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Everything posted by ValKalAstra

  1. The curse of shopping events! So many fancy things. In my case, I've just finished the last of the Sims and here's a bit of my experience: Overall I've had a blast. So many cool things, amazing avatars to see, random happenings. Like I just saw a paper car that had crashed into a rubber ducky car and somehow that was just too funny and quintessentially SL for me. I've bought less than other years but still found some cool things. There were some amazing gifts out (I'm not sure what I shall do with a several dozen meters large battle cruiser but heck, I take it and giggle like a maniac). My experience has been mostly lag free too, some sim crossings took a bit of struggling but it wasn't too bad. Really my only disappointment would be that one of my favourite stores left me with a feeling of... that's it? Oh well, they probably had their reasons and it's no big deal! Design wise there were some really cool booths, some funny ones, creative showings too and also a lot of default template stores. They often start to become a blur for me, which is a bit of a pity. Well, that's mostly it from me. My purchases will make their way into various pictures and dresses and here's a final snapshot of the event from me! One of the stores had this funny installation as part of it. You don't really see the Roswell Aliens in the shot but they made me laugh. /EDIT: note to self, don't type when drowsy
  2. Oh, curiosity, my one weakness! I'd say, come on over into the photography subforum. We're usually a welcoming bunch and if you'd like, hit me up in world and I'd love to give you a crash-course on the hobby sometime. Now for my HUD, it's there to primarily help with the process of lighting a picture. It comes into play once you've bumped into the limits of playing with windlights/eep settings. I would love to see your shots though and if it turns out you might like the hobby, there are many clever little solutions (such as the Lelutka Axis HUD, for example!). And hey, once you get to tweaking and tuning lights, there's a Demo waiting you can try out to see whether my HUD is something that can help you. Oh, yup! You're right! Thanks for the clarification.
  3. Thank you, both of you. Aye this was at S&H (Forsythia Sim?) - but I'll be honest, it was a booth that stood out. Most are fairly well designed but not as breathtaking. Well, time to head back in for me!
  4. For me the answer would depend on what kind of product it is. In case of clothing, my main interest in a demo are: Texture Quality. Ability to mix and match with other clothes. Check clipping and if I can tolerate, conceal or fix it. This automatically disqualifies any Demo that vanishes on me in 5 minutes or that has Demo written all over the texture. Some people go really overboard there too to the point the entire texture is more or less all red. This usually ends with me throwing the Demo out. For clothes, I would say that having floating markers is perfectly okay and reasonable. Although I might just give up if they go overboard. If my attention is constantly drawn to some flickering glowing flopping thing, I tend to get agitated and yeet the demo. Subtle but visible demo markers for me, please. It's different for anything whose function and purpose is based around a script. Here I feel you can really only do timed demos or no demo at all and that kind of fits with what I am seeing on the marketplace. Most scripts don't have got Demos. Finally, I'd advice against particle effects. They can really make SL crawl and if I attach an outfit that sees my viewer start chugging, I generally don't go poking around to figure out if it's the particles or the mesh. I detach and move on.
  5. As is tradition! Especially for Fantasy Faire I start with some idea, maybe a Fairy? Probably a Fairy or I could do something daring and brave and... go as a Fairy. By the end of Fantasy Faire I'm some weird half cybernetic, dragon riding, demon tail sporting, time traveller with an extra pair of hands or two - or maybe eight of them. For Shop and Hop I started on something normal. Proceeded onwards to a risque gothic attire, became an odd blend of punk and rave party visitor and I think I'll try on some fantasy dress today. That said! Some of the booths this time around look especially lovely though, when a friend and I rolled up to this one, I couldn't help but ask her to stand still for a bit as I snapped a quick shot.
  6. Actually saw you earlier and wondered if I should say hi but you vanished when I decided. Oops! Yah I am making my rounds too. Counter clockwise, doing two-three regions a day before things start blurring together. I am having a lot of fun with all the things on Display and got an amazing dress too (gonna make a pic sometime soon).
  7. A random hunch: Your friend wouldn't happen to have set their online status to "Unavailable" in the viewer, right?
  8. No, kick is not an alternative. It's the temper tantrum of a big player in online casinos (stake). They've previously used twitch to heavily advertise gambling to actual children and when Twitch had a rare moment of conscience and banned gambling content, along came kick. Kick suddenly started throwing millions of dollars at streamers and posed as an alternative. While kick doesn't disclose who owns it, yah it's got stake written all over it and it's no surprise the site heavily promote gambling. I wouldn't want SL anywhere near that place. It's bad energy.
  9. Wow, I'm floored. Thank you so much for going above and beyond for the answer. From walking me through the aspects of it to giving me examples to work with. I even think I understood something my math teachers didn't get through my skull all those years ago. This is perfect, thanks.
