. I used to, which is why I have some stuff I post, but I seem to lurk/listen more. Which brings me back to why I post less and don't bother making threads and also pondering how I spent my time the past few weeks!

  2. You can use vehicle physics and feeback, possibly. As to how...wow, there is more than one way to do many thing in LSL but sometimes only one or two ways that will give you adaquate  results, from what I read. But you mention tua. Well, you can use linear motors to decay and then work on friction. Now, the friction and linear motors will be affected by collisions causing bouncing(if you are that quick or get hit by something moving) and also by grades/hills. But, you can use a velocity check maybe? Not sure. But if you look into it you might be surpirsed. and you can use feelers to maybe handle any colliding (if you want to move quick) to retract and keep the main bits of you vehciles body out of the way. Heck, attach a few flexy feeler hairs on there to make it all look fuzzy and crazy when it moves! lol. MOre meta, you can see it's means and if you stiffen or skew the feelers you can make them move toward an area and so on. But this is a little slow, kind of maybe a waste But might be good for using less feelers and have one main one and then the others drop to feel when they are needed, so as to avoid constantly getting readings needed. when they collide, the retract back along where they came from and your little vehicle moves. Of course, now your vehicle is a bug looking thing....but who says they need to be feelers from bugs! Lazers, like  infrared! or you could make them invisable with the default transparent texture in everyones inventory!

    Now, teh logic and so on...this is all where you have to figure out. But collisions are recorded in movign vehicles. As for what works best? Well, you can make the feelers oscilate if they don't get a recording or simply make the vehicle move faster and then when it bumps retract the feeler and slow the vehicle to a stop. I say simply, but that is an exageratin because I wont script it right here in the forum for you lol. It is a bit of work to get it all working and I am not sure it will all work. Tweaking vehicle phsyics is slightly about balance, one number effects the others because it is using a physics engine. So some trial and error is maybe needed.

    First thing to look into for vehicle physics is the Vehicle Tutorial at teh Seocnd LIfe wiki. Then there is the Vehicle Laboritory in world.  Then there is tonnes of time and all of the logic, where to put the feelers and so on. I am not sure you will be able to make this all run smooth, but retracting the feelers and some strong (low number) friction might keep your vehicle from sliding around and bumping way out. Oh, and slow movement!

  3. @Void: Ah, but adding some things can have a percieved effect though. I mean, you add a texture and some will claim "more lag!" and so on lol. Som stuff you can prove, which is no big deal. But sometimes...well, I remember people arguing about avatar height effecting a products lap times. This was in races with winnings. Some have won the equivelent to hundreds of dollars, so this gets a bit upsetting with soem people. No, one wants to put money into something that is almost rigged, they want a chance to win and that is why they are racing spec series stuff that is supposed to be equal. So, yeah...it is an odd mess with some things.

    @Knowl: Chemicals? Yeah, the old wholesome old fashioned stuff is maybe with food. Digital? New is better, usually. You get better, faster, more detialed, more features, smoother runnig in most cases. But software and stuff like internet? not sure. But chips, new is sort of better. Some people say no, but compared to previus digital is what I mean.

    @Randell. Yeah, this is sometimes the issue, all things being equal and having data that can be trusted to indicate what is up with the new features. This is far far easier said than done though lol.

    I gues I also notice that context is so important that this question and posting such a vague question was a bit of a waste. But the idea is sort of any stories, thoughts experiences so it seems to have worked because there are some interesting thoughts.

  4. Animal ones and human ones with the painted on stuff look like sick pelts of skin if they don't have a overall blending background. The sharper the edge the more I expect to see a knife, blood or Title text of a horror book! Horrorific looking stuff sometimes. I don't see many, thank god! The one thing that is good about this all is painting right onto mesh lol. It takes all the weirdness out of it.

