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Poenald Palen

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Posts posted by Poenald Palen

  1. They could put a little chart with a 5 dead avatars thingy. I mean, it would show how many have logged off because they can't stand the frame rate and figure they should give up on SL forever...or at least till they have a new PC this years end.

    Like, little avatars in away mode and crosses on thier eyes. BUT, that makes people laugh and some might figure it if un to kill user stats when they see this lol. Since you make your own game, it might become a game to see if you can actually see the avatars log out and IM them to ask why they left and such...but I doubt it. Hey, you never know though.

    But, yeah....all this stuff about numbers usually doesn't happen I don't think. I remember trinagle count limits and texture size limits. KB limits are abviously simple. But all these are sort of more restricting and the other method is to review and so on. Many games might just get word back from testers and then cull the heavy bits in the corner of that one track, change the barn beams and pull the tools on the workbench and replace them with a set of paper plans that are flat and painted into a texture already on the bench etc. You dont' have there here. LL can't fly around and tell people they are pushing away customers. They can't make you pay for each KB or MB of space you use and charge for bandwidth. I guess you see 3 numbers and one evaluation thingy number to help guide you and a cost instead of basically looking at a bill with 20 numbers, some of them charges each month.

    Now, if they billed for it all....well, you know some would build very light and enjoy having a sim for like 30USD a month instead of 100 or so!!! Some don't mind paying 500....well...they might. But, either way you get more spartan sims and a good focus on creations being used that are light. BUT, it is a nightmare as people start to break down you business model, you charges and your expenses and call you greedy each month and resent paying anything! Right now, you see only linden dollars and don't know what is happening as far as profit specifics. YOU don't say "wait a minute...why do I pay so much for physics bandwidth?" or whatever.

  2. Imnotgoing Sideways wrote:

    Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8. (



    Yeah, I used a old old version of that when it wasn't an old version! It was fun, layers where a bit mystical back then. That is the one thing that pushed PS I bet! But, it did a lot and I had fun making stuff with that. I tried a newer version and it had this neat array of points you could deform an image with...neat stuff. I think layers where easy to get as well. Heck, even pheonix at aviary has layers..I think. That was fun to! But, wow what a bunch of lag with the brush I had lol. I made a fictional logo for a clothing company when I was joking to myself about how SL clothes where always seemingly mde with lots of smudging and it would taek forever to do that in this program...but, fun right in the browser. They say that this is the future of software, all through the browser. I say the brushes where to slow...so will wait for a faster pc and network lol.

  3. @Wade Scanning hings is fun. Illustrator..uh, it does do 3d mor eor less. But I see this in video tutorials. I was not looking for any specific software, but is seems everyone who learned from online tutotirals makes them and so you see the same sort of things. Plus, sometimes there are tools that are just very easy to use or very little competition. I don't hate Adobe, but seriously...there are a lot of other tools I see and SL is all 3D. PS just had .obj model added a little while ago, but there is also Blacksmith3d and others around in this same past few years. It is like SL creators who know more about 3D just don't share, don't have time or whatever. Now, I say that and remember Robin is famous for tutorials, and uses lightwave! I also remember people speaking about blender and painting. One person baked shaded avatar images to help people clone paint bits onto thier clothes for quickness...I mean, but still...people are all GImp and photoshop with never a mention from anyone that they use like 10 tools! Camera, 3D object renders, Genetica for the shop textures,  and whatever.

    I am finishing up a store and some items. I used Gimp, inkscape, blender, and maybe some photo's as refernece ot look at or grab colors from with the little color selector. OH, I tried to work up pallettes in Agave as well. Forgot those though lol. I went with black, grey and white and kept it all easy for me lol. Uh...yeah, basically I used Audacity as well. I am using synth as well....sort of exploring making sci fi sounds. So, zynaddsubfx is one to mention...fun mod wheel in it's virtual keyboard! Uh....I use other software for non SL stuff. But, I am going to try demo's and have tried a few before. I watch tutorials and look for what to invest in when the time arrive I have enough money or a generous person to lend me it who will most likely be family....but that all didn't work. So I still use the old Gimp, blender and inkscape base with additional fun had in some other stuff. LMMS has some old school synths in it to! But yeah....Uh, have other software and have used other soffware in the past (Jasc was so much fun! I accomplished nothing but had fun lol That was way back though) and..wow, this is turning into a HUGE post agian.

