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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. What? (See Screenshot below) Yes, it was. You quoted my post and asked me what mainstream culture is in SL. I thought up some of the basics because this is a very diverse place. So, I picked some generic, popular things. And, I said very early on in the thread that I thought people on this forum were using the word Normie to mean humans vs other (other types of avatars). But, very early on in the thread I said I heard the word used to describe those who DON'T like crypto is being used on message boards with this word Normie. Such as, "Oh, the normies don't like crypto." I'd think the non-normies do look crypto because crypto is NOT the norm. So, I thought this meant those who search beyond the norm, counter-culture. But, again, I'm out. I have to attend to rl stuff, and this ISN'T the discussion I wanted to have. We are just doing summersaults here in my opinion and repeating stuff.
  2. Yes, it was directed at me. What are you saying? See Page 6. And, how have I been copping out? I wanted to have a discussion about culture and counter-culture in SL but I don't want to have to keep repeating myself about that. And, yes, it was a mistake due to a word I've heard recently. And, I explained enough. I have a life too. So, I'm out. It's too stressful went I wanted to have an interesting discussion, and that's all.
  3. Well, the words Eric and Dinkie aren't upsetting people. The word Normie is and it may have some attachment to coming from somewhere on the internet on other forums I've never heard of, but those forums may not be appropriate, I'm gathering from this discussion. I thought this more like culture/counter-culture. Or better yet, the norm and those outside the norm in SL.
  4. FFS Again, the younger generations didn't magically make this word out of thin air. I said our parents and I've also said it's something all generations do. Each generation brings in new ideas, so generations do feel a bit different from their parents, etc. I never said it was your generation above did I? So, please stop putting words in my mouth I never said about you. I was, however, trying to understand the younger generation a bit but it was not to upset you.
  5. I'm sorry, Cinnamon, I was using a large paintbrush because she asked for mainstream which to me means a simple, generic sort of answer. I know SL is very diversified. It was not an easy question to answer at all, so I choose somethings that are basic. And, I never said anyone who isn't a Dinkie is boring. Not at all. So, please don't think that. I said I was human for years and it was not boring in a few posts back.
  6. I felt I gave an honest answer. You're response is a cop out.
  7. Looking a little further into the word Normie, a dictionary I use gives definition for Normie and then "other meanings" for "Normie" as shown in the screenshot below. So, I looked up the other meanings of Normie. In there, it explained it's origin may have started from disabled people and all the others were "Normies", the one's who were not disabled. From their viewpoint, I can see the need why they may have started this word. It also may have started as Arielle explained - those fighting addition and the other's were "Normies". Looking further still the word Normie has been used as a word similar to "square", normally a square person didn't drink or wasn't going to be the type to smoke pot. It is not a word I've heard spoken in all my life nor ever heard in movies, TV shows, on the radio, no where, except for now...it's making it's way around message boards and here is where I first saw it. I've asked several times already if this word should be flagged and left off the forum because this discussion is going nowhere and will continue to go nowhere because the word is part slang and used in many different ways but it is mostly those in the norm and those on the fringe. And, it does sound somewhat like teenage angst-driven as well with our parents as the normies and us not.
  8. When people are using the word "Normie" on this forum I don't think they are suggesting others are boring. I was human in SL, it was not boring. The boring or not boring is up to us no matter what we are. I think they are suggesting you are the mainstream, the norm of SL, which is what probably 80 to 90% human? I think they are saying they are an outside fringe in comparison to where they can actually go in SL and are often not allowed in places and you cannot understand them.
  9. I think the mainstream culture of SL is based around humans as the main and largest group and their habits may be geared towards coupling and looking gorgeous and their behavior, from my experience as a human, was back then to keep your bits covered and be as drama-free as possible (per the club rules back then) so I'd think the behavior was suggested by clubs and sometimes in group chat to think of others as well as yourself. And, to not spam with gestures or have those baby talker things. lol Sorry, it made me laugh out loud literally. I hope baby talkers died. So, to sum up behavior, I think what is known as "the golden rule" was the mainstream creed.