    But, yeah this looking like some odd dress with a very strange brah thing and then when kept scrolling a odd flying greature captured by some kind of a radar and points all sort of detected...like where the pin point precision lazers hit it? It is like a general IDing software might have made this and then uniformly spaced them to max a shape set in it's database and presented it for inspection and second guessing! Then, the guy puts down his coffee and picks up his phone and.....Ok, maybe this is all extra thinking that has nothing to do with what it looks like. Uh, yeah....big eyed flying creature clothes? Nice eye surrounding adornments all ready to be painted up and UV mapped onto the creature customer so they can be all pretty for thier mate attracting flight? There it goes again...yeah, odd and sort of animal looking.

  5. This is about weight/mass in lindograms?

    This is a neat info feature I imagine will be helpful for physics stuff, if it is physics related...otherwise I hate it and wish for this feature to be banished and shunned...yes, even called a doodie head and have a 'kick me' sign put on it's back..Ok, OK...just a joke. 

    /me scowls at the new top sim info bar area and mumbles "good for nuthin', no vector info pile of no good junk."

  6. The faking creator issue was a while back. I think it might be gone. But the fact you can use a object that has full perms is an issue to consider...but, if the object was faked (I think even date was fakeable, which I found sadening because I could not use that as proof to someone who had a copybotted version of a car I know was never on mods at all) then it might still be around. The only way would be to maybe ask Phillip! But, he might get a lot of notecards and so...who knows.

  7. I want to change some things about a car, but then again...I dont' want the features to never be used or understood!

    So, I ask here: What do you, the user or creator, experience with new features and different ways of using an item?

    Innovation or just plain old being different in a useful way, is it worth it to break from the status qou? Did it cause you to not enjoy a object? Did your customers not understand things?

    Do you wish you had the old product, the new one is worse?

    Any response is welcome, thank you...well, ok I guess way of topic ones are not as welcome...unless they are funny!

  8. I think a while back some exploit allowed faking of creators. But, he might have also made a full perm item. So, someone copies the full perm thingy and then makes this and has a laugh?

    But then again, does it have a script in it?

    I have seen an item deep in an ocean that was a treasure box. It had a script in it, made by a linden or a mole. So, to be honest it might be a easter egg of some kind! This could also be some kind of thing like that.

    I also saw a giant octopus in a cavern thingy, neer a place with a name and design alluding to another religion...I think the octopus is also part of a create story from some group. So, there was a whole bunch of oddities. Lindens and moles to build some fun or odd items, so it might be part of a joke or simply one of the oldest prims. But, if it was just the first then it could be just called "Adam" and maybe another that was copied from it would be "Eve" or some other creation story characters?

    /me waits for the "Johnny Prim Seed" Prim to start throwing out little seed prims all over the mainland

  9. Um, you could work up a business plan and go over to a peer 2 peer lending website! Here is a link to sort of tell you all the basics and it has some links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Person-to-person_lending

    I can not help you with how to use these websites, I don't use these sites at all and refused RL funding because I said it was better to boot strap and ride out the dropping economy and let them use the money for other things because I might not afford it. I do frequently feel like asking for 30usd$ for Poser 7, found online, but just don't do it lol.

     But, I found I can use blender for animations and it will allow me to load my mesh builds in it and animate around those, I think. So, I just found another way. You might like to ask around at the forums for alternatives or methods to get an effect etc.

    Good luck with your venture! 

  10. Um, get the depressions made first with as little mesh as needed to hold at the LOD level you want. The rest? 

    Um, I would make a poly model (heck, make it collada compatible for when mesh is here around August or so) and then get all the mats and texture layers on ect. and then get it all lighted well and then render from all sides in ortho camera type of view. Then I would use those pics to projection paint onto a helmet sculpt that has as few sculpts as posssible but gets the overall profiles and shapes and let the painted on stuff cover the details and sub sections that where not so well to make in sculpts.

    But, I can't give any advice, hints or personal work flow for 3DS for projection painting ect. because I don't use it! But, I think the above sort of is understandable.

  11. Fuel? Pit stops to! Les Whites Formula race cars had this. I think you can buy the rezzer and they use fuel. Whites Bikes is the name of the brand. But, I would check up on this as I might be wrong on if the rezzers had this. These are race cars though, but do have collision detection and pit stops for tires in there to! You can try them at rollos track and a few others. BTW, the rezzer rezzes a chasis, so you can make your own body to go on it. Shame the wheel base is not adjustable, but you still might have fun with that. You will need to put down your own pit pads though.

