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Jupiter Hexem

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Everything posted by Jupiter Hexem

  1. Where can I find the list of top 300 bodies? I'm really curious about it.
  2. I'm participating and you can find my home here! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Poole/64/103/24 Happy Spook Month!
  3. I'm excited to try it out! A built in ... love taco is an interesting feature I'm curious about. πŸ˜… I really just enjoy trying all the bodies out there. My current baes are ReBorn and Legacy. (I rock a slim ReBorn, shocking I know!) I'm hoping for the best for the Gen X bod, I think it'll be neat. I've also heard about a Prima body but I'm already disappointed since the Creator has said they won't do alpha cuts because clothing creators will include them in their products and... I'd rather set my own alphas. (o.o) and the body is no mod. I'll try it on but... those are huge drawbacks.
  4. On their Facebook they said they have a two versions, Classic and Curvy. I'm hoping for a male body for the fellas too.
  5. That was my old home before my Victorian by the sea, it's delightful to see it being loved and lived in.
  6. My new Victorian Home. Lovely ocean views and a perfect neighborhood.
  7. I don't use security orbs. I use a script I just place into my furniture and set it to group only. Auto-return set to 3 minutes, and if I'm home and some random invades, I politely ask them to leave and if they get salty, they get kicked and banned. Why do I do it this way? Many people like to fly, drive, ride, and generally explore. Most people don't mean harm. Some are very new to SL and don't know you're not supposed to invade homes, they think of SL like a video game in the beginning. I don't want to be the jerk that knocked someone out of their blissful 3 hour flight, or yank people out of their boats. There is no privacy in Second Life. You can cam, and do a thousand things to see what's happening. Most people are good noodles. If you're trying to hide a kink... honey we've seen it all. If you're cheating on your partner... lol. That nearby radar will give you right away. "We're just cuddling." Uh-huh.
  8. Will separate parcels into two 1024m plots and sell them for $1,024L upon request.
  9. For Sale 2048m2 703Li $3,000L Located on the first continent in Second Life there's plenty of Historical Locations to explore. Land Location is in the Region, Badger: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Badger/34/79/117 More information on Sansara: https://secondlife.fandom.com/wiki/Sansara
  10. Ahh! Thank you! Congrats everyone! I am way too excited! AHH!!!
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