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Tjay Wicken

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  1. This appears to be the case. What's shown here in this thread is only a small sample of the strange, unfinished, untested changes. I'm fairly certain that there's no testing or staging environments - or if there is, they are not using them, direct commits to production all the way!
  2. English is secondary for me as well. First language is Danish but having lived in Spain and now Sweden for the past many years I'm fluent in both of those as well. I also communicate fairly well with norwegians, but I tend to use some kind of mix between Danish and Swedish when speaking depending on where in Norway the person is from. My father was of Polish descent so I was taught quite well by my grandmother growing up, but at this point I can just about have a small conversation going, it's fading as I am not using it at all. I also speak, read and write French fairly well thanks to it being my second choice back in school, but definitely not fluent.
  3. When I wanted to change my surname (was "Oh" before "Wicken") I had to lodge a ticket to get it done as well, so there may be something to it. Either way, a ticket is the way to go for her, they can force through the change from their end.
  4. Looking back, Jonas Quinn was actually a decent replacement. Wouldn't have been the same without his arc.
  5. Version 1.0.6 has been submitted to the extension stores. Full changelog can be found on github This is just a minor hotfix as Linden Lab made some changes to the product pages on the marketplace yesterday causing the posting date and tags no longer being injected as they have modified and given new names to div containers. Since they also added some additional width constraints to the layout, the extension is now also applying the same to avoid overflowing outside the main container. The update for Firefox should be available in the next few minutes, Chrome within a day or so and Edge within a week. Edit: As of this evening, LL renamed some of the div elements again. I will continuously push out updates as I notice any breaking changes, but won't update this thread unless there's a significant update. The github repo will always be updated with these minor hotfixes as they happen.
  6. It's quite clear that the marketplace is being updated to better support mobile devices, that means larger buttons and proper modal popups instead of inline input fields, which is not inherently bad, although seeing UI become "mobile friendly" is never a pretty experience to go through. The issue I think is whenever functionality is reduced. The gift option is a good example of this, as the auto-complete functionality was not carried over in the change and at the end of the day that just becomes a regression of functionality. I expect we'll be seeing more, similar, changes across the marketplace in the coming weeks and months, and hopefully at some point some QA testing from a desktop user perspective as well to avoid too many functional regressions.
  7. It looks like Linden Lab has made some changes to the search filters on the marketplace. Specifically, they have renamed the "Do not show" parameters and as a result you will now see an error message if you attempt to search if you have enabled either "limited quantities" or "demo items" under advanced search filters in the extension settings. I'll release a hotfix tomorrow to address these changes. Edit: Version 1.0.5 which addresses these changes has been submitted to the extension stores. As always, the updated version is likely available for Firefox in the next half hour or so, while Chrome takes about a day and Edge up to a week for reviews to take place.
  8. Some data is available through the official data feeds. api.secondlife.com/datafeeds/lindex.txt api.secondlife.com/datafeeds/homepage.txt Collected over the course of this month:
  9. This is a very good point and something which really should be addressed at a ToS/Policy level by LL. There may be legitimate reasons to use an external server to validate things, such as for subscription-based products or those relying on external servers for core functionality. However, it should be an absolute requirement for creators to make potential customers aware of this external dependency and provide realistic expectations that the product may cease to function in the future. I don't see any way of ensuring this outside of a ToS change that requires creators to indicate dependencies on external servers. Creators using this functionality maliciously should have their accounts terminated/closed.
  10. That feature nearly made it this release! I need to do a little bit more testing as I saw some strange behavior when testing it, so I moved it out of this release. Should be there in the next update.
  11. @AmeliaJ08 @Flea Yatsenko I have now submitted version 1.0.4 to the Chrome, Edge and Firefox extension stores. Firefox appears to already be live, however Chrome usually takes a day or two, and Edge takes up towards a week before the update passes through validation. I have added initial support for advanced search filters. I tried a few different approaches, and I believe the current implementation works pretty well. If enabled, it should apply to all searches and when browsing categories persistently with the exception of store pages, since I believe that is the one place where it is still nice to be able to browse the categories without filtering being applied. I can perhaps add a toggle for that in a future version. Thanks for all your feedback and suggestions! Version 1.0.4 - August 7, 2024 4---------------- 5🚀 New Features 6 7- Added a new set of options for advanced search filters which are applied across all search and category links on the marketplace. 8 9✨ Enhancements 10 11- Complete overhaul of the settings popup. Settings are now categorized in tabs for a better overview. 12- The extension settings can now be accessed through the extension contextual menu inside "Manage extensions". 13- For Firefox, the extension is now automatically pinned for all new installations.
  12. That sounds like a really great idea. I will look into this!
  13. In my initial test I did have a separate settings page as well, but ended up removing it as I figured the popup would be suffecient. I will reintroduce that in the next update as well, it would just take a few minutes to pull back in. Several ways of being able to reach the options is not necessarily a bad thing in this case as I wouldn't want people to somehow not be able to find the options. I will give the options a small overhaul later today and do some initial testing. Edit: and thanks for the feedback!
  14. Thanks, I did not think of that! I believe in Chrome based browsers it is no longer possible to pin by default, but it looks like it still is for Firefox. I will test, and if possible, include that specifically for Firefox in the next update. For Chromium based browsers we can perhaps show a small "getting started" window after the extension gets installed the first time and show how to pin the extension.
  15. Out: Summer In: Fall At least that's what it has felt like in the past week or so here a few hours drive away from the arctic circle.
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