    You can see I have no money, right? I (sort of) programm and am learning it again. I sort of aspire to do more programming in the future, so I also see it as an investment in something I can script to do batch work and basically learn from. Yes, I have heard of imagemagick as well. Which is much easier and can do batch proccessing...Yes, PS does this as well. So does Jasc..well, it used to....I think. I worked up a website graphics set with Jasc for a personal homepage I never indulged in finishing or releasing...it was useless. GIrls, music and cars..I was younger then lol.

    Not to mention Gimp can do stuff via command line or shell script! Hey, can't blender as well work from command line or script? OH, add that to a laszlo or flash front end...heck, html 5! and you can see a wonderful service for customizing car paint...no? So, you see....I hve big plans, not enough time, a slow mind and type to much and type to badly...sad in some ways. But, who needs a SL custom object painter that works online to allow you to add stuff all decal style and simple primitive shape modifiable vector style? It is used in games on consoles even, so you can use a controller to make this. But...yeah, nothing but some files and ideas and these thousands of words put into posts that lead to nothing and nowhere for me....wow, sad....I think I will go back and figure out the stupid texture roll thingy for the vanity plate thing. It is befitting of boredom and depression.

    And, I do see stuff I think it photo sourced. But, I figure....well....what progs? No one says anything and they make mushrooms in zbrush, right! I mean, I figure many are keeping secrets is all. Which is why i was making fun of myself...but still, I think it is an interesting qeustion and not as much a troll post when you think about it. Some are new and don't explore. Plus, I think some software is new in the past 2- 3years...uh, 3dcoat, sculptris and blacksmith3d are all sort of new...aren't they? Mudbox...gosh, I don't know but all this is new to me the past 3 years or so! There are more to, I just can't remember them? Not many use solid works, right? But Wade mentions blueprints and I think it does bluepritns lol....so, yeah I heard of that to lol. Blueprints can be neat to put on a wall ...it reminds me of the studio I wanted to build in world. Put a few workstations in it, sort of a dream studio. A few monitors and big blueprints on the wall and stuff...nah, wate of time to amuse myself and dream. I need to spend that time reading and learning...so I can read those blueprints I guess lol.

  4. Perms can be detected by script or by the LL servers. The servers will be accessing a folder in inventory when they bring about direct delivery, so things will be changing. You might get yoru voice heard via Jira, in world meetings/office hours, and maybe even here on the forums when you see a post about direct delivery. It is in Beta now and I don't know if they added this. But, yeah...prim count is prim count and no need to not automate this bit. The purchaser can describe more if they wish to, so no losses here, right?

    They can detect the stats on the object with script, but not what is inside each deliverable box! So, they require us to put this in manaully. Now, when they make the folder they will NOT be using LSL, it will be all server side! This means they have much more detial and access. Perms and prim count as well as ALL objects in the box might be autmaticaly listed in the product profile. But, technically a seller could change it and running a check each time might hurt server performance....so I amnto sure how much protection this will cause. But, it should remove user error and also deter any casual cheaters...maybe lol.

  5. Phil






    You know, way back I think SL had ratings and you would star people for building, scripting and so on! I saw a pic in the wiki or at someone's blog I think. So, at one time it WAS a game. The game was "Build a world" and people could get stars. People got money for dwell and you had to compete to make your place a better place and attract people.

    Now...I am not sure. It seems like more of a social platform, and people sometimes play games, make games or make a game of something when they socialize.

  6. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

    /me thinks animations don't move the AVs in respect to collisions.   Here's an old related thread.


    Yeah, when an animation runs IF the avatar is animated to walk around there isn't any extra collisions. The collision box is static! You can walk into the static collision box when you make this. I have a animation that puts the av under the ground for photo taking. When you walk around, the place where the av was standing is the collision box and collides. In fact, the av would NOT stand under the ground if his collision box was NOT up top or somewhere, avatar collision boxes are made to not go through the ground and collide up top.

    Now, if those avatars are walking hand in hand or whatever they might be on a prim that is using physics as a vehicle. Same for some horses. THey are physical vehicles, but others are attachments and only use the avatar. Some physical vehicles go non phys when they are standing still as well! I do this with mine. So, no collisions when it is parked...well, not usually. But, if it never reaches below a certian velocity it appears to be sort of still and is still physical. But, yeah...some things are not physical when you think they are and vice versa. So it is tricky to say what causes lag.

