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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Nemi McMahon wrote: I have been looking around for a while for a body skin with freckles, all i can find is for face freckles but not for the body. Anyone know where i can find a nice body skin with freckles for my Maitreya body? Also look at appliers from Pink Fuel, Curio and Mynerva.
  2. arabellajones wrote: I don't know if it is relevant, and some of these errors are plenty old enough, but I see that the Wiki has been locked down, for security reasons, for most of this month. What I am seeing is rather fundamental ineptitude, not getting the documentation finished. I'm not the Second Life equivalent of a Kremlin watcher, but I can't think of any well-known programmer-grade Lindens who have been around here as long as I have. If they don't even have internal documentation for the code that would be dreadful management, and I have heard a few stories from the days when Viewer 2 appeared. And user-created content with poor documentation... It explains a lot. You're also not very self-aware.
  3. Hiker Losangeles wrote: The only mesh that I am wearing is a SMS ballcap and a pair of sneakers made by the same builder. The rest is system clothing a flight suit also made by SMS. People do buy new clothing and avatars when they log in after a long time to keep up with the rest of the grid's improvements. I see people are still snarkey out here. The numbers that keep popping up saying that people cannot see me is 34512. That is for a small ball cap,a pair of sneakers older system type skin and shape, along with a system type flight suit that is not made of mesh only textures. If that hat and those shoes are actually mesh they're not made well - they're giving you higher complexity higher than most complete mesh bodies on the market. Those numbers are closer to what I'd expect from sculpted prims. Still, there's plenty of spotty mesh out there so I'm not saying they aren't. However, that number is below the lowest default preset for Firestorm and if the Linden Lab viewer has a preset below that it would be the absolute lowest one. The only people who won't be able to see you are deliberately setting their values very low. Those same people will be seeing almost everyone as jellydolls, including many people who aren't wearing any mesh at all.
  4. Lakedaniels wrote: i have just bought a maitreya mesh body, installed a skin and i also bought some clothing appliers....now i cannot remove the clothing, so basically i cannot get naked, even though i have saved my naked body...when i click on it to wear, the clothes remain on ... can someone please tell me how to go about it ? thanks Your body came with a HUD that controls the display of the clothing layers - to get naked, simply use the HUD and turn off the display of layers with clothing on them.
  5. HalAngers wrote: Inworlds enables residents to pick a first name AND a surname. Why doesn't Second Life do this too? It would be a popular move? Second Life last names are actually only a numerical value that is looked up on a database table - the actual word isn't anywhere in your avatar information and there's apparently no good place to put it. For instance, my "last name" is actually 10910, which corresponds to "Tennyson" on the database. Custom last names for an ordinary user were never an option after the very earliest days of Second Life because it would make the database very unwieldy. Either Inworldz uses a different file format or they aren't concerned about the size of the last name database at this point in their development.
  6. Hiker Losangeles wrote: I have not logged into SL in many years. When I did what a rude surprise with this new jelly doll feature. Pretty much anyone wearing a mesh avatar is now a colored blob for me. Any thing that I wear that is mesh causes me to get the people cannot see you message. If I wear my old system clothing and hair I am fine. I also hear others saying the same thing in group chats so this is just not an issue that I am having. So much for a uniform experiance in SL. No more buying mesh clothing for me since I will be basically the only one that can see it. If you "haven't logged into Second Life in many years." how do you have any mesh at all? In general, mesh is usually not the culprit for high render weight. It's pretty routine to have a completely meshed-out avatar with lower draw weight than a pair of moderately complex sculpted shoes. Numbers or it didn't happen.
