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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Posts posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. 3 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    The only way I know to approach an orthographic view is to use Firestorm's Phototools Cam pane to set the View angle to the minimum of 0.080 (Default is 1.048). This is still a 3D view, but it's pretty flat. For large objects, you'll have to cam very far away, which will require you to set a very high draw distance. This won't work, of course, if there are other objects in the light of sight, blocking your view.

    Hopefully, if there's a better way, someone else will come along and reveal it.

       Firestorm also lets you selectively derender objects, which eliminates the line of sight issue. This is good information Maddy.

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  2.    Because there was never any kind of enforced creation standard for wearables, there are probably many of them out there that use a custom texture/UV scheme completely incompatible with BoM. This would create a lot of confusion and complaining (nothing new), when put into use. The average users may not know, or will be unable to discern whether texture layer X on wearable A is going to work on New Body Part layer B.

       Concerning making permissions requests of each creator, there are a lot of them, many of them having probably left SL and no longer active. This would entail a bureaucratic process beyond the capacity of Linden Lab employee hours. And realistically, this should be an all or nothing affair. As Qie pointed out, LL can do what they want, which is something to which every user agrees when they sign up. 

  3. 37 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    You know, no matter what drugs a doctor might give you, there is absolutely nothing that will numb a throat sore from inflamed lymph nodes.  I've not been this miserably sick in a very long time. It hurts when I end up in another coughing fit and it just plain hurts to swallow - and it's not like we can avoid swallowing.  I've actually cried multiple times today from the pain and there is not a damn thing anybody can do.  

       @GoSpeed Racer has actually been suffering from something that sounds very much like this. You poor kid. ☹️

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  4.    I frequently allow friends to find me on the map. But I've never had your experience. It's possible this guy was misunderstanding how the whole thing worked and believed it was automatically reciprocal. Or maybe this was simply a case of mistaken identity? I'm not sure, but clicking that little box off was probably the right thing to do.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

    But would you drink this?    :)


    avocado wine.jpg

       I might be tempted to give it a sip, out of curiosity. If I liked it, then I'd probably have some once in a while. Avocados and I have had a tempestuous relationship over the years. Once upon a time, many years ago, it was grown-up food, "eww gross! No, mom." Then it was an oddity that I never quite found myself in the mood to try.
       When I was about 28, I was at a party that was themed Mexican food. As I was getting a plate ready at the outdoor buffet, the friend I went with said "Oooh! Here, you have to try this!" and promptly dropped a blob of guac on my plate. I sighed (Is it a part of introversion to  not like others dropping food on your plate? Or does everybody get this?) and finished getting the other things I wanted. So, short story, I tried it, with chips and cheese, sliced black olives, and salsa. It turned out liked guac. I later learned that I was fortunate to have tried good guac my first time. But then, of course, in my late thirties, avocados became a part of my own personal, growing allergacoepia caused by my oral allergy syndrome.

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  6.    I'm an equal opportunity wine drinker. I like reds and whites, rosés and grigios. But then my wine initiations were Lambrusco and Riesling (I was young). These days though, I drink far less than I used to. It just isn't as much fun as it once was.

       I confess to being a milk chocolate lover. Dark chocolate is ok sometimes and better other times. The Terry's dark chocolate orange is among my favorites. White chocolate is something I don't take from the bowl of goodies even if it's all that remains.
       And what's with ruby chocolate? I haven't tried it, but I've read descriptions. It sounds horrible. It feels like another attempt to make money from a bold foray into nouveax faux.

       I don't need a seat on the ark. Just laugh at me every now and then and I'll be ok.

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  7.    Today I am making a cover photo for my forum profile. It's only recently occurred to me that we can do this. Also, is there yet any point in filling out the forum profile personal information field? As far as I know, no one can look at it.



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  8.    I'm in-world quite often these days. I've stayed pretty active since 2007 in fact, with a few relatively brief hiatuses here and there. I've kept candles burning for a few old friends who wandered off. It's not as spectacular as @Madelaine McMasters' method, I know. But a little dribbled wax is way easier to clean up than the charred morass she tends to leave behind.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 3
  9. 5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    The reason I myself dislike them is because they are mechanisms for something rather like social engineering: they've been designed to make us do things that the software creators have decided they want us to do. Personally, I don't like being "engineered."

       This is why I walked away from Plurk.

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  10.    I've performed an exhaustive search, both in the marketplace and in-world for a hairstyle used in a marketplace makeup listing. It's a very short, punky style. It can be seen here:


       I'm planning to contact the owner of the listing, and would appreciate it if anyone here familiar with it could let me know.

       Thanks for your time.

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