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Drake1 Nightfire

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Everything posted by Drake1 Nightfire

  1. How is it double dipping? They are taxing digital products.. its not like they are charging the creator sale tax to sell it and you sales tax to buy it.. Only one tax applies..
  2. They are following US law as they have to. How is this their fault?
  3. And the states that do tax digital goods should have sales tax collected by LL, no?
  4. I am very surprised that LL wont be implementing sales tax on the MP... That seems like the logical place to add it to.
  5. Disney was at one time hammering LL to remove all of their Trademarked and Copyrighted images, likenesses, mesh bodies, castles, soundclips, and whatever else they could legally do. Many musicians have also come down on SL for people doing "concerts" of their music. Bottom line, if you didn't create it, don't use it in SL. I know, funny statement coming from a guy using a picture of Deadpool as his avatar.
  6. I'd be willing to bet he would be grumpier if there was a bun in the oven...
  7. Perhaps you missed my post where I have a friend who evacuated from Ukraine. Perhaps you missed all the news about packed train stations and highways from people evacuating. That's a broad ignorant brush to paint with saying most Ukrainians dont know what SL is. I thought you said none of us were psychic...
  8. No, Mass is exempt from digital sales tax. All of Mass. Like every single address. No, you probably couldn't get a PO Box and set it as your permanent address if you lived in anther state as you would then have to pay state income taxes in Mass as a resident working out of state. Mass didn't pop in your first question to google because we do indeed have state tax, just not on digital goods which is not what you asked. Why would Tilia charge you tax when they aren't the company you are paying for land tier?
  9. The people who have had to evacuate dont have the luxury of wi-fi or even laptops. They were lucky to take a backpack of clothing. They are NOT worried about SL.
  10. One of my friends is an American teacher living in Ukraine, she has evacuated and is in a different country now. She was allowed a backpack of clothing and necessities to take with her. The last thing on her mind right now is SL. She is worried for her dog, who she had to leave with friends who hopefully could take her pup with them when they evacuated, her students who she is STILL teaching virtually, and her friends who she has lost contact with. Second Life is so far off her radar right now its in Alaska.
  11. /me chuckles... Where I'm from Hoohaa means the area in question... This is what i am talking about. My teenaged daughter saw the same thing. Only she accused me of looking at anime pron.. kids these days.. ETA, would it be creepy to follow your flickr as i think you take amazing pictures?
  12. Not to be that creepy guy (I use my 54 inch tv as a monitor at times) your panties are see through. Simple as that.
  13. FIFY. Massachusetts does not tax digital goods unless they are tangible.
  14. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that Russia was two countries.
  15. That would be one of the two i mentioned.. Texas and Alaska are bigger than any single European country.
  16. To be fair, I as a Caucasian male have and do make skins, that being said, making non Caucasian skins is incredibly difficult for me as 1. I am red green colorblind, 2. Would have to go by images to match and well, my screen is set to my colorblind eyes... Fantasy skins are easy, I just wish there was a base set of skins for non-Caucasians, Elloh(sp) gave out a really good set years ago for us, I just wish someone would make a new set.
  17. Just to point out, we have two states that are bigger than any single European country. California is bigger than all but Spain, France and Ukraine. Seeing as our whole country has double Russia's population and is over twice the size of the entire EU, I would say having different sales tax per state makes sense. Does the EU have the same taxes across each country?
  18. Taxes on the sale of digital products are exempt in Mass. If you were taxed by WoW, they broke the law.
  19. https://www.salestaxhandbook.com/massachusetts/sales-tax-taxability This one actually tells you the taxability of all items by state.. Just click your state and scroll down to the list of taxable items and find Software and Digital Products.
  20. We do not pay sales tax on digital goods in good ol Taxachusetts.. So.. I would like to see how LL handles this.
  21. Twas my keyboard that did me in... I may have spilled some coffee on it and missed a few keys when cleaning...
  22. Which probably means an increase in land costs to renters... joy.
  23. You know, it always makes me scratch my head when someone with a 2 week old av says "I've been playing since middle school" or some such decades old date. Is there a reason people who make blanket statements about something in SL they think is horrible/racist/bigoted/sexist or whatever use brand new alts? Are you afraid to state your opinion with your decades old main? Do a quick search of the MP and you will find thousands of non white skins.
  24. I am a bit confused.. Will this apply to MP purchases made with L$? I cant see how as it states in the ToS "Except as set forth above or in any Additional Terms, purchases of Linden Content (including but not limited to Usage Subscriptions, Virtual Tender, and/or other Virtual Goods and Services) are final, non-refundable, have no monetary value (i.e. are not a cash account or equivalent) " How do you charge sales tax on something with no monetary value? Buying L$ as well should not incur a sales tax as L$ have no monetary value as well.
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