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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. No more C&A games today! Patch said we broke the release station I was on my way to bed anyway but the others must stay put till they fixed it.
  2. We old hoppers are used to that. Just click the "go back to land selection" link and try again ... and again ... and again. Must have done that nearly a hundred times this evening (or so it felt). Only persistence brings you a home!
  3. THAT is the page you should refresh and you get a home (or so it used to be).
  4. I had freed three alts: first girl got a very good one at the seashore first try: Bloodroot by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr second girl got a rather good one at least near to some water at her third try: Darcy by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr and the boy hopped and hopped and got blocked after his fifth try ... so he'll try again tomorrow. The houses and the flowers are lovely but the problem is (compared to Belli north) little water and much sandy gardens nonetheless.
  5. So it was only a test! Thought I had dreamed it! Saw ONE Victorian - didn't get it. Refeshes like mad . Traditionals Campers Meadowbrook!
  6. Patch doesn't seem to be there any more ... but the mob! I prefered to fly all olong the borderline - the new regions that used to be missing and form the "wall" ... took a lot of photos ,,, There's a lot of room between the houses - and more water than I thought. The only thing I do not like is the ground texture. There is lots of sand in the gardens even if they are nowhere near the seashore. They could be lush and green without any effort. Just needs another ground texture!
  7. You can omly enter the new regions where there gas been the WALL .... and zoom from there! The actual Victorian regions are still blocjed.
  8. Finally the wall fell!!! You can zooom into the Victorians! AND fly in the waiting has been worthwhile!
  9. I am looking foreward to seeing addons for the Victorians appear on the MP But first of all I am looking foreward to the Victorians being finally RELEASED!
  10. I joined them (or rather my alt did) - sort of Carniaval - they make a lot of noise.
  11. So will you announce it? Anyway if you wait till the Victorian relese started there is no way to go for it - will all be a turmoil.
  12. Is that gone allready? Might try for it. Presently I have two houses in Axim: my super Beachhome plus another one on a hill with nice view. If I catch Gentle Grove I might give up the latter
  13. Blue Duck just Traditionals . Cantrip mixed all three Campers, Boats, Traditionals both on the Eastcoast
  14. I caught and released a Todds Landing one some hours ago! Must keep my finger away from those!
  15. That is a really nice location! My alt checked it and will try for it. PS: Saw it but didn't catch it! Someone was quicker! Well it is just aswell! I HAVE a beachhouse on my main ... and the alts should keep ready for the Victorians.
  16. This thread here and this one but the most important one ... and the only one you should "follow" (have mails sent as soon as it is added to) is THIS one .. (only Patch can post there and does it VERY seldom)
  17. Today I guess SSPE281 Cantrip Coast (or /plus SSPE297 Blue Duck?) if not the Victorians
  18. Well since my SL "birth" in April 2007 I never bought much furniture at all ... then there came the first showcase of the new Bellisserian homes and just in time the bis saleout of Pixel Mode. I invested several thousand L$ there - just lately you could get EVERYTHING for just 50L$ at Apple Fall ... I bought EVERYTHING and left about 10 000 L$ there. That should be enough! I do nor RP and do not plan to walk about in the Victorian regions in Victorian outfits (though I have some). I plan to look at them as antique homes restaurated nicely and sold or rented in modern times. I must admit I do not know how to furnish them yet but it will have to be with furniture I allready own. And I do look foreward to the first pictures posted by our several decoration - queens!
  19. I fully agree with you there!!! If they do not get the Victorian release done by Wednesday the latest, then it would be the best for EVERYBODY (Lindens, Moles and US) to postpone it into the new year. The huge release will make us busy househunting (instead of buying presents, wrapping them up, baking cookies, eating them ....) and it will make the moles busy with all sorts of malfunctions and complaints ... (instead of ... seee above!) So Wednesday (one week before Christmas two workdays to go before the weekend) should be the LATEST. What I fail to understand is this: @Patch Linden SEEMS to have had the plan (if I read and interprete all the hearsay about him right) to release them ALL (thousands of homes) before the Expo ends (in the last week) or near afterwards. Then the testing and last finishing touches on all this mass seems to have been more difficult and timeconsuming than he expected. Absolutely normal - no criticism there - xxx happens - Murphys law! But if that is the case why not just give up the idea of releasing ALL of them in one big BULK instead of giving up the idea of a realease before Christmas ? I can understand that he wants to release a real LOT of homes as to make them last several days and giving anyone around the globe a chance to get one. But if he realeased about half of them or two third - all those regions that are READY - several hundred homes - that effect would be the same!! And like in Belliseria North the rest could go daily region by region so allways a constant flow and a chance for latecomers and something to look foreward to! Well I can't read his mind and maybe that is just what he plans to do- let's hope for the best!!
  20. The thread for this where the forum people are watching and commenting any progress on the building of the new continent since long before the first regions were released is called SSP you find lots of pictures there and maps and speculations ...
  21. You are wrong. I keep the records (spreadsheet - sort of hobby of mine) and can tell you every single region with it's release day, date and time. There never has been one on a Saturday or Sunday. Only once on an USA bankholisay (or a day before or after one they traditionally take off). Monday till Friday 6:00 am to 3:00 pm SLT that is the timerange for region releases.
  22. You might like the houses. You can take a preview look at "Linden Reveal" region anyway - but you might not like the houses you are given. There are thousands - at least several hundred getting released at a time. You get given one randomly by mere chance like in a lottery. You can abandon and claim a new one only five times in 24 hours - and when they are all gone (after 48 hours? a week? ?? a month?) you might end up regretting to have given up your sandy camper with sea view.
  23. You said so before and I kept wondering. Wgat is the good about a "front facer" ? The Winchester has it's balcony at the back and even the others ... addon porches are mostly at the back ... or you place chairs in the garden. SL or RL ... usually people sit and watch the view behind their house not in front of it ... at least I do and the people I know.
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