  7. SabaothMastema wrote: How do you obtain your ideal appearance while keeping ease of use and versatility? For me I keep things simple as possible. Due to being an avid roleplayer I prefer to keep the same face and body to keep the character consistent. To do that while having appropriate costume changes I decided to stick with a system body and rely upon alpha layers. Because of that I am loosely compatible with the wide portion of attachments and clothing available on the market. I reserve the option of mesh body parts for when I have a set look and can just replace parts without breaking. What is your method of creating your second you? I take the opposite approach to most of the posters here. I have multiple accounts and each one may at any given time be playing one of several different characters within each account, with many of the characters having multiple ages. Each of these characters may have a number of outfits for various situations and times of year. I use the outfit panel system because it allows me to instantly change all of the various attributes for each character. Most accounts/characters use default bodies set to correspond to mesh standard sizes. A few accounts use mesh bodies, mostly because my conception of them doesn't fit in a standard size and the mesh body will let me give them that shape. I change major aspects of a character like their skin only when I find something that better reflects my internal conception of that character, especially because many of them were started with discount parts and the more important ones eventually get upgrades as they're used more often.
  8. VampPari wrote: can u give me link to download aditi vewier You don't have to download a separate viewer. In your regular viewer, go to "Preferences" - "Advanced", and then put a check mark in the box next to "Show Grid Selection at login." Then the next time you log in you can change the button under "Login Location" from "Second Life Main Grid" to "Second Life Beta Grid." You can toggle this setting back and forth at the login screen.
  9. Princesscml wrote: What is the best Viewer to use? I have Firestorm now, but have been having trouble with it so looking for other ideas. What problems are you having? Current viewers are similar enough that they will tend to behave pretty closely and if you have a problem on one it's a good bet you'll end up having the same type of problems on others.
  10. Trinity888 wrote: I have tried demos on a few different mesh heads, but what it comes down to for me is that it changes my face completely. I am wondering. Mesh bodies are great because you can still keep your original shape. There are slight enhancements of course, but generally, my body just looks smoother(yes better). I had tweaked and adjusted my body and face to my liking. My question is if anyone knows if there any mesh heads that would also conform to facial features of the original avatar. I am just curious as I just dont like the idea of looking like everyone else. Thanks! Changes are coming out in a few weeks/months that will make mesh heads much more customizable. You probably won't be able to get one to look exactly like your old face but you'll have a lot more options. Watch for "Project Bento" news.
  11. Qie Niangao wrote: But did Mexico pay for it? True SL story: A few years ago I had a neighbor who put up privacy screens around their lot with tropical foliage on their side and a giant Mexican flag on the outside. (cue Theremin Sting of Mystery)
  12. ChinRey wrote: wherorangi wrote: the rendering engine is 100% LL code in all desktop viewers. As is the data transport, storage and connectivity engines I don't know if this is correct but according to Beq Janus (and she usually knows what she's talking about) there used to be 3rd party viewers with alternative rendering engines but that changed after the Emerald scandal and LL does no longer allow that. My impression is that although the SL rendering engine is far from ideal, it's not that bad either. I've tried to make scenes with a render load aproximating what you'd find in a professionally made virtual environment and the performance seem to be slightly worse than what we should expect but not critically so. I think there has been a gradual detrioration over time. When I revisit scenes that haven't changed for years, they seem to be slightly slower to load now than they used to. Not sure what that means and it seems more like a caching and/or data transfer issue than actual rendering performance. But in any case, the lag caused by inefficient software is minor compared to the lag caused by inefficient content. Textures are now cached on a series of content-delivery server nodes all over the world. If any given texture is on your nearest node it will load faster than previously, but if it isn't it will load slower until it's in your local node's cache.
  13. Qie Niangao wrote: HoppytheWanderer wrote: It would be nice, I don't really care if people with their performance slider set to low can't render me. One thing I found odd is that an item consisting of mostly invisible objects had a very high rendering complexity. Shouldn't something like that have a rendering cost close to zero since there almost nothing to render? You'd think. I remember sitting in a Nyx Linden office hour where they mumbled something about an objective of doing exactly that: not rendering full-alpha stuff. Pretty sure they never got 'round to that, because as you observe, stuff gets the same complexity score whether it's visible or not. I'm too lazy to test, but it would be interesting to see whether alpha-masking decreased the complexity score compared to alpha-blending. It's many times easier to render, but I couldn't even guess whether the score reflects it. If it does, it would be one quick and easy savings. (The law of unintended consequences made this particular feature backfire spectacularly for non-attached content: Try switching from alpha-blending to alpha-masking on a legacy torus or sculpty. Ithat makes it much easier to render but because it swaps to Mesh accounting, it gets scored hundreds of times higher land impact.) Alpha masking does eliminate the multiplier for alpha textures from the ARC equation and makes it so an object doesn't appear when "highlight transparent" is selected. There is some witchcraft that can be done with mesh that allows something like a Catwa head with extreme amounts of geometry which is normally invisible to not have that geometry counted for ARC purposes but it looks like you can't have a legacy object with no texture at all. As far as as the land impact of sculpts and tori: Sculpts will no more than double in land impact because of the increase in download weight with new accounting. Tori will increase dramatically if their physics type is "prim", double if it's "convex hull" and stay the same as their legacy score if their physics type is "none."
