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Elena Blossom

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Everything posted by Elena Blossom

  1. I love what you've done @Mercedes Avon, giving a totally different look to the house!
  2. another great work @SarahThe Wanderer, it really looks like taken from The Shire itself
  3. Anyone interested? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Esplin/111/229/37
  4. This beauty in Cantrip Coast is waiting for its new owner http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cantrip Coast/106/36/29
  5. @Teresa Firelight, check your environment settings, they can totally change how colors look. If you use the default setting, they should match, but the moment you start using others, the shadows and reflections modify the tonality on the walls.
  6. Starting tomorrow, HISA is holding a Summer sale, untill next Saturday July 17th. Apart from the buildings which wouldn't work in a Linden home (maybe as a skybox), they have some great quality greenery http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hisa/78/74/23
  7. Weekend offer at Your Dreams http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cleantha/172/135/22
  8. @BellaSwanVioletSong, puedes editarlos para colocarlos en la zona de la pantalla que mejor te encaje: - Busca el hud en tu inventario, y haz clic en Select. - Aparecerán las fechas de coordenadas Y/Z/X (azul, roja, verde), sobre el hud. - Mueve esas flechas para colocarlo sobre la zona que quieras. Espero que sirva.
  9. I have just visited your Cafè and I've totally loved it. There is a very special atmosphere, so relaxing and classy, what an amazing work you've done there
  10. Glad to see people are getting campers; they are amazing, really fun and easy to decorate
  11. @Sehra Kauffman, that is one of the best spots I've seen in all Bellisseria. Congratulations.
  12. More than Rivendell, it looks like Lothlórien to me. If you play with night windlights, fireflies, gleams through the trees, it might create an amazing atmosphere.
  13. @TrishSummers, check Campbell Coast, the community is very active, and the landscape beautiful
  14. If you want to start planning your fantasy cottage decoration, this 50L Friday table might be for you. Tree Stump table by Half+Deer, 6 textures (3 hand-drawn by Halogen herself), and just 1LI http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Eternal Dream/48/93/21
  15. Then you'd get very peaceful neighbours....
  16. Thank you @Evangeline Arcadia for the picture. The theme is so me!!!! I am afraid all my homes apart from my camper, are in danger..
  17. Looking at the fairy dust in Patch's picture, and the SL18B one, a magic/fairy cottage theme might make sense
  18. We might find more info this day. I bet there will a special mention to our beloved Ebbe's passing: https://secondlife.com/destination/meet-the-lindens I'm really hoping for a nordic theme, so I can call my parcel 'Ja ja ding dong'
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