    The individual cars where unrestricted types, so I am not sure if they had that system in them but where for more typical track fun you wuold find at informal races between freinds and anyone who showed up. 

    This is new trend or marketing thing from Haru, but it seems closed to only there cars. The cars from White's BIkes will also have thier own pad needed to be rezzed. You drive on it and get a menu to do a pit stop. But, this seems to be simlar to Haru's stuff. It is closed, no API is offered for others to make cars work with it? I doubt it, but don't know. Um...well, anyway that is all the cars I have seen with it! 

  12. Ohh, the government doesn't like currency other than the stuff they make! I mean, one of the issues with the American Civil War was currency. Each area had it's own and this made it a point of manipulation. 

    The whole thing reminds me a little bit about the "Information Currency" that was made by Bedell, a man whom attacked the Pentagon, argued on wikipedia (among other places) about the government, made a linux OS, proposed a Inusrgent MMORG to google code and left a document about amunition from DARPA on his software that was for Information Currency. Irony, the system used a component made for DARPA. I think it was called Couger, but at his projects sourceforge page he had a pdf of a DARPA or pentagon paper about Mirv. Odd because the guy who shot him had 'marv' as part of his name. 

    Weird, considering he drove accross country and had ammo in his car, left for ? He wanted to be lighter? Only had a few targets? Planned on getting the guards guns (how french resistance of him?!) or...who knows.

    Very strange case, but basically...uh, he wanted to destroy the US governments ability to control it's peoples freedom with removing money from the equation and possibly smuggling pot everywhere via trades and such lol. He had a funny (not intended to be a little funny) video on youtube, not sure if it is still up.

     Yeah, "Information Currency" was an idea and like a barter intermediate system thingy...I think. 

    Free people from US dollar + Smuggle and push pot anonymously ='s destroyed government and people are all free from tyranny. I am not sure, but I don't think it is that simple. But then again, I guess his MMORG would have helped us all realise revolution just takes people to show up and some pot sales to aquire materials? We will never know now lol. He got zero kills, no headshots and totally did not get to try the secret bonus levels! Suicide by cop is another thing. But if he had of taken out 2-3 guards the whole "we can do it, 2 for one and they run out of people" thing doesn't take into accout so much...so it looks so much more like suicide to get attention. Hey, you never heard of Mirv or Marvin whomever....or Bedell. Maybe the message was messages, the ability to make them and his system. He just wanted people to use his software and take over the goverment!?

  13. I am not sure if anyone has mentioned this idea, thought of it or has a registered patent on it...BUT, you could use this day to also give a shout out to real life charities. The idea is that many people would become mindful of charities in general. So, they get a free T-Shirt or whatever item for free and then in the product description, the box the item is in and any media that is associated with the event they can put a personal message pointing to a charity OR a link to something neutral that helps people find charities.

    No one says you have to give to avatars and lose, it can be used to help those people be mindful. They might not have much, but when they are out they may encounter a person collecting coins or some other easy way they can help...heck, maybe they simply smile and have a warmer feeling toward a neighbour who borrows a cup of flour all the time!

  14. One note. You do realise that when AI hits the scene in a big way this post might mean more to peoples lives. Until then, it is funny to see that someone will spend so much time and not see it as a loss! I mean, don't they feel as if they could do better with thier time?

  15. Yeah, I read about it more. Mining seems to be basically find the greatest Proccessing Unit (um, GPU's are the commonest taht can do this type of math BUT I remember another) and set about crunching numbers. You have electricity usage and instruction set or some other specifics (why GPU's are used...I think China has a super computer that has a bunch of GPU's, it is also one of the more recently copleted. There are other proccessing units that are low power, but GPU's are even used in big scientific super computers because of the math they do.

