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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. This is an 11 year old thread. There are tons of possibilities now. Start a new thread with an explanation of what exactly you're trying to do and we'll help.
  2. In the touch_start event, use llDetectedKey(0) to check who touched the object. If the key isn't the one you want, don't give the item.
  3. It's the stuck Alt key. Why it gets stuck, I dunno, but it has started happening to other people in recent versions of Firestorm at least. For example it tends to happen when the viewer changes focus, like when you click to/from another window or when you alt-tab between windows. To fix it, just press the Alt key while the viewer is in focus. It's not a problem with your keyboard.
  4. The blue harness and the blue shorts are mesh, and they're separate attachments. The body's HUD doesn't control them. Can you show your full outfit, as in all of your items in the Appearance/Wearables window? It's possible that those attachments have become "ghosted" (as in, they're visible to you but they're not actually there), but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
  5. What more would you want to do?
  6. Yup. Friend of mine had cancer and was buried on 17th of May, 2011. Still have a blurb about it on my profile, probably will until SL disappears too.
  7. You can tell that's from an offline IM because the address is @im.agni.lindenlab.com You can turn off "forward offline IMs to email" in your viewer settings or dashboard. If you don't want to do that, block the person.
  8. Yeah! These can be toggled from Preferences > Move & View > Show Visual Hints. (Funny enough, I just happened to get the same "from behind" view in them. I don't use them normally.) Excuse the odd prim. I was doing science.
  9. It's documented on the wiki: "For Viewer 3.6.7 and up: If the object is not attached to the permission granter but is in the same region, then Me>Movement>Stop Animating Me will revoke both PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION and PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS (other permissions will remain)." You can only revoke permissions from objects within the same region as you, not objects grid-wide. An avatar's inventory is also not "an object in a region," so it kinda follows. We also don't necessarily want all scripts to lose permissions once taken to inventory. There are use-cases (like rezzing) where persistent permissions are necessary. Changing this would definitely be a breaking change.
  10. That is unfortunately how it works. A script keeps permissions forever (for one avatar at a time), unless they request new permissions. The "revoke permissions" option in our viewers works only for non-attached objects, but even then, any copies of the script in the griefer's inventory will still keep their permission to animate you.
  11. Once a script has permission to animate you, you can't really revoke it. The obvious solution in this situation is to stay away from that person (and file an abuse report on them). The person needs to be in the same sim as you to play animations on you.
  12. Let this thread stand as an example of why we don't let people name and shame.
  13. They are almost certainly these ones: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MOR-bento-rabbit-parts/11807043
  14. That's a pantyhose from a clothing layer.
  15. You don't have to create the group unless you want to make it harder for someone to squat on the land without your permission. You can totally leave rezzing available to everyone and just check the land every now and then. One benefit might be that the tenant won't need to contact you to get into the group after paying. (I don't remember how group-owned land works.)
  16. Yep, since you own the land and the group, you can return their stuff and kick them from the group.
  17. You'll want to restrict rezzing to a group (or watch for squatters), then just make sure the tenant pays the rental box and joins the group. The group could be invite-only, if you want to really keep squatters from placing their own stuff down. A bot could be automated to invite new tenants to the group when they pay, or you'll have to invite them yourself. I dunno about CasperLet either but the general idea is simple. You should own the land on Mainland, always. If you sell it, you can't reclaim it like Private Sim owners can.
  18. And mainland tier has been reduced. And you can now buy homesteads without owning a full sim if you're Premium Plus. And you can pay tier with lindens, without selling them on LindeX.
  19. llDetectedDamage springs to mind... I'd assume that's been Jira'd at some point, can we revive/remake a ticket? Non-physical damage prims are used in things like raycast weapons and explosives, pretty common occurrence. Speaking of damage! @Rider Linden I found one damage-enabled parcel in Aditi, but I can't rez in it. Did negative damage make it in? Also, in case it got lost in my my previous post, I think relative REZ_POS should take the rezzer's rotation into account.
  20. OBJECT_GROUP works even better, without risk of spoofing!
  21. It's also impossible to export lights from blender. You have to create them yourself in-world.
  22. You can get them back from the "library" section of your inventory. It should be at the very bottom. The library is something everyone has access to, and nothing can be deleted from it. You can find all of the starter avatars in there.
  23. The neck seam is always there under most lighting conditions, unless the head's neck is specifically made with the body in mind. The problem is caused by the edge-normals not matching at the seam, so each mesh will respond differently to light. A common solution is to cover it up with something, like a necklace/choker/collar/turtleneck/etc.
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