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Gianni Lupindo

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Everything posted by Gianni Lupindo

  1. Thinking about it better there is actually a privacy concern for #1 since someone could create a malicious script which I own to subtly reveal my own friendlist to others.
  2. If so I ask some admin to move my post in the main LSL forum. I will add further list items in replies to myself. Thank you.
  3. In the #1 there is no privacy concern since friendlist is mine. In the #2 I mean to get the last user login by a script, not manually, all the more so if I have to use a contrivance. In the #3 I told "another SIM", not the current one. In the #4 I told "another parcel", not the current one. llGetParcelDetails cannot be used to get the parcel details of parcels in neighboring regions, therefore even more so in distant regions.
  4. This is a list of LSL functions I'd love to find in the library for: getting my friendlist getting last user log in getting avatar number into another SIM knowing if another parcel of any SIM is script enabled opening mini-map I will add further list items in replies to myself once 24 hours have elapsed.
  5. I'm a male, so my italian name is Gianni 🙂 Gianna is an italian female name. You don't need to make a copy because your attachment was synchronized since you detached it into your inventory.
  6. It's indeed 🙂 When you detach an object or simply logout every attachment is synchronized with the user's inventory on Linden servers. That clearly couldn't happen if you suddenly crash.
  7. I thought to have been pretty clear even though english is not my native language: I saved one script and one notecard into an attached object; when the viewer is crashed I still wore the attachment (I was testing it) so the contents into it weren't updated in my inventory (not the attachment's inventory) as I realized when I logged in SL back. It's clear for me now.
  8. It wouldn't be exactly a "roll-back". Now it's clear to me: attachment's contents are locally saved and if you don't detach the attachment or log out the items are not actually updated in the inventory.
  9. I didn't log out! Be careful: I crashed as I told so content in the attached object wasn't updated in the inventory. It's an acceptable answer. You cannot test it until you don't crash!
  10. Sometimes I behave like that but more often I prefer to not add too many things in my inventory. But by now I'll detach occasionally the object and attach it back to restart my work. Thanks. 🙂
  11. It happened that I crashed and, after I logged in back, scripts or notecards opened and saved on the previous session into an attached object (HUD) didn't keep the new content. Is that normal? If so how could I avoid to lose the last saved content in case of a crash? Should I detach the object to save the new content in the inventory? Thanks in advance.
  12. No, you didn't get it: it's not the buyer to add a TP for and Adult location but my teleporter for random! The last version allows to choose the SIM rate though.
  13. That's OK. I thank you for your help, Dakota; but... even though my item doesn't show nudity or contain sexual animations I wrongly thought however it could take someone within an adult SIM, even more so for the previous versions which didn't ask users for the SIM rate. At this point I'm going to set these versions as General too. Thanks again.
  14. Since nobody answers I'm going to set the maturity level of GL Offhand Teleporter 1.2, the last version that lets users choose the maximum SIM rate, as "General". I really hope to do the right thing.
  15. My Marketplace store sells GL Offhand Teleporter, a HUD that teleport you in any random region, including the ones rated as "Adult". So as a precautionary measure I set the maturity level of my product as "Adult" even though it doesn't immediately show any adult content unless you choose to teleport yourself to a random region and you happen just in an adult region. I wish to low the maturity level of my product as "General" but I don't know if that is the right choice. How should I regulate? I'm modifying this product to let users choose the maximum SIM rate but I still don't know how to set its maturity level. This page didn't help me: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/listing_guidelines#adult-guidelines. Suggestions are welcomed. Thanks in advance.
  16. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Voluntary_Movement_Speeds
  17. I would leave SL for a while. My first life would be worthy a lot of more attention and I really hope to be able in my intent. This one could be the right occasion.
  18. The SL viewer has been just installed for testing; why didn't you make a snapshot of my Firestorm technical information too that is the viewer I almost always used in the last years? I'm hesitant about a new PC purchase because Second Life is the only trouble; for the rest my laptop is simply perfect!
  19. I never said the --noprobe parameter doesn't work on Firestorm but I said the laptop with this viewer overheats the same even using it by the Intel integrated GPU. The parameter surely doesn't work on Linden Lab viewer in my case.