  10. Having a *sort of discussion* in another thread, I wanted to address something. This newest video starts out with furries. If people want to be a furry, Welcome Island should put up a place that is newbie/furry friendly because it's not so easy to be a newbie and find furry-friendly places. Something to think about. I also agree with the poster in this thread that said if you show furry avatars, there should be a starter furry avatar as well as help in easily finding where a furry can go. I haven't been to Welcome Island in years, so I don't know what goes on there. But, it could be the same if people pick avatars other than human, even vampire or dragon or whatever, where are they supposed to go when newbies know nothing?
  11. I agree with you in that all of us have our idiosyncrasies. But, there are certain groups that are ostracized for what? being even weirder?, and, as far as I can tell from this forum, it's the avatars that are other than human who are ostracized and have called the hooman's "Normie's". Well, that's because SL's demographic is largely human, so that's the norm and accepted just about everywhere. And, I never saw the word Normie being used in a mean way. Even one of the groups for Dinkies needs moderators to over-see invites because some clubs will post in our group that they are Tiny/Dinkie friendly but it's a trick. It's a trick to get Tinies and Dinkies there so they can put them down. I don't go to places I don't know for that reason. But, even so, with this stigma many have towards avi's other than human, there are many places and events we enjoy. And the big events in SL for everyone, where all kinds of avi's go, has always been cool and gone off without problem. There are less griefers in SL than there used to be. Maybe it's because a lot of us left the sandbox and create offline.
  12. Dinkies think they are special? Where do you get that? Dinkies are an avatar that is not allowed in most places. We are basically the out-casts. We have to adapt because we are out-cast, not because we are special. And, thinking about this word how it *can be* used derogatory, it doesn't say it always is, is that the normies are the ones who feel hurt while the other party is really the out-cast.
  13. Wow, it's interesting you mention that. It's under the arrow of 'what is an example of a Normie' in the link below. That is one of the explanations I came across when searching "what is a Normie". So perhaps the word is a form of the word "square"? Wanted to add: I've never heard this word in my country. I've only heard it perhaps over the past six months. The first few times were here on SL. What is an example of a Normie? a normal person, who behaves in the same way as most other people in society: I wish I wanted to be normal, because then I could just be a normie, and I'd still have friends. I have realized that normal guys just don't understand addiction and this is why I may never date a normie again. https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+a+normie&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS784US784&oq=what+is+a+normie&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j0i512l6j69i60.4033j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  14. The adult thing or all the sub-genres you were speaking of? As far as the adult thing, I know it's true. I experienced it. It's way too forward and not how to approach someone, that is for sure. They could do better, honestly and be more respectful.
  15. My generation was like that too. In a way, I think my generation thought our parents were "normies" and we were not. And, in my generation, maybe Normie meant stodgy. Although my generation and where I grew up tended to be very into non-mainstream stuff. My parents generation was kind of mainstream, following the norm. Although I think venturing off into non-mainstream areas of life can happen at any age.
  16. I said the biggest clubs in SL played the top 40. It was top 40, Big Hair Band music, and metal which was a lot of Top 40. I was speaking about the sub-genre human scene was still a slex scene basically. One could find other music, but in the "what's happening now" it was mostly the above all the time and maybe some country. There was one club I remember from long ago, called maybe Ambrosia or something like that, that played trance and other stuff I did not like that got pretty big then too, but most other music one had to learn to hunt for. So, I don't know what you mean by the above? What's not true? The biggest clubs in SL didn't play Top 40 in the "what's happening now" scene? Yeah, they did. Constantly. Those were the biggest clubs with people in them. I did, of course, once I started to use inworld search find other music clubs but, as many have said on the forums, they were empty or near empty.
  17. It is to some of us a big deal, especially when they don't read your profile and you are married in real life. I say "us" because I darn well know I'm not the only female in SL that has said some of those IM's from guys are just too abrupt and it's annoying. But, I did have some great times as a human with the girl friends I made. We had some good times. I don't regret it at all. Not at all. I guess I think it's a big deal because as a Dinkie I've never been hit on and it's peaceful. I found peace in SL, and friends, and freedom to just goof around.