  10. This is another one of those conceptual questions where I am running into my failed math education and need help, a reality check or a smack with a wiki entry. Imagine the following scenario: Attached HUD Object. Say - a simple thin cube prim attached as a child to a root prim. Got two coordinates in Screen Space Coordinates (from a llDetectedTouchPos). Want to draw Line between both coordinates using the child prim. I'm a bit stuck on a conceptual level. I've kicked around a few ideas. I assume llLookAt wouldn't work because the rotation isn't meant for the root prim but the child prim and also because it needs region coordinates, not screen space coordinates. I thought I could use the pythagorean theorem to figure out the angle but - my math fails me spectacularly and i don't even dare show the resulting attempt. Thus I come to you with a plea for a pointer: What's a sane way to go about this? Namely: Attached HUD, Child Prim pointing from A to B based on supplied set of coordinates. I'll take anything at this point, from script example snippet to simple pointer or even a wiki entry to a function I hadn't considered.
  11. I can strongly relate to that idea. My avatar is for all intents and purposes, "me". I've build it in my image. It follows my personal sense of oddball fashion and comes with my trademark RBF. I often make experiments in style, go from punk to elegant, dance with the ethereal and otherworldly but at the end of the day - it needs to be me. Occasionally I try to experiment outside my comfort zone and create a different look. One that isn't me. However unlike you here, for me it always hits this odd barrier I can't cross, where the result feels off, no matter what others tell me. So - I can totally relate to the desire to experiment and I think it's good to do. It makes me want to puncture my own barrier and just go completely different for a change. So - thank you for showing how you step out of the usual comfort zone. It's inspiring in ways. Keep doing you, keep being you. And I think with that I hit my "be emotional" quota for the day. Time to scare some more peeps with my RBF
  12. Honest answer: Most already have, it's just they didn't necessarily realise it. Image editing programs/apps for the last decade or so have been making use of machine learning to tweak existing tools and new ones (E.g. those creepy face app filters that were all the rage for a while). It's just that it has now become a hot button topic through copious amounts of FUD. Personally, I've been on the dark side for a while, whatever that means to me it means learning. I'd rather get ahead of technology, understand it and learn about it, instead of fearing it. Am I super comfy about all the implications? Hell no. But knowledge triumphs over fear. That said, Inpaint/Outpaint (what Photoshop is doing there) is quite impressive as demonstrated. Something else that has impressed me was Segment Anything (https://segment-anything.com/demo#), combined with Grounding Dino, it allows you to designate areas of a picture and (using grounding dino) describe them and then have the program create accurate masks. I just mention this because i know I am not the only one that hates masking. The next impressive tech is DragGAN, where you can basically drag a 2D picture in a 3D way. The demo video shows what it does (https://github.com/OpenGVLab/InternGPT/tree/main#draggan_demo) That one doesn't seem consumer ready yet by virtue of needing excessive hardware power. For now. Other interesting applications are things such as T2I style transfer or using control nets with img2img in Stable Diffusion to modify the lighting in interesting ways.
  13. This is gonna haunt me because I know I have seen that in world at some point. Maybe Luas? Would be my best bet. Could be a blend of various retired gachas (they've got a corner upstairs where they sell them on a steep discount). It's on the same Sim as Tentacio and I know they've got clothes like that but I don't know about that exact one. There was also Silvery K but they seem to have downsized.
  14. Now this looks like a job for me - I have bought their store up and down. That said I don't think you can get it to look precisely as in the image. I don't think there's a perfect match and at the very least, the accessories are from different sources. As was mentioned, the buns are from the Eclipse Hair. The ears on the left side are probably the Bento Fox Ears. Be aware they're older and don't colour as nicely as the new hairs so you're limited to a few colours. The hair now, yah this is more difficult. Out of their hair options, the Necromantic one does have the dramatic flare but the bangs don't fit. Both Eclipse and Sonata could be close-ish but they lack the flare. I think at least some of the bangs on the right are painted in, as are some of the more extreme almost horizontal strands. You're going to have to see which of the options fits best for you. I doubt you can get it 100% as in the image. Here, let me drop'n flop you in front of their hair gallery: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aii and Ego/158/141/1525 And for reference, this is the Necromantic Hair with the Eclipse Hair Buns:
  15. I'll somewhat echo @Rick Nightingale here and say that it's rather normal for Forums to sometimes have unique cultures. Sometimes you blend in and other times you're the outcast. In general, I'll say from my personal experience that some residents have got a considerable chip on their shoulder about gamers. You can see it in so many new and old help posts, especially about tech issues, that the second someone mentions that they play games, certain people will jump down their throat and intentionally derail the thread with frankly weird accusations and snide behaviour. I've had extremely poor performance ever since I started until about a few weeks ago. Whenever I've searched for help, I found old threads with the same regulars raging about gamers expecting 120 FPS when the one seeking help had only mentioned gaming in passing. I found the usual "that's just how it is, sod off!" comment and it was just a hostile environment all around. On the occasion I dared ask in world, I got smacked with being called an entitled man-child (wrong gender but eh?) and other unpleasantries. Gamer, for some reason, is a trigger word for some residents. Result: I often gave up and just assumed "yah that's how it is. 6 FPS seems to be normal, people yell at you for asking otherwise". Sidenote: It was a driver setting I stumbled across randomly. My FPS went from 6 to 45 FPS. It went from barely usable to yah I can deal with that. So my best advice to any new forum user is to never tell anyone you game. You can get help on any sort of problem you might have, there are people that know individual textures and hairstyles to the point they can link it to you in seconds. If you have got scripting troubles, there are amazing people that have kickstarted fledgling scripters forever - you can find their help dating back years and they're still active. It's an amazing place - as long as you don't mention gaming, performance or UX. Those seem to be the trigger words since politics got a boardwide ban. That said, you are really not doing yourself any favours by flinging around words like shill. That's just me but I find people that regularly use that word to be deeply uncomfortable beings ot be around, because it ascribes to a mindset that the only reason anyone might ever possibly disagree is that they're paid.
