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Malcom Shelman

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Blog Comments posted by Malcom Shelman

  1. @Jahman Ochs

    I understand your mood, but I wish to remember an important thing: SL is whatever users wants to be because they are the REAL Second Life. It's a platform created by Linden Labs where programmers, modelers and virtual artists are god-like^^ (they create everything existing on SL, SL is what they made throught years).

    So it's sure SL is a platform game like it's a social network like it's an erotic chat like whatever-you-want....

    So the question is: what's for you ? Why are you spending your money on SL ? To buy a land and create your own world/club ? To have your own home in a virtual world ? To buy fancy wears ? This is good, because it's for YOUR use.

    All of us are free to decide how (or if) spend their money on SL. If you have a particular event you wish to ask at the LL, just ask. If you don't like platform games, than I don't think you have any opinion of value to express in this post.

  2. It's very pleasant when you know someone has found a way out from a black hole in her/his life. But when I heard about such things in SL, I think it's very incredible !!!

    I'm not that good, never found my talent since 2008 (when I joined SL), so I have to give compliments to you and to who gave you the chance to show your skills to all the world !!!!!

    Best wishes !!

  3. Namely lag, simborder-crossings, did i mention lag?

    I'm not interested in those kiddy-style games, please get a grip on your ideas, Rodvik.

    My main interest is aviation and transportation overall in SL.

    Before you waste resources on new so-called features, please _fix_ SL, Mr. Humble


    By the way, Linden Realms looks outrageously bad and is completely unusable on any viewer that isn't mesh capable. I just took a look with the 1.23.5 Viewer, and it was hilarious. Tons of badly textured cylinders and cones and spheres - signs unreadable... Gives you a great preview of how unusable SL in general will be for non-mesh viewers, once Mesh gets more widely in use.

    Can I up to you, Linden, this 2 messages ? I liked this funny mini-game, but it's absolutely right what they're saying !!!

    Take care about it, please.

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