    One cool thought! These mining operation people will upgrade thier GPU's all the time, meaning TONNES of totally well used cards will be on the market! Cheap GPU's for all! You can imagine they might overclock them. That might cull the weakest, survival of the fitest GPU cards lol. SO, the ubergpu cards will be surviving and available for low costs? lol. Cool, maybe I can use some lindens and exchange them and buy a GPU card cheap for SL!!!? I at least found some reason lol.

    Clustering a bunch of GPU's is expensive though. I mean, compared to a 'normal' desktop computer. You might make more building a render farm? Heck, when your render farm is not making customers happy it can be "mining" for some extra cash? There is even a peer to peer render farm out there, so this is obviously interestin gto me! Computing power become a commodity. So, in the future you can let your toaster crunch numbers for some university and get enough to buy the bread to ut in it?

    It shows how money grows in some ways. Fascinating, but a bit of a roller coaster for me. Plus, as the money grows you just adjust and trade percents worth. So, you see people already on marketplaces offerign services for fractions of a bitcoin and the dollar equivelent seemed on par or less than other markets I have seen that offer a little bit of anonymity.

  16. Tedius? Check!

    Unimagininative? Um, I think I had a few odd posts that where imagination based and it was obvious. Some subtle argument posts as well...but otherwise, check!

    Ungrammatical? Check-agian, more of even more: checks on or upon the skills there of!

     I have a HUGE several paragraph like 3000 word text bit that is all about stuff that starts of with identity, then ads other ponderings in and morphs these into almost the same sort of thing....all about identity, names and basic instincts.....I deleted it. Why bother, my grammar and lack of writtign ability masks any neatness to the whole sort of thing. It all just looks simple and dumb.

    Anyway...uh, yeah a summary: Tally Ho! The thrill of the hunt and so on, waht a name...yadda yadda.


  17. It is mentioned that mesh will be a bad thing for perfromance, and I guess this is related to the prim counts and so on. But, I am thinking mesh will get the short end of the stick on vert count and will be less than sculpts. But, streaming and the tendency to use large textures might effect some people pipeline in thier PC...just a guess. But in some games, they have an option to use smaller textures to stop the larger ones to increase GPU performance. So, I assume the tendency to use larger images to handle the multple surfaces all combined in one form might cause some issues.. I think mesh has a potential to be better though, due to the non wasting of verts AND it forces people to combine on a texture, which saves overall performance sometimes because before some builders where making 1024's on each prim, or even on some sides of prims! This should make this a little bit better.

    The funny thing is all the time spent (or not) on detailing what your build is composed of! If this slows me down from building...it is sort of lag lol. I have to explain it because some people want to photo an item, but up close. If they want up close and the texture is a bit blurry because I am using mesh and it has restrictions....well, they might be upset. So I need to make extra photo's, so they can see it upclose! On top of that, some will hate mesh and not want it OR they will seek it out! So, now I will have to indicate the composition. Lucky for me, I type lots anyway due to my mental situation lol. I type enough to write a novel each month, if I dont' watch out and stop typing. Shame I have bad grammar! Which reminds me, I need to stop typing now and go read up on that and do chores around the house.

  18. Basically, I wonder what this is all about. I hear of bitcoin and it seems it might be a good way to keep my money seperate from RL money, plus there is a trading rate issue because it has a value all of it's own ect. The markets that exist that take it might have an advantage. Besides, this is intriguing because of it's odd position in the worlds markets.

    Does anyone know anything about this cryptocurrency, please? I mean, besides the basics on the wiki...um, what ideas of uses have you found for it? Did you find it risky, useless or useful?

  19. I liek this idea, Venus! That is what I started to say. But, you know....I worked for a person writting articles for a website (it is long gone, and we have the destination guide to find places now) and they did pay me. I earned a little, like 500L per review. That was not bad, though I am sure if I was a real life travel writter..um, that would cover the pen and paper and I guess I would need to eat the rest of the paper pad!? yikes!

    But, it was easy. I worked totally on a product for someone and let hime pay what he felt was honest. One person I did this for, nothing. Another paid 2000L and even talked to me again and was interested in some other things I was working on. I never got those projects done and lost contact with them. But, you never know really...so, if you do what is fun and/or keep rights to sell the item...then you might do alright enough to pay for more uplaods, some extra rent money BUT....if you want to do what you want all the time you will most likely end up on your own lol.