    Now, if you excuse me..I will go to create lag on mainland by testing my vehicle steering and friction settings on primmy bumpy old roads the Linden Moles never go to yet.

  7. OK, game artist people use at least the following: Camera/photosource, 3D materials baked/rendered, editing tools and possibly black magic....like, eye of newt? right?

    No one ever mentions baking when tools are mentioned. No one says (hey, don't forget that tablet...ok, some actually do mention this) and no on mentions any other neat adventures...I mean, I never see "I made a texture by scanning a image I made using a print out of the avatar mesh and orrange peals arranged and photographed...it was cruddy...but fun to try!" I mean...didn't anyone watch Heart Beat way back? No one wants to glue spegetti to some card and scan it to make images with? Ok, I am making fun of myself here....but lets get serious and stop making fun of me now.

    OK, Blacksmith 3D anyone?

    No one uses genetica for materials and only use photoshop plugins? How sad! Genetica has a great demo to!

    3d Coat? It paints mesh...SL's avatar is mesh! PLus, you can always model up a piece and then clone paint from the render.

    3D scanning? no one has a 3D scanner sitting around (ok, now I am joking again...but just a little this time!) and scanned a dress and made up a 3d model from that cloud of points and used this to make some model...render it and viola, something to clone from or warp onto the UV maps clothes makers paint over?

    zbrush, mudbox, shade or ANY 3d software to bake or at least get render source from?

    I started making bits in blelnder to peice together some clothing to match to the avatar, render it and then projection paint it on the av mesh. Then, bake that with even lighting and AO enabled...uh, then modify it in Gimp and maybe....well, maybe it might make clothes! But, I realised that many paint by hand via scribbling to lay down paint, blur/smudge and then bump, dodge and burn until it all looks right. I like to work in 3D, not so much into teh tablet scribble method..though it is fast and looks good IF you can do that well. I just don't have a tablet, don't feel like buying one and wish to enhance my skills with 3D. No, I will not be using a 3D scanner lol. Not so inrerested in them. Uh, but....yeah. modelling mesh, make materials, make textures to help bump map materials and render. Then fix any bits in gimp. Simple enough....ok, it is not.

    But....is this basically excentric...no one is doing this in SL? I know in other games you go back and forth between baking and painting until it is all done. Is the av mesh that screwed up to where people hate working like this? How so? This brought me to the question....is there ANY workflow that is not basically bump map smudges, smudge some more and grad a few photo's to get bits from? What adventures did you have before you decided to stick with the proven path? Are you keeping it all secret and building a HUGE set of clothes that will destroy all others buisines and will never tell us how you do it? We will suffer in obscurity and wish we had never been rezz'd to even take a hand at creating any clothing at all...wiat...I don't make clothing. Still....will you take over the world and via selling little black dresses that are 1000X's better using secret software and technique....and we will never every know how you did it?

    • Like 1
  8. You know. You ask a few question here. So I will simply and quickly adress those.

    You are asking about clothes making and all I can say about clothing is what I have seen: mesh is coming, clothes making is changing and photoshop does have an ability to handle 3D objects withing it and use it's easier (or just more popular) lighting system to light them, bake the textures and obviously you can paint and clone paint on it. But, you can paint up 3D meshes in blender. Gimp....well, I am not aware of it having this ability in 2.6. I didn't see it, never saw a plug in that I can remember right now.

    Photoshop can do more and has a more stable 3D .obj set of tools. That is NOT from experience, it is from what others say.

    Now, you have other programs that handle 3D painting. Blacksmith, deep paint and you can even use 3D tools that allow painting or baking. I mean, 3D painting and baking is in blender, zbrush, maya, 3DS..um...sculptris and possibly several more....3d coat...mudbox? Yeah. there are many options. BUT, this is up to you. It is like saying "whichis better, using sable brushes or nylon?" and all anyone can say is "what are you painting with? Sable is supposed to be better...but waht are you even painting with? PLus, what size of brush will you be using?" IF they where to think about it. BUT, most don't! They assume you are working with traditional medium and simply say "Sable!" and...well, maybe it isn't good for you, and not all use it....wait....why a brush even! There is ONLY good art made with sable brushes? What about pastels? I mean, this is still even traditional as it can get, who doesn't encounter pastels when learning about 2D art?

