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Everything posted by kisket

  1. wandering off somewhere in the middle of a meal
  2. Look at what the baby's doing! Tayt3r! a gorgeous picture.
  3. Norms differ between groups, aside from following the TOS, the community norm is a sandbox. 1. Since 2005, 3 or 4 months at a time, then do something else and come back after a few years. 2. Lately a few hours per day. 3. Unclear, I'll go with investing time in creating. Creating takes minutes by buying, or creating a previous shape. My current main took me 3 weeks on & off creating. The time was worth being OCD & writing down all the Shape settings so I can pop a new avatar copy up in minutes. Personally, I'm satisfied having a small collection of my all-time favorite outfits. It's good to have both an avatar name and clothes you really like. One can always start a new account or delete junk. 4. Anonymous identity but real personality as most people do outside of RP. 5. There's a real person behind the keyboard. Beyond physical harm, the question's the same as could happen in RL. That was fun like wearing a sticker. Hello my name is Kisket. Hope that helped. 😄
  4. For Rolling Stones and Lady Gaga fans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd0YcFWlvOc
  5. What time? Really, they want you to open that door? What if it's locked. and they need to grease the hinges first, it's not Halloween yet.
  6. Should we open that next day or stay in the now? It depends if the now is comfortable and has puppies and kittens in it.
  7. That's an interesting double meaning, the abyss can help us get out of the abyss. But there's nothing like a good teleport to get out of these horrid Halloween sims. 😄
  8. For me, in practical terms, the abyss is like the next moment, it's the nothingness that allows us to create what we imagine and change. The Tao Te Ching defines it, without defining it.
  9. I advise everyone to get a dog, maybe I took it too far... not.
  10. When one fails to embrace the abyss it creates a fear of death. Good and evil, or love and disrespect have a lot in common, in one case, oneself is given freely, in the other, taken. I think everyone should be free to do what they want as long as they keep harm to a minimum, and the abyss can sometimes provide that freedom.
  11. Your comment was totally helpful. There's so many forum categories and many are technical so I've stayed in categories I'm familiar with. I never went exploring to see what else is out there. There's some surprisingly good categories and I appreciate that, between you and @Dyna Mole, I was introduced to this category because it suits me. I can't imagine how to move a topic to another category, maybe a mole has to do that. But it's ok to be nasty if warranted. I like how this topic became so awkward, I guess you could say it became cutely nasty and if a person's going to be nasty one good way is to be cutely nasty. Thanks again for your help. Here's a picture of a cutely nasty.
  12. I'm a noob, I've never written in any forums before and I appreciate your advice. I didn't feel it was nasty in the slightest, I was just trying to comply. Dyna Mole moved the topic. I have no idea know how to do it myself. I guess that's cute but could you post another picture in case there's a lot of confusion? That sponge you're using works well, I use sponges with teeth all the time.
  13. Much. Hey! I'm enduring shenanigans in this topic for the sole reason of getting you to post a SL picture of your neko lion. How can I compare his cuteness to cats and guys with valentines without a picture? Why, is he like hibernating or something? Everyone in the world would love to see his picture when he wakes up.
  14. There's a lot to like about SL and I'm not going to pick at its little imperfections. Grease goes on squeaky wheels and bees can be caught with honey. I like honey, not so much greasy food. It's not healthy.
  15. Don't feel embarrassed Marigold, there's no deception or entrapment in this topic. I changed my main from Cirleen to Kisket. Kisket's got a better inventory. I mentioned this change in my member title for a while and I posted it in Sid's topic. The Kisket account was somehow able to edit this cuteness topic that Cirleen originated. The original topic described voting cuteness by "likes" but @MrsSeren said a voting topic belongs in the Challenges section. I removed the part about voting to suit the General Discussion Forum. I wasn't trying to embarrass anyone. The description of the topic and the name of the OP was already changed before @Marigold Devin was kind enough to post her picture. The option has come up to post cute pictures while not liking the cuteness of it. I have one of those.
  16. There's no such thing as too late. Aaaawwwww how cuuuuuuuuuute! Thank you for saving my topic. You're the best. 😁
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