    Partners can work well, the division of labour can really pay off! But, you might be luckier in RL with people in your goegraphic area that you can take to court and you also know them better, so avoid all of that.Who says they need to know skills already? They can learn and have fun with you!

    Either way, if you at least enjoy the creation a tiny bit you will be alright because you had some fun!

  20. "Do you want the people with inventory removed to know which avatar (not your real life persons Identity) is filing?" and then a check box?

    You know what the problem is? If someone knows an avatar can't log in they can make contact with ALL of those people and then you know many will still beleive the illegal user that is trying to adversely take the copyrights of the item? 

    But, maybe they are a real life entity and do not have an alterantive and simply protect thier trademarks or copyrighted materials from the oddities that befal trademarks that can make them common knowledge and in common usage enough to not even mean a trademark, but a object name! For instance, the phrase "in SL, but not RL' has the component 'RL' and that means that ALL virutal worlds could be called SL by someone, out of ignorance OR due to things like opensims using thier SLness to become known as SL as well. The phrase Second Life might also get used so often it makes it NOT a trademark anymore. So, LL had to start enforcing it's TM by making bloggers, news guys or whomever puta  sing on there, plus they have a package of images and so on to help you out and make you look all official. It stops the phrase SL and Seocnd LIfe from becoming used for any kind of virtual world. Silly, but tis the law.

  21. Um, bots programmed to look for high arc counts and then boot those people with a notecard sent to them in multiple languages expressing your sorrow BUT they need to detach some items. Informing them of where and what ARC is might help. The problem is...ARC is disputed frequently and may be unfair to some borderline cases because they can end up on either side of the cut off value you set and both be just as laggy as the other!

    Sad, but I am not sure you can do anything BUT try to educate your visitors. A host might make announcemtns, send IM's and then you can also make announcements to partons they need to drop thier 'object slider to the left" after enabling advanced mode in the graphics tab or the preferences window /me catches breath.

    But, those are two ways. People can help themelves BUT reduce the quality of view OR you can request people remove stuff or simply boot them until they comply.

  22. Um, since clothes that are mesh will be attachable AND move with avatars, meaning they are a bit better than sculpties, I would invest a bit of time into learning all the basics of mesh, work up some materials and textures to add to a library so I can grab them when inspiration hits! Sculptie clothes bits are...well, sort of well known and some things worked out alright I guess...but this new collada file import is better, IMHO.

    The reason I use blender is because in SL you see a lot of support for it and you can do animations (via the tentacolor websites file or any new one that might emerge due to blenders 2.5 changes), sculpts (via Domino Marama's Primstar 1.0 or newer 2.0), and also now SL's mesh import. So, I figure it is sort of there for whatever you want.

    But I also have a philosophy of thinking "is this usable for anything else besides SL?" because I will hardly ever need the skills I might have developed when using prims lol. That is so NOT portable of a skill. Well, I like CG art. So duh, I can make neat scenes, sureal images or abstract art! Not only that, but I can make images for other endevours. I like to build things now and then, plus know a little about several things in RL that this might work to help me make visualizations ect.

    On top of that, I might have fun making game mods, cars for other games ect. So, I say "hey you can use it for tonnes of stuff, so learn it!" BUT...if you really don't need it for anything other than a coat or a hat....I am not sure it is worth really digging into all blender can do.

    But, lets face it that all 3D progs have methods that are similar. You select some set of verts, faces or edges and then move(translation), scale or rotate them/it. So, maybe you might like Art of ILlusion or AC3D? Maybe shape is good for you (wow, do they have .dae export...hhhm, I can't remember) and so on. Blender does cover sculpting style, vert, face, and edge extrusion and subsurfiicing style making. They have modifers and scripts to generate things. They have some NURBs stuff you can convert to mesh and export. It can bake materials, bake AO(ambient oclusion) maps and there are files to help you rig a full avatar.