    I don't know which would be better and you know what happens? The ones with teh best stuff sometimes do NOT talk, do NOT share what they use openly and simply use whatever works for them and it is not always what is common. If you can use 3D software you start to think about the materials and baking...this is fast, can add more realism OR more toon look...all in the settings. BUT, if you think the world of PS and don't know anything about 3D other than make sculpt CS4 (or was it 5?) will make shaded bits' then....well, you will just look at a 3d coat ad and figure it is for game devs...and you are not one of those, you are a SL clothes designer. Uh...that is the same stuff really! More so now we have obj models. People don't think they can use 3D stuff now...but of course they can. 3D rendering makes a image and you can use these images to make anything from buttons to full outfits and then project paint them onto the avatar mesh in a 3D prog....who needs photoshop or even gimp? Wel...sometimes there are bit sthat  dont' match up, so you might hand paint, clone paint, warp, liquid rescale or whatever a part here and there OR the whole edge ect. I know this from slapping down a brush on the avatar in blender. There are other issues as well. My mind is not organized enough right now to edit this all and make a great leap in coherence via paragraphs. Many software packages have demos, btu I reccomend lots of videos first and even taking notes on paper (screens are to flickery, paper can help you learn things more steadfast) So I will end it here with this one sentence.

    YOU are the only one that will know what works and not all paths are discovered as we enter into a different era of SL creation with COLLADA mesh support.

    • Like 1
  9. Bil gates! Those dudes are xerox from Sparc sat around and did NOTHING with their stuff. If Bill and steve (yeah, I will talk as if I know them even though they have nothing to do with me..why not, it sounds funny) got in there and asked to see it all, asked questions (with thier people there to) and then took off and brought it to market. Bill bought the code of some dude who didn't like IBM, brought it to market as DOS. This made PC's useful and then the IBM open architecture (no guys, not exactly open source GNU...but open in some ways..so no copybotting thing wiht IBM wrote on them because Steve Jobs and Bill Gates 'friend on a first name basis" said you could...seriously guys, I don't know them and never claimed IBM is was all Open Source...but thier songs might be...not sure) uh...

    yeah. Bill brought DOS out when some other dude didn't want to mess with it. IBM are huge and distro'd this stuff with thier open architecture boxes. People got a hold of these overpriced calculating spreadsheet runners and basically this lead to the proliferation of PC's! Of course, Mac people will freak. But, yeah, many features where brought out by steve that took forever to hit windows. I mean, you mac could talk way before windows did. Heck, I didn't see such and easy talk thingy in even the windows 7 RC! Just open up the word processer and you choose to make it talk...right? Or some kind of word processor looking thing, I played around with one, amazing stuff for it's day.

    So, uh....bill gates doesn't make lag in his job. Now, some of the ms products end up with more lag. Running scanning, shild, blocker, hunting, stopping thingies does take cpu time away! If this time was put toward many other good things the world might be a better place. But, we see macs getting more attacks as they become popular. Heck, Mac switched to BSD core which had paranoid security freaks working on it a while back. BSD decided to bring Unix computing to the masses, to reduce lag in getting power users, programmerse, networking types and many more a Unix type of OS. they got into trouble and had to deal with legal junk to get thier system out. Now, it is pretty secure in some ways and ended up in the Mac OS's core. Lots of lag reduction while building the internet because you could get that BSD, or linux and run apache and get a server up to serve you dancing freakin hamster gifs...you know, the important stuff the internet has gave us!

    Although, I don't know if the dancing hampsters where on a Apache server....so, yeah...I am just saying "the dancing hapmsters of the world" sort of....not THE actual dancing hampsters of net fame. Uh...yeah...anway. Your drive to work might have been lagged by the lack of round abouts, for instance. Now, if it was up to bill gates this tech would have been taken from the origin or lab, proliferated with cheap asian manufactured plastic and metal curbs that went mustard in the sun and we would all be driving to work faster.....but then again, maybe he HATES round abouts and bill totally loves intersections? Those lights do sort of have a nostalgia going. They sway a little in the wind, dusty and dull and you wonder if they changed or not because they need to be fixed or have the lens replaced. Sort of adds to the whole decay many enjoy in america as they glorify 'grunge' as an art style. But...yeha, lag ='s waiting a week for a letter instead of gettiing it within the day from your email. So, bill got rid of much lag when he delightedly worked on futuristic operating systems after visiting sparcs efforts at xerox.

  10. By cross hairs, do you mean mouselook or the camera control widgets (the things you click...uh, arrows and such) because the widgets (this is a GIU term used by some programming, sorry if it is jargon to you) can be adjusted with a slider in the preferrences window.


