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Keli Kyrie

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Everything posted by Keli Kyrie

  1. Miyo Darcy wrote: Keli Kyrie wrote: You do know you can change you User Interface using Starlight Skins, don't you? You can even get rid of the sidebar. This is Viewer 3 using Starlight.. Still looks completely horrible. I would not play with it. Exspecialy on top... I wonder why there are more them 4cm lost for the UI on top. This could be much smaller. Also all the transparency would annoy me. I hope you can disable it. Yes you can make the top smaller. That is set at 1.0 you can go all the way down to .75 and as for as the transparency goes that is set at about %65 you can make it so there is no transparency at all if you want.
  2. I did not have any issues with crashing in crowed places until the release of Viewer 3.0.3 last night. Now even the crash log crashes.
  3. Beauty Batriani wrote: If you don't think viewer 2 sucks, then please tell me what you did to get it to un-suck. I know you can disconnect the tabs from the side bar, but they are still a pain to set up compared to the old viewer. It is more then disconnecting with starlight the side bar is gone, totally. The inventory and everything else opens the way it did in Viewer 1. How do I get the viewer to save the changes I've made after I log out, so I don't have to keep resetting it when I log back on? If you use the Starlight Skins the windows will be there when you log back in. Why do I log on and find my hair attached to my crotch? This sounds like you are having a issue with your cache. How do I get my chat set up like it used to be instead of having to have several chat windows open? It is a setting. Just change it to view IMs in tabs. Why did LL have to make everything so big and clunky so that my screen is covered up with junk? I can shrink some of it, but it still to me looks like a 5 year old's pencil. You know, the big fat pencils they give to the kids? That's what the UI reminds me of. You don't have to have any of it there. Just look at the first picture. You can complain all you want but you are doing yourself a grave injustice if you don't at least try the Starlight Skins. Really what could it hurt to try? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_Skins/Starlight
  4. Thank you Quinn. btw I think your link is broke and it doesn't look like it was Maddy's fault this time. Just look at how well she is behaving on It's a Small World.
  5. You do know you can change you User Interface using Starlight Skins, don't you? You can even get rid of the sidebar.  This is Viewer 3 using Starlight..
  6. FACT: The oldest existing object in Second Life is a Beach Ball.
  7. I like Viewer 3 because you get it all, Mesh, Multiple Alpha layers you get the point and by using Starlight Skins you can make it look anyway you like with or without the sidebar. 
  8. Quinn Morani wrote: Jesica Dragovar wrote: Keli Kyrie wrote: @ Jesica is Mouse World still open? :matte-motes-inlove: nope, but Magicland has expanded some, plus there's Wedcot, Downtown-D and Magical Moments (which actually has a couple of the original Mouse World rides) I propose that we plan an outing (mouseketeer hats and all) to one of these Disney themed sims in the very near future. I volunteer to be the organizer! Who's in? Me me me!!! Please, please, please pick me, PICK ME!!! ETA: Thank you Jesica for this information and thank you Extemporaneous for the picture. @ Kylie let's hope there are no more "problems." 
  9. @ Wildcat Thanks again! How does it look? :matte-motes-sunglasses-1: @ Argus /me loves waffles can I ride on your hat too? :smileytongue: @ Jesica is Mouse World still open? :matte-motes-inlove:
  10. Quinn Morani wrote: I am most likely to be found wearing this hat, a gift from Dillon many moons ago. Lovely Hat Quinn.
  11. Storm Clarence wrote: <snip> Just this week some voices I have heard once again, and I love it: Carole, Ima, Mickey, Chris, Pep, Raul, Madelaine, Kylie, Nina, Eloise. PS Welcome back Nacy. I knew you could not stay away long. <snip> You know why they all came back in one week don't ya? They are all one person.... my theory is they are all Maddy's alts.
  12. This oughta be fun. How long before they get here you think?
  13. Yes welcome back be wary of the woman with the frying pan.
  14. Argus Collingwood wrote: I love my Fishing hat from the Oz sim.;-) How do you get the tinies to stay up there all day? All the tinies I know like to run around and play. I just can not imagine them staying put on a hat like that all day. 
  15. @ Eloise Yes that is a blummin adorable hat and it seems you have received many WOWs for it here on the forum. I wonder if you have a link to where to get it so those of us that have benefited from the gift of mouse ears can return the favor? :smileywink: @ Dillon don't read what I wrote just above this. :smileytongue: @ Storm love the ears. :smileyhappy: @ Wildcat Thank you so much. :matte-motes-kiss: @ Sylvia I saw you say thank you does that mean you got ears? :matte-motes-evil-invert:
  16. @ Jesica i knew this guy in high school that collected hats. I think he wore one everyday for the two years I knew him. I wonder if you know him? :smileywink: @ Dillon Fashion and Safety all rolled up in one package Mari would be proud. (she wears an orange hardhat when she does her fireworks shows) :matte-motes-nerdy: @ Sylvia I don't think they have a hat hair for my style. :smileytongue:
  17. Perrie Juran wrote: I never leave home with out it. I like your style.
  18. Wildcat Furse wrote: ..... I like my cyberhat!!! :matte-motes-delicious: *meows* I love that hat Cat and what a beautiful picture. I need a hat like that to go with this outfit. 
  19. @ Storm does she make you cut your hair too? btw you look very handsome. :smileyhappy: @ Sylvia I'll talk to Dillon for you... but just a warning she can be very slow sometimes. :smileytongue: @ Jo you look lovely in red. :matte-motes-inlove: @ Varlerie that must have drove you crazy all day. btw I j'adore Audrey Hepburn. :matte-motes-kiss:
  20. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I wear some other stuff but hats is the only thing I change from time to time. I think I like this one the best.
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