  14. Phil Deakins wrote: I disagree. Thin clients are not viewers because they don't 'view' SL. Yes, thin clients can be written from scratch. There's nothing difficult about that. But I did mean actual viewers - those that 'view' SL. That that's why they are called viewers - because they view SL. So I repeat - nobody has made a viewer except LL. All the 3rd party ones are all LL viewers that have been modified. Since you don't know of any, I am much more confident about that statement, simply because why would anyone reinvent the wheel when they don't have to? Why would anyone write a viewer from scratch when the entire code for such good viewers is freely available and modifiable to taste. It could be done, of course, but I don't think anyone has been silly enough to actually do it, and neither do you. Even Lumiya, the Android Second LIfe viewer?
  15. Phil Deakins wrote: I disagree. Thin clients are not viewers because they don't 'view' SL. Yes, thin clients can be written from scratch. There's nothing difficult about that. But I did mean actual viewers - those that 'view' SL. That that's why they are called viewers - because they view SL. So I repeat - nobody has made a viewer except LL. All the 3rd party ones are all LL viewers that have been modified. Since you don't know of any, I am much more confident about that statement, simply because why would anyone reinvent the wheel when they don't have to? Why would anyone write a viewer from scratch when the entire code for such good viewers is freely available and modifiable to taste. It could be done, of course, but I don't think anyone has been silly enough to actually do it, and neither do you. Linden Lab didn't write all of the "Linden Lab" viewer to begin with. It's open source with submissions from a variety of non-Lab employees. Graphics presets are largely the work of a resident developer known as Jonathan Yap. Materials were largely developed by Geenz Spad of the Exodus viewer. The current snapshot system is largely the work of NiranV Dean of Black Dragon.
  16. Torrie Mint wrote: What runs this game? Oh wait never mind of corse its all our fault. Im sorry I complained I'll just take it as it is. Good thing the software is free if people had to pay for something that runs this bad everyone would want a refund. My bad again it must be my PC not the labs fault I'll stop now. Bye Bye!
  17. Torrie Mint wrote: Im with you I could care less to see how badly the labs hardware is running, we know its junk they dont need to keep rubbing it in. Please explain to us what rendering, a completely end-user side operation, has to do with Linden Lab's hardware.
  18. bateliii wrote: Before the latest update of firestorm i had 16x antialiasing. Now with the new update I have 4x .. the pictures very blurry with 4x antialiasing. i don't know why it has changed. . There is a way to fix it ? If you're running "Advanced Lighting" the viewer uses a different system of antialiasing called "FXAA" and the 2x, 4x, 16x settings are meaningless. http://kotaku.com/5866780/what-is-fxaa However, if you're saying that pictures actually look blurry you're probably not seeing an anti-aliasing issue. With low anti-aliasing things would look very sharp but with stairstepped lines. If what you're seeing is a smeary, out-of-focus look you've probably got "depth of field" on, which simulates the sharp/blurred look of a real-world camera lens. Depth of field can be turned off from graphics preferences.
  19. Vulpinus wrote: If I set water to non-transparent, and Advanced Lighting Model off, I cannot rez on the water. Is this expected behaviour? LL or FS veiwer; same in both. If you wonder why I would do that, I can get an extra 20fps in sea battles like that. It's not often that I drop my graphics settings below ultra, but when battling pirates, I'll take any edge I can get. The work around is to switch graphics settings to rez, then back again. I'm just curious though if this is a 'feature' or a bug... I'm able to rezz on water, both at properties I own and at public rezz spots, with ALM and transparent water off using both Firestorm 4.7.7 and the current Linden Lab Maintenance viewer. There must be another variable in your setup that's causing your problem.