  11. If it moves around to much due to flexi then mod the flex settings. If you mean it is not flexi...um, you could try and make it flexi. But only some shapes can be flexable, so this might not work. But, making it flex a little bit will make it less wooden looking and it will maybe appear to move more natural. 

  12. Word of mouth lost + other shoppers walk and don't keep buying other items and you end up with most of the market not engaging and possibly even warning others. Now I remember why I really need to open my store again and just throw up construciton signs and "coming soon" type of signage. :(

  13. Math, loop and constantly redoing moveto might work? I don't use this, but am sort of interested in what you are talking about.

    With vehicles physics in SL you can set the linear motors to take a time period to acheive the power you give them, and there is an efficiency to set as well. But, this is physics based and things like slope, weight, obstables, collisions (or lack of) and many other things efffect the speed at any given time and would effect the overall acceleration. YOu can use tight friction settings and many other changes to sort of reduce the effects of many things. But, still..linear is possibly not possible for you situation.

    I am more interested in non linear acceleration lol. But, thought I would mention you can move an object with vehicle physics and not have to have a driver. Just set a timer and whatever trigger. The vehicle tutorial on the sl wiki might be of help, then again...maybe it isn't! lol.


  14. Trees....ah, I forgot that I mentioned trees. I thought I went into some story about giant tree men! Yeah, they say less crime happens in the USA where there are a lot of trees! I think it must be that many robbers might be drug addicts and they are afraid of the trees coming alive, or animals in the trees ....maybe insects! lol. I remember a guy jumping off a roof when he thought spiders where everywhere trying to catch him. So, he jumped into the air I guess....no spiders inteh air, they where all on the surfaces you see. :P

    Typo! I wil admit though, I can't say the first name well without thinking charlette or is it spelled charlotte? Either way the one I have seen many times more is the one my brain tries to say! Imagine if I mispelled that one though! If I missed the C! 'Harlette' sounds so much like 'Harlot' when spoken or read! Yikes!

    Then I would maybe also have a noose around my neck when kicked out!? Or at least get a sharper heel dug in? ...although you seem less violent than this! I don't know you though....so I shall wear my indestructable bear proof suite!It must be the pink and blue hues, they paint you as less violent. They use pink in prisons sometimes, they say it reduces fighs and such in prisons lol. Maybe it also makes avatars less violent looking!

  15. We don't know the costs yet, these could be there to create joy when they finally release the new ones? OR, part of an internal bargaining system thing. Overcharge to shock and then fight hard and time stall till you finally make a percieved concesion that is really down to what you really want. I can see it now...it is like Dune, they are all talking in thier heads through the cameras as we folllow them around. Instead of the Spice...it is all about the PRIMS! They want more, everyone wants more! They even hace Prim worms that eat up peoples inventories and swollow up a few lindens now and then in the metaspace. An alt here, a few alts there...their AI bot program ravaged by Spice wor....I mean, the Prim worms! They are allin different camps, all wanting different PE ratios while the iinvestors are worried about another PE ratio! This all leads to different fights....sting even shows up at the office and does the wierd thing with the muscle tension and a radnom scabby homeless guy comes in and laughs with all his biols and such....yeah! Cool! Now, if they start firing sound wave thingies to try and destroy each others work stations...those damn voice gun things are stupid and I am walking out as soon as I see this BS and might even leave my Linden Teady behind... I mean, seriously...what is up with the stupid voice manipulated gun junk in that movie!? And the sounds.....just bad, very bad stuff. Yeah, I am saying dune sucks when they use the stupid sounds to fire...halitosis enhanced, is it? I dont' now. Very much a let down...they couldhave had a cooler way of fighting, even with no weapons...I just can't think of anything...so bring out a giant flame thrower or something...napalm guns? Something man, but silly voice noises....I guess there made thier enemies laugh to death? :( so sad. Could I have doen t beetter? Picture spice worms on fire...I mean, shoulder powered compressed napalm machine guns....yeah, you heard it! Explosive rounds of napalm, machine gun delivered. The feakin guns are melting as they try to take out all the worms and keep all the spice for themselves. All the in fighting? yeah, sting can be engaged in some napalm grenade fighting through some kind of obstacle course style chace...throw ina part where they must work together to take out a worm, then go back to fighting each other to death INSIDE the burning dead and quivering carcass...yeah, the carcas still moves when they stand on nerves and such. So, they get flipped over and then are in a fire burning and only one makes it out to drop and roll in worm guts. I know, I have made this movie more aswome for you all....I will accept no thanks, and will look forward to the directors who can take this free alternate story element. Remember, napalm makes giant animal carnage much more crazy and cinimatic. PYromaniacs, unite for a new scene in Dune!...no...../me listens to crickets chirping.... :o

