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Everything posted by Tayt3rChip

  1. I am in the UK. Taking into account that there are SL users all over the world I would say it's not an effective verification system.
  2. I've demoed the Waterhorse and it was nice but what ultimately drew me to Teegle was the large community and support. Teegle has a wide range of horses, so you have a lot of options. It has a lot of creators that make for the horses so you can get extra things like a custom coat pattern or different mane styles etc. Teegle has a Google calendar where every day seems to have at least 3 horse-related events. It has a bunch of active stables on SL and a large community. I would recommend considering what you want the horse for, demoing the different horses, and attending some of events. For a lot of the events you don't need to own a horse as they have horse rezzers there. I currently own two horses from Teegle, Miss Marple my Irish cob, and Poirot my Andalusian.
  3. My answer is no. For any method of verification to be effective it needs to provide LL with the proof that the account belongs to an adult. Children can have a bank card, so PIOF is not effective because it tells LL that the person has a payment method but it doesn't give them an age. I got my first bank card at 11 and my parents didn't supervise my use of it or my internet usage because I was a 'responsible , good kid'. Having PIOF as an age verification method would keep adults from adult spaces and would also not necessarily keep children out of adult spaces.
  4. So for actual improvements : - A clear reporting feature that allows reporting this sort of issue both in world and on marketplace. - People who are trained in some way to sift through these reports and actually ENFORCE the policies. - A clear concise way for residents to report. - Something not many have brought up was the part where the article talked about projects taken on by LL. I wish there was more resident involvement in projects, where residents can give feedback and have the feedback be taken on board. Certain projects could have really been better ** coughs ** senra. That's all that comes to mind atm.
  5. Yes and yes. I think this should probably go with fixing the entire mp for both users and store owners and having the report system in a way where there is a particular category ppl can check when they are reporting an item that infringes this type of thing.
  6. Surprisingly most of the stuff I came across on Flickr centered around little boys who looked like pre teens.
  7. I have personally never gone out looking for tos breakers but in my time in SL I've met numerous ppl who described their SL spouse cheating on them with their SL child I am distantly involved in the family rp community and this kind of stuff is not new. I've even previously come across images of avi s portraying CA on flickr. These images are created here on SL. If you ever received messages from child avis and had a read through their profile, a lot of them explain exactly what they're into in their picks.. I even briefly worked at an SL daycare where a particular little boy avi , would consistently 'troll '.His form of trolling would usually involve doing inappropriate things with unsuspecting daycare staff. There's a note-card with a list of all of his known accounts shared among sim owners because despite him having done this numerous times over the span of years, and having been reported numerous times, he still uses his accounts to go to new sims and 'troll'. If LL policies were properly enforced, sim owners wouldn't need to send notecards among themselves. I think a lot of people have seen things here and there, but the ones who have probably seen the most are the rp sim owners/ community staff or management and people who have some sort of contact with child avis in general.
  8. You are correct. In real life 5'7 in some places is above adult female average, however we are speaking about SL. On SL 5'7 is considered a shorter height because a lot of the populations makes their avatars much taller than irl.
  9. A short adult is different to someone portraying a child. A young looking avi is different to someone portraying a child. My avi sits at 1.72 m / 5'7 inches but I am not portraying a child. Someone portraying a child is usually constituted by a collection of attributes and features, not one or two attributes.
  10. I'm personally against the inappropriate portrayal of children irrespective of who is behind the avi and their age. I believe some countries even have laws that prohibit this stuff. To my surprise, it seems that a lot of people are very comfortable with this as long as the person behind the avi is an adult. Irrespective of our individual opinions on this topic, Linden Labs does have and has had a stance on this. They already had policies that covered this topic. This sort of stuff has been against LL policies. So why do these things still happen? As someone who has been on SL for quite some time, I have seen these things taking place and heard stories from others. People have tried to report things on mp, and things occurring inworld, to no avail. As a community, we have coexisted with this for a long time. So the bigger question is, what is going to be fixed within the current dynamics that will result in change ? Updating policies is a good start, but it means nothing if the policies are not enforced. How are we fixing the reporting pipeline? The reason why the original article held some weight for a lot of people isn't solely because of all the name-dropping. It's because some of the points in the article held some element of truth that people were already familiar with. Some parts of the article brought up different concerns that residents have been having for quite some time and LL has not addressed. During these last couple of weeks where LL has been silent about this, I'm at least glad that a lot of Second Life's store owners took it upon themselves to do some of the much-needed legwork to ensure that LL own policies are followed.
  11. Thank you !! You've mentioned my composition once before. I'm flattered ! Honestly, I've been trying to get cute pics that features the bump, but between finding a cute outfit and getting a good angle it's been a rocky road.
  12. Yes she looks quite different today😅, but I still think it really looks like the younger her 😁
  13. I could be wrong but she reminds me of Michelle Trachtenberg in the movie Ice Princess by Disney. She looks really good !
  14. Sister, sister ! Been working on adjusting lighting and shadows. Somehow the shadows ended up a lil too strong. Really enjoying tweaking the raw picture before I venture down the editing valley ... I've been quite concerned with making all my pics have a uniform feel, and have been advised that , editing is the best way to go for that.
  15. thank you, I use a mixture of the freckles that came with my skin from the skinnery and also got some from deetalez ? I think thats the store name.
  16. Thanks hun, I feel like the caption might have come out totally wrong. After I made my shape and settled on skin layers I never really payed any mind to make up or accessories. I tested out the eyeshadow on the lelutka hud and really liked it so I might delve more into makeup. Seems like a fun thing ! Want to delve more into accessories too, but glad you enjoy the avi I made. 🥰
  17. I need to invest in more makeup !
  18. Still on the journey to try and get a specific effect. Feel like not much progress was made. I played around with resolution, image size, lighting and shadow. To me I'm not seeing a noticeable difference. Will keep messing about with settings...
  19. I really hope it's not more of the same, I feel like the only way a new body can become popular is by offering something that isn't currently offered or is currently offered to a better level. I really wish the piggu bodies had taken off more. I even hope to purchase one at some point, because it's really different. Still waiting to see more 'dad bods' around the grid.
  20. I ended up going for legacy over the reborn. So far I'm really happy with my choice. I don't think I've ever done any large modifications to my maitreya body or ventured into the body mods area so it's not a huge deal to me that it's no mod. I did manage to get a pretty close shape to my maitreya on it. I've never managed to create a shape I love on the reborn body alone,, and that heavily impacted my decision. I didn't know that with deformers legacy could fit Maitreya 5.3 , that's really good to know as that was my previous body and there are some maitreya exclusive outfits legacy can't fit. Thank you for sharing x
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