  20. Fatima Lycia wrote: I use phoenix/firestorm viewer. In the past as is shown on this topic you could scale the UI to make it larger.. I have no option to do that. I've asked multiple people, groups and none seem to know how/where this option has gone. I have googled multiple ways to figure out where this option to scale the UI was placed becuase it is NOT on the current firestorm version or mine glitched upon downloading it magically? https://gyazo.com/a4e2d7f3a7e390090df7641b1e8b48a7 - where it should be based on the photo listed in this thread which is where I remembered it to be in the past https://gyazo.com/a054681f2e96d1e365d32d7f77bafab2 - current version of the viewer I'm using.. So I'm not sure what is going on... I'm legally blind and even having all text up it makes it very uncomfortable to even be on long.. Go to the "User Interface" side tab (the first one below the one you used in your screenshot) and then the "2D Overlay" top tab. That will allow you to scale all the UI elements.
  21. Kiros Sirnah wrote: This is so minor, and yet it is driving me nuts. The Alpha Layers on my avatar are not stopping shadows from being casted by the masked body parts. Mind you I use Firestorm, and have the graphics at High-Ultra. And the Avatar Shadow mode is at "complex" and Shadows are "Sun-Moon+ Projectors" I don't want the Alpha layers to cast shadows though, what am I doing wrong in the settings or elsewhere? If the alpha-ing is done by textures on the avatar the rendering system it looks like the system won't recognize them as transparent for casting shadows. If you use the checkmark box next to the textures shown when you're editing the alpha wearable to completely blank off one of the main parts of your body (head, upper, lower) the rendering engine will keep that part of the avatar from casting a shadow though.
  22. Prokofy Neva wrote: Send an IM and notecard to the miscreant and ask him if he'd be willing to videotape your re-creation of your wedding if he won't pay you back, otherwise you will publicize his name everywhere. You can't do that on the forums, but there's no reason you can't circulate it in world. IM me about this. Only through publilcity -- inworld and on social media and blogs -- will you get justice in SL. FYI, the OP told us the miscreant returned the money several days before you posted that.
  23. Deltango Vale wrote: So many amazing sims now gone. All my favorite nightclubs gone. Most of my favorite stores gone. All my creative, entrepreneurial friends gone. My, my, my... Meanwhile you've told us that you refuse to truck with mesh, and you were recently baffled to learn that invisprims are no longer standard operating procedure despite their falling out of favor five years ago. All this suggests that you now don't even bother to look at what Second Life now is and has been for years because you're convinced it can't compare to your memories. Deltango, are you grieving Over Second Life unleaving? Leaves, like the things of man, you With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? Ah! as the heart grows older It will come to such sights colder By and by, nor spare a sigh Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie; And yet you will weep and know why. Now no matter, child, the name: Sorrow's springs are the same. Nor mouth had, no nor mind, expressed What héart héard of, ghóst guéssed: It is the blight man was born for, It is Deltango you mourn for. Apologies to Gerard Manley Hopkins, not that he'd care because he's been dead for quite a while.
  24. Teagan Tobias wrote: I've looked around and can't see the answer, but do you know if Bento will be, your getting it like it or not and what it breaks does not matter to us, or will we be able to keep using the classic unbroken avatar of today? I ask because you appear to be watching Bento. Everything in Bento will be completely invisible and it consists of additions to the old skeleton. The default avatar and anything currently released won't use the new bones and won't even know they're there. Existing content will act the same way it does now.
  25. Magnanimousity wrote:  It's made for the purpose of being a child. Anything made for it is by default made for a child avatar. Then we're right back to my argument about reading a "children's book" as an adult. You say this doesn't make me a child because I'm using something made for a child for another purpose. A mesh body isn't an avatar. It's a tool used to make an avatar. By itself it can't be an avatar. This particular tool was originally intended for and is well-suited for making child avatars, but that doesn't mean that everyone using it is using it for that, as you've already acknowledged.
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