    Now, if you want market trends...wow, this is so difficult. But look at the market for normal texture only stuff. It has lots of holes filled, lots of happy customers and can easily serve a bazzillian more that might prefer them to mesh. So, you have less competition and a higher chance of gaining some ground if you fill a few popular holes that people search for. Which brings me to the post I wanted to make....wow, I forgot that...I need to go make that soon...yeah, um....well, I can't predict the market, I don't practice sooth saying...and, that is what it is.

    Not to mention you can make animated texture frames via just animating a scene and rendering it, importing it into gimp and putting those frames into the order they need to be for SL's animated texture script function (it is easy) and you can also render stuff to use as textures!

    Not only that, but it will make your hair thicker, increase your bust size by a whole cup and negotiate with you bankers for a 1.27% increase in interest....possibly this not true or even a rumour and may just be bad humour....but it is free, so you at least save a little bit AND that percent could be similar, compared to some 3D software! I mean, 3000USD is a big chunk of change for me to come buy. Plus, breast implants are about 5000usd these days, maybe cheaper in some south american towns (which I am totally worried about, if anyone does that...you need to be sure and make sure the docter is the same one and you have seen someone with the same operation, even in a richer country even! Heck, don't do it...I love you jsut the way you are!) and....well, you can put a down payment on a house in the USA, build a small safe hut in some countries and even drill a freaking well in others...heck, you might even have change for a goat for them to! Seriously, this is not as low a price as many thinks, 3000usd$ can do a lot!


    Wowe...anyway....yeah, it might be worth it because the avatar file that is on the wiki is in .blend file format....this tells me there is a lead in SL for blender as we enter the "mesh era"

    IWill ALL clothes makers make mesh clothes and leave all the old stuff cheap and useless? There is a possabillity that they might drop prices of older stuff and charge a bit for mesh. But the full perms mesh pack makers will make any style that becomes popular, this is a given. So, mesh might devalue after the first parts. Plus, some might suck at making decent stuff and might rely heavily on thier texture painting skills still. So, you migth be able to get more marketshare and then build a brand on that with mesh as a strength? Wow, this is all beyond me. I struggle wiht some basic tasks now and then, so I can't begin to predict what others do. I make items that are slow to make a bit, because of the amount of parts and scripting, sound and even little details like animation. Not ony that, but I do a tiny bit of R&D....well, much learning and searching out stuff to innovate from/with (LSL scripting mostly) and...well, clothes are totally all looks. So, if you can see mesh that looks better...then I would say, yeah it will end up displacing the regular old texture stuff. Prudeware is where I wanted to invest my time lol. All the skin tight stuff is covered! But, those big old blouses, period gear and so on might not be so well covered in sculpts AND this is betterthan sculpts! One thing though, flexi....no mesh flexi! Prims still come in handy!

    • Like 1
  23. I know this sounds odd....but is it just me or does anyone wish peple would do more original world building or get heavily into an alternative history bit and focus on game mechanics and so on to make awsome games you just can not stop seeing or hearing about.

    Portal! This is a great example. That cube was from history? It was from your childhood? Was it from a large company? Was it famous, previous to it's attachemnt to the game Portal? I have not seen that sucker before. It is new, it didn't need anything but fans to talk about it,show it and so on. I saw it and then read a thread where people where saying things about Portal, read up on it online. Portal looks amazingly fun and I heard it has some humour to it....but, the one thing I saw before I knew what this game was was that cube! They didn't need history, they didn't need fame (ok, teh company has distribution, marketing and advertising)

    Not knocking those how love historical reinactments, historically based games or stuff based on fameous characters. I like some of those to! I played some in my time as well. But, yeah...new stuff! Something fresh or new! Now I can't remember that one game I saw....it was neat. It had a unique first peson perspective thing and neat lighting. I saw it in a article on game design, the fundamental composition and scene making opportunities in a level. It had great lighting! I wonder where my typed notes are on that...oh, now I have to leave and read what I wrote and see if I recorded the name.

  24. Ah, my post is to much befudelling. A clearer post will follow...with the power of titles!

    Um, correct me if I am wrong, but 'ARC is not a GPU benchmark.'