  16. https://www.flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/52915483957/in/dateposted-public/
  17. I really can't claim to have got any kind of weekly routine, nor can I really claim much Flickr success. The most attention any of my works has gotten was a couple of hundred clicks. However, just from experimenting with different approaches a little, I think Flickr Engagement mostly depends on three plus one factors. Groups. How many groups you have posted it in. I've had subjectively meh images of mine (to my tastes) reach silly amounts of engagement, because I just spammed it across dozens of SL Flickr groups. Flickr Handshake. You like mine, I like yours. I engage with your pictures, comment, chat, etc and mine get the same treatment. It's a social media website after all and thus just interacting with people usually gets you noticed in turn. In SL World Groups. Just like the first point, being active in the various photography groups in world can further bring engagement. Say, I make a new picture and then post it in various photo groups, then interact with people that replied to it. So if you're looking for a routine, I would say make it an effort to scout out groups a picture might fit in, engage with people on their works on Flickr and be active in photography groups in world. As long as your interactions have got that social element, I think it'll be a successful form of engagement and also fun. At least to me, I enjoy talking pictures with people - if only most weren't so scared of giving feedback.
  18. Alright, let me see. It's this AO of the marketplace, right? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TuTy-DAILY-sLIFE-FREE-BASIC-BENTO-MALE-AO-Priority-3-and-4/7179649 Then here is a step by step guide on how to remove that animation without getting errors. Attach the HUD. Right click on the HUD (either on screen or in your inventory) and select edit. In your content tab, select the notecard named "default". Open it. You should see something similar to this: [ Standing ]TDMLstand1|TDMLstand2 [ Walking ]TDMLwalk1|TDMLwalk2 [ Sitting ]TDMLSit and so on Then like @Qie Niangao said, if your first line looks like the first line I posted here - then you can replace... This line [ Standing ]TDMLstand1|TDMLstand2 With this line [ Standing ]TDMLstand2 Please for the love of all that is holy, if your first line looks different, please paste the content of the notecard here so we can give you precise instructions - since we can't know what's in there or not. Save the notecard. Close the edit window (the one where you selected the default notecard). On your HUD, click the button labelled as LOAD. A dialogue window will open with one button in it: default Click default and wait a moment. If everything went well, your local chat should look something like this (and if not, ping back here) and you are done: [00:09] Tuty DAILY sLIFE Free BENTO Male AO -Priority 4: Loading notecard 'Default'... [00:09] Tuty DAILY sLIFE Free BENTO Male AO -Priority 4: 9 animation entries found in Notecard. [00:09] Tuty DAILY sLIFE Free BENTO Male AO -Priority 4: Finished reading notecard 'Default'.
  19. Nintendo lawyers be like... --- https://www.flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/52886282114/in/dateposted-public/
  20. Yup! To put words into pictures, here's the same identical shape using a Glam Affair Body skin. The left side is just the body skin while the right also uses the included BOM layer for medium cleavage, as well as the soft bosom layer. So depending on your skins, the result can vary quite a bit and could explain the issue of "separating" the cleavage you have got.
  21. https://www.flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/52875323320/in/dateposted-public/ Something different from me for a change. Still my avatar but in a fancy new shape. This Fantasy Faire was not healthy on my budget but I just couldn't resist grabbing way too much - and then further going and picking up an entirely new Avatar. ... Bonus Points for those that can tell me which semi-famous cat this was inspired by.
  22. Listening to some blast from the past. Randomly felt like checking out The Offspring again. What do you know, they've still got it.
  23. Aye - I do like that there's some definition on the chest that I'd struggle to replicate with either Legacy or Maitreya (I probably just don't know how). Otherwise I'm not sure I see a reason to switch, especially with the clothing struggle.
  24. Woaah, the colors. Love it! Great picture. ---- https://www.flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/52782440882/in/dateposted-public/
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