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Spooky Shadow

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Everything posted by Spooky Shadow

  1. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hyppa/54/161/21 $6995 1024sqm 351 prims quiet low lag area surrounded by water with two sides being protected. Both end are on protected water. Sailable water with access to a lot of open water. Can also make your way south to the channel connecting the continents and also boat around Sansara. I bought this for a low price and re-selling it for a low price as no one should have to pay high prices to enjoy living on sailable water on SL.
  2. You are right in the middle of a very exciting place if you are into sailing and boating. From here you can reach all of the large open seas; Bay of Space Pigs, Mare Secondus, Sea of Fables, L shaped Lake, and the other smaller ones that have no name. You can also make your way to the channel that connects the Sansara continent to the Heterocera continent opening up that much more sailing in the large network of waterways and open seas already available. If you have no interest in boating then it is a beautiful piece of land to build your home on. You can terraform up and create more land or keep it how it is and have mostly water. As it stands right now it is at the lowest you can go. You can terraform and raise the terrain so the entire parcel is all land. Either way you are still on 3x protected water which is awesome. 3360sqm 1153prims sailable. 3x protected with a great view and great neighbors. Low lag. $18,999 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Deimos/231/225/37
  3. I never said partition or having east and west. Said to let states decide on their own and let the people decide. All have a good night. Not a friendly crowd in here.
  4. That choice didn't work as why they took the choice away. So they are happy that the choice is gone as having that choice there brought on a 50 year fight to get the religious right in power to eliminate it entirely which will happen. It is far better to leave it in the states where it is wanted rather than force it on states that do not want it so that at least 1/2 have adequate healthcare. Local politics is far better as the community decides on their own rather than some out of towner dictating what is done.
  5. People would need to make a decision about the state they live in and if it matches their beliefs and way of life. While yes the red states would be and already are terrible for healthcare and health rights. Not much would change. They are already what make up the bottom for not only healthcare but also education, wages, employment. But one way you or the other you are still forcing one side to be what they do not want or believe in. Doesn't seem fair or right or a recipe for staying united.
  6. If religious extremists succeed, and they might with the help of SCOTUS, and take full power then SL will cease to be as it is a forum that cannot be controlled and information sharing is frowned upon by fascists as why all "news" is state controlled in autocrat countries. That we can talk to people from every continent and country is opposed to the autocrat way. The entire way we communicate and share information will be dismantled and a system put into place that is controlled and monitored much like TFG's Truth wanna be twitter thing. This isn't the first time this has happened in the US. Happened right before the civil war and also in the 1920's going into the 1930's. People get frightened that they are not going to be the majority and in charge and they do what is happening now. Same happend in the 1850's and 1920's. There is only one solution. Split into two. Left can draft a modern day constitution and the right can join the Taliban or Russia. Maybe be a colony of North Korea. It is very hard to over-rule SCOTUS and they can and have decided elections and have done it in our lifetime. If all of the votes were counted then Gore would have won. SCOTUS stopped the count and declared Bush winner and President. The other solution which no one wants to look at or even put up for discussion is let red be red and let blue be blue. Federal government isn't really necessary other than for defense. Federal government will always upset 1/2 the country and 1/2 the states. If states can just be who they are then we would be far better but there isn't much of a call to dissolve the federal government and keep politics local. Excuse the typos and nonsensical sentences. It's been a long day.
  7. Yes. People were once far nicer to each other. Right now it is very hard to find the same welcoming spirit in people. Seems everyone is on edge and the smallest thing triggers them and unnecessary arguments happen as well as just people being awful to one another. SL is not a friendly place
  8. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hyppa/54/161/21 $8500 1024sqm 351 prims quiet low lag area surrounded by water with two sides being protected. Both end are on protected water. You can also make a reasonable offer if interested. With premium plus coming in days and our sqm free from additional fees going up to 2048sqm this would make a great home on the mainland. Sailable water with access to a lot of open water. Can also make your way south to the channel connecting the continents and also boat around Sansara. I bought this for a low price and re-selling it for a low price as no one should have to pay high prices to enjoy living on sailable water on SL.
  9. You are right in the middle of a very exciting place if you are into sailing and boating. From here you can reach all of the large open seas; Bay of Space Pigs, Mare Secondus, Sea of Fables, L shaped Lake, and the other smaller ones that have no name. You can also make your way to the channel that connects the Sansara continent to the Heterocera continent opening up that much more sailing in the large network of waterways and open seas already available. If you have no interest in boating then it is a beautiful piece of land to build your home on. 3360sqm 1153prims sailable. 3x protected with a great view and great neighbors. Low lag. $19,995 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Deimos/231/225/37
  10. People saying "Do what?" instead of "what?" when they don't hear something or don't understand drives me up the wall. That is my pet peeve and one I cannot shake. My reply is always the same when I hear that; "I didn't ask you to do anything".
  11. Yes attention to get answers how to report and if symbols of racist hate are allowed on SL. But you do you. We're all good here, bro.
  12. Having those symbols where they are in plain view is part of the problem and why rights are being stripped away, here in the US. The ones who fly that flag are the ones who are pushing to take our rights away and as we saw yesterday, been successful. Why it is important to take action against pixels too. Pixel or real the message is the same and the fight against it is the same.
  13. Thanks for the info!! That was my hope and why I did ask here on the forums along with getting confirmation that symbols of racist hate are not allowed. In doing so we caught another racist promoting superiority, so bonus. Hopefully both will be removed. Germans know but neo-nazi's in Germany use the confederate flag now as the Nazi flag is illegal in Germany, and rightfully so. It is only there to promote hate & division and has been since its creation.
  14. About 14 of them are at ground level on the mainland in full view from all sides as they are placed right around the border of a very large parcel in a high traffic area being it is right by Mare Secondus in Sansara.
  15. Did that. Still there. Eventually doesn't work for something like this. Hatred has no place on a grid used by most nations, religions, and races living together.
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