  18. Yes, there are some clubs I found to get away from the Top 40 and that's when I started listening to the Blues in SL and at the Blues clubs that's also where I met some Dinkies before I decided to become one. It took me a few years before I did become a Dinkie though. The Blues clubs seemed okay with having Dinkies there; they were cool about it. As far as mainstream, I'm thinking music right now. But, not only do Dinkies play just about every kind of music except Top 40, they also are poets, and just friendly. We are there to share; it's not about pixel bumping at all which even my profile stated I was not into. I think the human scene somewhat assumes we are there for the pixel bumping no matter what alternative it may be unless I'm missing asexual human areas of SL I don't know about. Dinkies/Tinies are the opposite, they are there for friends. Plus, I was free of the vanity of it all. I love being a non-Normie. It's been a great journey out of the "what's happening now" thing.
  19. Well, for me, it was human only and I thought I'd never be anything but human. I couldn't relate to being a non-human character at all for a very long time even though I did NOT want to date in SL and didn't like the abrupt IM's I used to get. AND, my profile even stated I don't date in SL but I still got abrupt and inappropriate IM's. So, people wouldn't even take the time to read my profile. And, I pretty much went to all the mainstream clubs that were very popular. It took me awhile to start typing keywords into the inworld search and go out and look for people who had other interests other than, let's say Top 40, which most of the main clubs advertised played. I finally, once I started using keywords in the inworld search, found a whole great big, diverse SL to explore and experience. And, then, one day I became a Dinkie and used keywords to find where the Dinkies are and it was one of the best experiences of my entire life. Dinkies/Tinies are very music-orientated and most do NOT play Top 40. And, the Dinkies and Tinies are also very art-oriented so that opened a whole new SL for me. I left the "what's happening now" thing and ventured off on my own and ended up finding some incredible experiences. Now, in SL, I try all kinds of things and have dropped all the unexplainable hang-ups I had about being something other than human in SL. I thought people were weird for liking non-human avatars. Then, I changed and it's great and freeing. I'm a bit tired, that's about the best I could do.
  20. Are they entirely ignorant of what exists outside of mainstream culture in SL or it just doesn't appeal to them? Maybe a little of both. I know there are many things in SL I've never heard of, so it would be ignorance in a different way. My sister is very mainstream-oriented when it comes to music but she is open to sitting and listening with me if there is something I want her to hear. I don't know exactly what I've been trying to say but I think SL is a place to find and explore a lot of things that are not mainstream and to me that's a big draw to SL. But, this is not an easy discussion to have. My title and OP were poorly laid out and for that I apologize.
  21. I wasn't really labeling anybody either but there are words to define things. Like I said above, after reading Diamond's link, I think the words I was looking for to have a discussion about within SL was culture vs. counter-culture. Mainstream, not main-stream these are real things people like. Some like mainstream, others don't. And, I remember a friend saying to me a few years ago, "I love mainstream music right now, which is usually not like me". Our tastes can change from mainstream to non-stream and vice versa.
  22. I wanted to discuss something and after reading Diamond's link I think what I wanted to discuss was more about culture and counter-culture but it's just not happening in this thread. And, to others, no I am not a troll. Don't be ridiculous. That's absolutely not truth. And, I don't need to be treated like a whipping post for making a mistake either. I wanted to have a discussion, probably mostly about counter-culture. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Normie
  23. I never said I was not convinced. What I said I was above your post and that I will take ya'lls word for it rather than chase down old internet stuff. I said perhaps SL should flag the word.
  24. I think so too...so maybe the word should be flagged if it brings up bad connotations. I don't want to read 4chan or chase down old stuff that happened on the internet. I'll just take all of your word for it. But, the word is currently making it's way around. Normie: From the link Ayashe posted right above your post. People have been increasingly using the word normie as a noun and an adjective to describe someone whose tastes, habits, lifestyle, etc. are mainstream or otherwise unremarkable. It was formed using the English adjective normal and the diminutive suffix -ie.
  25. Well, I brought up the Aristocracy and the Bohemians which have been around for centuries and those defining words were not insults but rather describing a way of life or approach to something or whatever. But, if this word has this much problem here, it should be flagged because I did not make this thread to make waves and I've already explained myself enough. I thought it was a new word. I was surprised it's been a slang word since 2010. I've only seen the word here and then on Twitter recently and that's it. And, in the hippie days it was the establishment versus the anti-establishment. Different approaches to things. But, I don't think we need to keep going around and around about it. It obviously has meaning that is not a worthy discussion.
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