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Everything posted by kisket

  1. I guess I've adapted to the fisheye view because I've used it for so long. But sometimes I do wish I could get rid of it, so I will experiment with those shortcuts and I really do appreciate it.
  2. Thanks Rowan. I did that on purpose, I actually had to crop it. There's a a fisheye lens on the linden viewer, I actually like the distortion & use it as an artistic effect. Thanks for the suggestions though, I'll take a look.
  3. I'm still doing pixie stuff, I like this, I can cover just about any theme with a pixie, they can go anywhere.
  4. The royal cottage has legends of pixies.
  5. I totally agree. It's satisfying to create one's own life rather than fostering vicarious mini-me's. My sister uses the word pablum, it means bland or insipid intellectual fare or entertainment, it tastes like stale oatmeal. I'm in the clothing yes, shape nope camp.
  6. Nowadays it's The Expanse but here's a free old school classic tale.
  7. How about a tiny extra sun, extra is good. Betelgeuse is fusing helium, it will be seen in the daytime sky and the Natthimmel sim had the same fate. As stowaway assistant to the Chief Medical Officer of the UESS Rocinante I would recommend more sci-fi movies. Please start with Dune. They had Neko Lion bowls of food at Natthimmel, like amputated limbs, and you missed them because you never went there like we did.
  8. Let me out of this Bacta Tank. What are you deaf?
  9. Watching the limbs of someone's life be disassembled is only good if they will be replaced with far ranging tentacles, and the jokes that Alzheimers people tell are funny especially when they want to call the police on me because my jokes are bad ones. But I am also somewhat tired of halloween sims with heads in jars. It's halloween but it gets old, don't we all want Christmas? I suppose the TOS mentions amputations but I never read the whole thing.
  10. It's getting cold out, came in to warm up.
  11. You're not under that speed bump , are you? You can't hide under there. I can tell you're in there.
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