  16. Um, server side rendering is the next future evolution of SL, from what I hear. I don't think this offers anything new or "2.0" and only sort of makes the same old Sl available to many other people with less hardware power. YOu could argue it is not SL 2.0 BUT part of web 3.0, because SL can be a collaborative environment and might even work in well with the increase in personal information usage (as it partians to using analytics, fun visualizations and even purchasing things using virtual reality and information to help visualize....uh, ok this is getting to need examples. I don't care to elaborate now. BUT, yeah...uh, sensors ending up all over the world we live in, augmented reality (OR reality augmenting 3D space so we can use it to help our RL space!) and maybe even basically just act as a part of the new marketing fad of using games to market/advertise/brainwash.

    Yeah, I read about the marketing wierdness of making games to market. You get people to remember you biz if you put a game into something to do with your company...uh, games on your website or gamish type of interactions with the company. Farmville meats retarded "sign up here and we will pay you to 'Like' us!" uh....at least game are fun and sometimes educationsal. Seems like Free Rice was ahead of it's time! I like that website, such a neat idea and does seem like it is ahead of it's time. Gaming is the new marketing fad though, so now you will see games on all sorts of corporate web sites that did not do games before. Also, you will see gadients, the same old photoshop fads and all the rest the web designers market....I wish they where artists more than designers and all this would not look like a cheap Adobe special 2 clicks and done sort of deal. Everything from shopping on the web to just checking out some specs seems like Photoshop acolites have right click and bevelled and glowed thier way to makign everything the same...blah. No wonder etsy became so popular.....oh, yeah....ephemera all over to...blah. Why not more optical illlusions and at leat we have 3D stuff around now....though, people are acting like 3D glasses where invented lat year.....ah...OH well, cool anyway! That reminds me of kirstens 3d viewer, although there was a stereoscopic one already around...I think. But, yeah, neat stuff anyway.

  17. Jaylin Wytchwood wrote:

    Well i found getting two hours of workout 3 times a week really helps in fitness & feelin good

    See, this is what I heard. Intensity is important...They where saying just a few minutes of intense workout and then rest a few minutes. So this over an over a few times and your done! Don't even do it every day. And many are saying weights over aerobics now. The idea is your muscle will burn calories as you do normal tasks, and the rest in between helps you get more from the work out when you do work out...others say move every day. I figure, get on your feet as much as possible AND do something more intense, like vigerous treadmill as you watch TV or whatever. But humans would walk around all day looking for food and such in the wilds, so you get the weird caveman sort of workouts that spawn from nature coming to mind when you try and figur eit out...I figure just move, stress you system a little....but then again, I am not the picture of good health but I don't do much of this working out stuff. I just walk or stand a bit, something intense now and then throuhout the month.

    BUT, of course I would love to make a treadmill thingy with sensors on it, as I have mentioned before! Ishatara showed us the setup SHe uses...well, not the avatar lol. But yeah, the meatspace button pusher behind the avatar. That is so neat. revolutions per minute, timers and so on are all so simple and there are already many plans to make bicycle computers. The part of hacking this all through like a midi controller or even a USB board, make a driver and then set up the SL input thingy stuff it has for mouses, joysticks and so on. I have seen/heard of joysticks, pedals and wheels(gaming type) and even saw a guy who rigged up a treadmill to control walking in SL! It is not hard, just expensive and the real issue is making a sellable commercial product so people can benifit from it because....well, not everyone wants to hack open casings, hack at drivers and hack midi/usb/arduino's and so on....no magets spinning past coils to record blips and timers and so on...nope. This is a slow way to do it, I mean...I can't even be bothered to go searching for parts and rip some copper wiring out of a transformer and dig out some harddrive magnets and so on...I mean, it is easier to just get up and move around and log off! lol. Plus, the radiation from the PC, the monitor and so on is not really so good all day for like 12 hours! So...yeah, it is good to just get up and move around.