    Info about it is on their wiki, but it also says stuff that is like...well, it is magic and they can't tell you lol. I

    But, you can tear apart the software and use bits of it turned off and make a code for testing it to benchmark different assets loading and further evaluate this. Sort of reverse engineer thier ARC value...if you want lol.


    Look to the software for anwswers? ARC is NOT a GPU benchmark, so software is all that is left to turn to?! Is overall rendering experience of the viewer is taken into account adn NOT only post loaded content? Different software libraries/components have to handle mesh than handle sculpties and images, they have different CPU time and different effect the overall quing of stuff flowing back and forth? These ques are software based, not GPU an dnetwork adapter...so, sofware again as you end up with a less effiecient quing with some items? Lots of other stuff going on BUT the next bit is a key to it all, maybe?


    The users experience is not with a "loading" screen that is blank and then it is all loaded and ready, BUT live and streaming...how can software not be taken into account?


    Heck, maybe you could get the spies to nab all of thier code!

    I mean, maybe the CIA already did and they loved the whole secret of it all and possibly it has a sort of number in there that is purely to mess with peoples heads as LL does socialogy experiments to further it's understandings of who a social system can be built to rely on SL, so they can seperate from the US government?


    In snowcrash the characters ended up with thier own country.

    You never know how some of the folks in cybertopia mindsets might sound when they get excited about a future...i mean, the EFF will tell you of the harsh and odd treatment given to free citizens who where enjoying playing a game! So, you never know...possibly a social experiment and you are here to sort of work for the CIA to stick it to a few with dreams of sticking it to the man and using thier knowledge to become kings of thier own cybertopian kingdom...or anarchdom or whatever.

    I don't know, nor care. I ramble here to some, while others read this with amusment...so I work is done at least to some...they are amused? Good!


    But, maybe LL is working FOR the CIA and the US government to find cyber anarchists or maybe even lag crazed sabatours who wish to kill lag at all costs to advance SL!?

    The perfect weapons where to lure them into attacking high ARC avatars in a bid to make SL work faster? Maybe they are cybercommies who wish to make the world less laggy, and even have been sabotaging the PC's or makers of laggy objects!!


    Some people are serious about cyber worlds...so I will go off on a tangent and speak of thier yearnings and struggles...doesn't this hint at me being a sympathizer?! Should I expect some odd gittering on my screen as recording spyware is dropped from it's injector and I get to chat with new friends of a friends friend while enduring odd looks from a few of my old time ones?!! Eek! Ok, read on if you are bored with ARC value BS and wish to read of the strife of living in meatspace that I (horribly) authored/rambled here for lurkers who are laughing and bored to enjoy. Mr. Gibson I am not!

    I am sure some are serious though, they wish to break away. Even if SL doesn't wish to. Do these people care enough to make this all work by bashing or even resorting to underhanded techniques to stop SL from becoming to slow? Was this meant as a joint effort to find these guys!?? They wish to NOT be part of a world in which they have so many restrictions and so on. They wish to be freed from thier body as it the flesh is a horrid prison...some of them read books all day between takinig medicine to numb the pain thier nervous system hurls at them in a automaton fashion to "help" them survive. Others just want to be furry animal, feel real love and be safe at home at the same time, some with to cheat death only in a virutal way and still feel the jaws of a dragon chew them up after roasting them! They are trapped, unable to really feel like they can live! Who knows what might be wrapped in a joke or hidden in smile in the valleys and allays, the silicone places that are NOT! They are bricks, glass and metal. They are rusting, decaying and sometimes even under threat while people sit in them and look out wondering "why" and simply only are able to point to the government. So...why not learn as much as you can to make a better virtual world? Why not slip in a joke or a fun sociology experiment that hurts no one? It is not terribly unethical, they are not using to cost anyone any money, hurt anyone (they are saying it is NOT so big of a deal, to keep people from pointing fingers to much?) and basically....well, they can do it and we would not know. But the CIA might. So....so, what? In the end, they all kiss and make up, so no biggy!!?


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