  20. Some time ago I always used the integrated graphics with no problem, even though the inworld wasn't excellent. A cooling pad wouldn't really fix the overheat with both GPUs because I think the CPU socket needs a new thermal compound and the fan being cleaned. My laptop worked with SL viewers 4 years and a half but it has never been disassembled. I will have to seriously evaluate the purchase of a new desktop PC as soon as possible. I already reduced graphic settings to the lowest values or, at most, medium-low with no appreciable results. I used to set these values to medium and in few cases to medium-high. The bandwidth is irrelevant for my problem but it's already set to 1000 kbps. The advanced lighting is already disabled with minimum settings. The problem is presumably of another nature. Thanks for your advices.
  21. I'm suffering from the same problem with both 64 bit viewers: Firestorm 5.1.7 (55786) and Linden Lab 5.1.8 (518593) into a laptop running the operating system Windows 10 Pro. The message "Initializing VFS..." hangs for several minutes before to load the login screen of the viewer. I apparently fixed the problem adding the --noprobe parameter to the Firestorm shortcut; this solution doesn't work with the LL viewer shortcut though. Another apparent solution has been using the NVIDIA GeForce GT750M GPU instead of the integrated one Intel HD Graphics 4000: the NVIDIA GPU is surely more powerful and efficient but the CPU gets too hot now, until over 80 °C, and even just keeping the login screen opened. That's why now I'm trying to use the Intel GPU, even though the temperature still slowly gets too hot (close to 80 °C) and the LL viewer takes a lot of time to load. I unfortunately think I'm having some serious issues with my GPUs and that's the reason why the viewers take so long to open up too. I included some technical informations taken from my two viewers, one of which using the Intel GPU and the other one the NVIDIA GPU. Firestorm viewer Linden Lab viewer Firestorm 5.1.7 (55786) Jul 13 2018 22:34:51 (64bit) (Firestorm-Releasex64) with OpenSimulator support CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz (2394.56 MHz) Memory: 8078 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 17134) Graphics Card Vendor: Intel Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 Windows Graphics Driver Version: OpenGL Version: 4.0.0 - Build RestrainedLove API: (disabled) libcurl Version: libcurl/7.54.1 OpenSSL/1.0.2l zlib/1.2.8 nghttp2/1.25.0 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.10.4 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Studio 1.10.05 Dullahan: 1.1.1080 / CEF: 3.3325.1750.gaabe4c4 / Chromium: 65.0.3325.146 LibVLC Version: 2.2.8 Voice Server Version: Not Connected Settings mode: Firestorm Viewer Skin: Vintage (Classic) Window size: 1920x1013 px Font Used: Deja Vu (96 dpi) Font Size Adjustment: 0 pt UI Scaling: 1.25 Draw distance: 128 m Bandwidth: 1000 kbit/s LOD factor: 2 Render quality: High (5/7) Advanced Lighting Model: No Texture memory: 512 MB (1) VFS (cache) creation time (UTC): 2018-8-20T13:42:35 Built with MSVC version 1800 August 24 2018 08:22:25 SLT Second Life Release (64bit) CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz (2394.56 MHz) Memory: 8078 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 17134) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GT 750M/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 398.82 Window size: 1920x1013 Font Size Adjustment: 96pt UI Scaling: 1.25 Draw distance: 128m Bandwidth: 3000kbit/s LOD factor: 1.125 Render quality: 4 / 7 Advanced Lighting Model: Enabled Texture memory: 512MB VFS (cache) creation time: August 24 2018 08:25:49 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.10.4 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.64 Dullahan: 1.1.1080 / CEF: 3.3325.1750.gaabe4c4 / Chromium: 65.0.3325.146 LibVLC Version: 2.2.8 Voice Server Version: Not Connected August 24 2018 08:26:09
  22. Great, Suspiria. Thank you very much! :-)
  23. No, Avira could block slplugin.exe which is the application that loads search and internal browser, but by my firewall I seen that it starts not at all. Anyway I have not installed Avira Antivirus and I have nothing real time protection, except Windows Defender. Instead I have already contacted the SL support.
  24. I have already post to JIRA. Your help will be welcomed. Thanks!
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