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Spooky Shadow

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Everything posted by Spooky Shadow

  1. Not the way to promote community which has kept SL afloat. Quite the opposite.
  2. If you are threatened with termination for playing by the rules and it just takes one mean spirited report to have yourself undone so quickly - that is very frightening for us who use SL and interact with any person with the know-how to submit an abuse report. It is turning avi against avi and giving any avi the ultimate power to effect someones time AND in this case INCOME. Frightening that this is now the SL reality we are in.
  3. Same. I'm seeing both the TOS and the Wiki saying we can share and up to us to accept the risk which is the legal way to go so it is all very correct for a ToS, legally speaking... what happened to DnD is not correct.
  4. TOS and the WIKI BOTH currently say account sharing is allowed so this is utter BS. Not the legal concern of LL what business decisions are made about stores or the money that is earned. That is a concern of creators and business choices creators make as long as all is allowed to be sold and revenue earned. eBay, for example, doesn't intrude on our business and tell us how to run it or how many people can be employed or partnered. There are law enforcement agencies and courts where business disputes and criminal actions are settled. Both LL and DnD are losing a massive amount of revenue from this too. Who is going to compensate DnD for their revenue loss?
  5. 100% this. Bellisseria is great but it isn't why people come to SL and I feel that they think it is and the answer to bringing people back. It isn't. People stay for the creators as why the sales and shopping events are the most popular events happening. Why store groups are up in the 10s of thousands. Many stores have a tight knit community too and all of this is due to the creators. I am sure a very large majority of linden$ is spend at creators stores. Across from one of my parcels I have racist flags flying high and zero being done about it but DnD can't be awake 24/7 so they had their main source of revenue killed. Tell me how this makes any sense?!
  6. I stand by you 100% LL isn't supportive of creators - I was kicked out of the Caspervend support group (which you need to pay to be in and is owned by Linden Labs) for asking about an issue that was effecting dozens of creators which was confirmed to be a legit issue they weren't aware of. LL has lost their way once again! How many more creators do we have to lose till LL sees there is a problem.
  7. LOWERED TO $7,800 ($L4/m2) 1952sqm http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ambulyx/6/72/19 It won't go lower in price!
  8. On 2 protected waterways and a corner! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ambulyx/6/72/25
  9. Needs to go - Im at tier limit and need to expand another parcel I have a why this is being sold as a bargain!! I need more available meters http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ambulyx/6/72/25
  10. 2x protected water in Heterocera located right by open water and lots of it. Great location and has been very good to me for the years I have had it but time to part ways. 1952m 670 prim All Water!! You can create your own island. Price is $9,250 which is $4.7/m and a bargain! Great place for a home or even just a place to park your boats. You are near open bodies of water in most directions. Great for those who love to sail. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ambulyx/6/72/25
  11. PRICE LOWERED TO $L9,995 ($L5.1/m) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ambulyx/21/108/29
  12. PRICE LOWERED TO $L9,995 ($L5.1/m) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ambulyx/21/108/29
  13. 2x protected water in Heterocera located right by open water and lots of it. Great location and has been very good to me for the years I have had it but time to part ways. 1952m 670 prim All Water!! You can create your own island here if you want. Price is firm at $11,950 which is $6.1/m2 and a bargain! You can flip it if you want. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ambulyx/6/72/25
  14. ADULT parcel 512m 175prim CHEAP L$7.8/m $3,995 Make it yours today - live the dream! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kraddic/229/199/66
  15. Do the neighbors want people boating up and down their own private parcels?
  16. Reduced to $750 for a 2304m parcel! You can TP to the Blake Sea from here. SOLD
  17. Dirt cheap parcel in the middle of a region. It's a nice region but the parcel isn't up against anything other than other people's parcels. It is a rectangle and the sky isn't crowded so great for skyboxes too. 2304m 791prims $L1,250 (0,5/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tridens/111/31/88
  18. You can TP to the Blake Sea from here. Swear!! No lie! 😛 PRICE HAS BEEN REDUCED TO NEW LOWS Live large on the water at a bargain price!! You even get to keep the TOS compliant 'For Sale" sign. Whoa!! 1520m 521prim $7,600 $L5.0/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tenjin/92/120/21
  19. Protected Roadside in a great part of Heterocera that doesn't have land coming up for sale all that often. 3456m 1186prim You can TP to the Blake Sea from here 😛 Only takes seconds to get there. Blake Sea teleport access DOES NOT factor into the price 😛 But everyone else is saying they are near the Blake Sea so I'm jumping on that band wagon too. YOU CAN TP TO THE BLAKE SEA FROM HERE! But wait!! There's more!! YOU CAN TP ANYWHERE YOU WANT FROM HERE!! THE GRID IS YOURS FOR THE ENJOYING even without this parcel. Only $1/sqm $3,456 Your potential new land has fun built right in - 3 4 5 6 sqm and priced 3, 4 5 6 The fun is built in!! What you do with that fun is up to you as it Rated M for Moderate (Hi, KH ) It's even surrounded by trees to show you where the borders are. You can keep the trees there as long as you want. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tridens/73/203/80
  20. Dirt cheap parcel in the middle of a region. It's a nice region but the parcel isn't up against anything other than other people's parcels. It is a rectangle and the sky isn't crowded so great for skyboxes too. 2304m 791prims $L1,250 (0,5/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tridens/111/31/88
  21. Protected waterfront in an amazing area that many over-price and people pay. It is close to the Mare Secondus and other open bodies of water. Great if you love living on the water and sail or boat. This is the place for you. 1520m 521prim $L9,750 (L$6.4m) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tenjin/92/120/21
  22. STILL AVAILABLE. Still Cheap. Adult 1536m 527prim Rectangle to fit all your lovely adult stuff and things perfectly! $L7,600 ($L 4.9/sqm) 100% FOR SALE! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Myanimo/25/188/62
  23. Protected waterfront in an amazing area that many over-price and people pay. It is close to the Mare Secondus and other open bodies of water. Great if you love living on the water and sail or boat. This is the place for you. 1520m 521prim $L9,750 (L$6.4m) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tenjin/92/120/21
  24. STILL AVAILABLE. Still Cheap. Adult 1536m 527prim Rectangle to fit all your lovely adult stuff and things perfectly! $L7,600 ($L 4.9/sqm) 100% FOR SALE! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Myanimo/25/188/62
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