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Gratitude Guest Blogger: Stingray9798 Raymaker

Linden Lab


It is difficult to single out an act of generosity from my perspective in Second Life, because I have the good fortune of serving as the American Cancer Society’s director of virtual world activity, which means that I get to work with the thousands of volunteers for Relay For Life of Second Life every year.

There is not a day that goes by that I don’t hear a story about an avatar who gives of his or her own time and talents to help make the Relay experience in Second Life better. Even those avatars who don’t consider themselves “team members” or “volunteers” contribute when they donate items or refer people to the American Cancer Society Island for support and information.

And it is the ACS Island that I would like to focus on for this year’s blog post. For years, the ACS Island has been in Second Life, with many changes to its overall design, look, and feel. I must give thanks to Bora Rossini for being the first “official” volunteer designer of ACS Island, and for helping us to develop a vision that makes sense for those who come to the island seeking cancer information and support, as well as a visually stunning experience.


Now, after nearly a year of planning and developing, Zander Greene and Lauren Thibaud (along with many of their own friends) have contributed many hours of design work to bring us the experience that is currently meeting the needs of our island visitors.

From Zander’s leadership, his design team has created a visual experience that meets the primary goals of the American Cancer Society’s Island in a way that allows visitors to navigate without assistance, understand what they’re looking at, and find the information and support they need.

It’s especially gratifying to work with someone who remains positive and encouraging and who always seems excited and passionate about what he’s doing. Zander constantly surprises us with new ideas and ways to improve what he has already built. His persistent pursuit of excellence is infectious. He and his team also generously give their time and talents to the Second Life Fantasy Faire every year.

Through their generosity, they are providing a place for cancer patients and their caregivers to come in Second Life that helps them to find the support they need. Zander and his team care deeply about the meaning behind their work, both as artists as well as dedicated, passionate warriors in the fight against cancer. If you ever get a chance to talk to Zander about why he cares so much and why he gives so much of himself, I urge you to do so. He’s a truly special individual with a heart of gold (or purple)!

Zander and his team have donated all of the time and enery — and prims — that it took to create this experience, and continue to support it, while also addressing their own Second Life personal and business needs. I am grateful to have this forum to publically recognize, thank, and show appreciation for the generosity shown by Zander and his team to the American Cancer Society, and am proud to work with them each day.


- Stingray9798 Raymaker


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