  18. Sedentary = death faster.

    If I said you could sit in one seat and it takes 10-40 years off your life and then pointed to another less comfortable one that would allow you to have those years...albeit maybe 5-20 of them might be with dementia creeping into your life...would you jump out of a plane and take a kilo of cocaine and snort it while going down after I got doen asking you? Well, that is what some people do. Then there are people who care a bit. They sit in any seat and just don't do crazy insane stuff. They feel safe. Then there are people who try to find out what the heck is up with the chair and claim I am full of it. Then I admit, I was only making an analogy and was really talking about people sitting around to much and trying to tell them to simply stand a bit more. ....then it hit me! My analogy was wrong, that standingn does NOT detract from the comfort of your comfy chair...it makes it better! Btu sky diving and snorting a tonne of cocaine and killing yourself does NOT help one bit at all, so at least I am right abotu something...got to make sure of that in an analogy or people will go around all willy nilly making the whole world think you are condoning eating chairs or something..or maybe they wont.


    But yeah. MOVE AROUND. I mean, don't eat to much either. Also, we need to change the way we poop. Sitting in that way we do on the western toilet is not good. American Football players are getting diverticulussulsuuseiess. Yeah, something about the bowels stretching and so on. We need to eat better, move aruond more AND even if we do this..simply even poop better! Heck, when society trains you to live unhealthy to the point where you can't even poo without a risk of the bad food you are eating pushing your bowels into little pockets of rot that can lead to death....helll, what are we supposed to do!

    SO, I am starting to advocate standing desks, and figuring out how to make one myself with the few tools I can borrow as it is lower cost than buying one. Not only that, but move somwhoe. Running is hard for large people, so maybe something like the treadmill and a fan to keep you from sweating into you electronic devices you will surely want to use. Those pad computing things are neat, so are those eInk style thingies. They have great battery life. USe one of these as an excuse to get around! Yeah, tell your spouse you NEED a new tbalet computer, superwizzepad from a fruit company, or some kind of neato plastic powder in clear stuff ink device you can kudle as you walk around! It is for you health, you NEED it or you wil die. Spouse says no? Then they want you to die...if you are cute and the right sex I will let you marry me temporarily in an arabian sim where it is allowed, then I will let you buy it! But if you are ugly and I don't see some ceavage..I am afraid you will have to get your spouse drunk and maybe black mail them...sorry. But yeah....uh, of course I am joking I will NOT marry anyone, and am simply joking about people needed spouses to let them buy things....even though it must at least be nice to have someone to at leat ask or talk to about that sort of thing instead of arguing about evil plans to take all your money with battery packs to nobody and chalk the argument up as talking experience for if you are really around anyone and maybe a litle acting experience to boot. Ah...yeah. move around and stuff!

    I need to, infact that is what I am going to do. Then go lay down....but that is what I am supposed to do because of time periods and all that. Uh..actually I am supposed to not move around to much.....well, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

    But, yeah...MOVE AROUND. I really wish I could make that tread mill or walking thingy that people could interact with. The hope we have is, of course, the Kinect work....LL did some work on this pre-kinects release...Well, that is what I read. But they could be lying and then the pressure of me letting you all know and all your emails askign where it is at makes the dude who was supposed to be working on it admit he was playing a vintage pong game trying to unlock a easter egg he heard about and didn't bother...of course, this leads to him running away and bumping into a guy that he needs money from and the guy starts screaming abotu how there are better things in the world to do with his money and then a dude laughs and offers to allow him to invest in a company that wants to resurect famous people...well, at least clone with thier DNA! Napolean is rebord, takes over parts of china and then sucure nukes and starts a nuclear exchanges in asia and it leads to a space program in which only smart people with experience in virtual reality and gaming get to go to build mars with small robots and control teams of nano bots in a HUGE giant lemmings style game interface that requires running around a HUGE touch screan.


    Of course, only the fit ones who don't mind bad food and tang get to go....so, drink tang, use a standing desk, move around and practice drinking in a weightless environment by moveing your food around on a thread really slowely and tryign to eat it pretending you are floating around your kitchen in like super slow motion....yeha, then you will be picked and not have to be on earth with tonnes of people who have cancer, poiosen intestine pockeet AND MORE cancer from teh nukes as they go to the local thyroid removal booths to drop a few coins into it and "insert head and atach strap here" to get a robot surgery form the surgery vending machine.....stuff like that.

    I mean, I am sure you have heard this type of rambling from you docter many times...so, yeah...what the docter said!

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