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Dragon Hijinks

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Everything posted by Dragon Hijinks

  1. One more syntax error and maybe I've got this. Thanks so much for your patience. The way code is laid out makes is really hard for me to tell where brackets begin and end. ^^; integer listener; integer channel = 0; default { attach(key id) { integer perm = llGetPermissions(); key owner = llGetOwner(); listener = llListen(channel, "", owner, ""); llRequestPermissions(owner, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } listen(integer channel, string name, key owner, string message) { if(perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { llStartAnimation("wolf_bark"); } else { llRequestPermissions(owner, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } { llSetSoundQueueing(TRUE); llPlaySound(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SOUND,llRound(llFrand(llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SOUND) - 1))),1.0); } }
  2. Right so I think I need something in if (perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { llStartAnimation("wolf_bark"); } } to make sure the animation only triggers after the owner's chat has been detected on Channel 0. So it would be &...what?
  3. I decided to "remake" it as a new script and it did the same for me. It played the animation immediately though, not on chat. I think I've got a bit of switching around to do with this..
  4. Aye but what I'm trying to do is have it play a sound on everything I type. Like a typer sound effect, but it plays after I send rather than as I'm typing. I got the sounds fixed up, but it's still not asking for permission to animate and therefore not animating. This is what I've got now-- integer listener; integer channel = 0; string msg = "play"; default { state_entry() { key owner = llGetOwner(); listener = llListen(channel, "", owner, ""); llRequestPermissions(owner, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if (perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { llStartAnimation("wolf_bark"); } } listen(integer channel, string name, key owner, string message) { llSetSoundQueueing(TRUE); llPlaySound(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SOUND,llRound(llFrand(llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SOUND) - 1))),1.0); } }
  5. Nada. :') The script isn't giving me any errors, but it's also still not asking me for perms or animating.
  6. So llRequestPermissions(ownerid, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); instead?
  7. Thank you! That got rid of the error. Now to figure out why it won't request permissions like I've told it to. 😅
  8. Hey there all. I'm not really a scripter. I mostly try to Frankenstein stuff together until it works. Right now I'm trying to mash together a script that plays a random inventory sound and single animation once chat has been sent I've alllllmost got it. Only the animation is giving me trouble, and it's mostly because I'm allergic to syntax and simply can't figure out what SL is yelling at me about. integer listener; integer channel = 0; string msg = "play"; key ownerid; default { state_entry() { ownerid = llGetOwner(); listener = llListen(channel, "", ownerid, ""); llRequestPermissions(llDetectedKey(0), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if (perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { llStartAnimation("wolf_bark"); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { llSetSoundQueueing(TRUE); llPlaySound(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SOUND,llRound(llFrand(llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SOUND) - 1))),1.0); } } } It's saying there's something wrong at the beginning of the "listen" but I don't know what. ;u;'' Please laugh at my spaghetti code and lend a hand if you don't mind.
  9. You guys aren't going to let this thread die, are you? That would make Rocky really sad, and look at that adorable face! You wouldn't want to make him sad, right? [One of the many outfits I have built on the Timber Wilds Wolf avatar, of my secondary fursona 'Rockhound' AKA Rocky! He's a red wolf who loves to dig for minerals and gems.]
  10. Hey all! A feature I've recently noticed in my FS client has been that when underwater, sounds played by objects, avatars, and gestures are heavily muffled and only audible at a very close distance. While this is a cool feature for realism, it makes my little wearable object that makes nice bubbling sounds when I swim kinda useless! I'd like to know where in Settings to go to disable this feature when I'd like to. Cheers!
  11. Out of curiosity, was their name in plain text or were they using fancy symbols at all? I remember once I tried to have the DN "Lucky Gamble" for an RP character but the change refused to go through because of the word "gamble." So I always assumed there was at least a basic lexicon of disallowed words. 😮
  12. It may also be worth filing an in-game Abuse Report, and providing proof of you having made the skin yourself upon LL's follow-up.
  13. Ick, creepy. My best advice is to use alpha cuts when wearing clothing. This will prevent pervs from perving and help cut down on clothes clipping on most bodies to boot. Sorry this happened to your friend! Some folks just don't care that there's a person behind every av.
  14. Cheers for making the ticket. This is something I have wanted for a long time, mostly so I can block out stores full of lazy ripped models and the like.
  15. Enjoying some evening boat watching on Sirens Isle. 😄
  16. There are people in SL who...don't change their av? This is news to me. 😌
  17. You can't go wrong with Grendel's. Their stuff may be a bit outdated by modern standards but there are very few modern animal avs w/ their level of detail, especially with the HUDs and actions!
  18. Avoid bringing any cucumbers. I hear cats aren't too fond of them.
  19. I love the TWI deer so much! It makes for a great "traditional" unicorn. The animations for it are some of the cleanest and smoothest I've ever seen in SL. Rand really outdid himself with it. Makes me all the more excited to see what he's got up his sleeve next.
  20. Who here's got a wild side in SL? Lets show some love to the incredible content creators who have brought us these boundary-breaking feral avatars and the people who have made them their own! TWI, BRDMRT, Teegle, Grendel's, NutBusterz, Prehistorica, Medhue, iMonster...whichever brand you're repping, come and show off and tell the virtual world why you love being on four feet. [Or two. I'm not excluding birdfolk n such here! ] My personal main avatar is the European Dragon by iMonster aka Tithis String. It's a great enough av out of the box, but the 3rd-party aftermarket that's sprung up around it really makes it shine. You can turn it into any dragon, drake, or wyvern you can think of nowadays! The community that has grown around this avatar is also a total delight. There's no better fun than running and flying around in a gaggle of beautifully diverse dragons and roaring your head off! [Really helps blow off steam. ] [A slightly older photo of myself and my good friend unicorn.enchantment, who is sporting a wonderfully modded Teegle Horse avatar.] Dragons have long been my favorite creature despite their fictional nature, and ever since I was a kid I've wanted a video game that really let you play as one. None of the "dragon rider" or "dragon slayer" stuff that was so prevalent in games. I got started in SL for totally different reasons, but the moment I stumbled upon the Uthgolian Dragons by Grendel's Children I was hooked. Furry avs are cool enough, but what do mean I can be an animal in this game? What do you mean I can be a flippin' dragon?? That was it. I was on the Grid for good! [The classic Uthgolian Dragon, made by Flea Bussy of Grendel's Children all the way back in 2006!] I've been collecting feral avatars now since, well...since I joined SL, really! My inventory is full of critters. There's no greater joy for me than showing up in a more "usual" sim as a dragon, or horse, or wolf, or dinosaur and awing the facelights right off folks who didn't even know nonhuman avs were a thing. Soaring around Blake Sea roaring at passing planes and boats makes for a very amusing weekend. I'd be happy to show off more of my menagerie of avatars, but this isn't about me. It's about you! Tell me your animal avatar stories, people of the Grid!
  21. This is my biggest issue right now. My dragon avatar used to have vibrant, sharp, colorful speculars on its scales. But with the FS EEP Beta he looks like a dull plastic toy. I haven't uploaded any recent shots to Flickr cause he just looks so poorly. I think earlier in the thread this has already been mentioned, and someone said it was not only filed on JIRA but also already fixed in a more recent main viewer beta. So us FS folks just gotta wait til it rolls out to us, hopefully.
  22. Will there ever be support for changing the stars in the sky like the we can the sun and the moon? I would love to have a more detailed starfield in the sky w/o having to use skyboxes! This has probably already been answered, but I never use the forums and can't find the topic search. ^^; Excited to see what folks do w/ EEP in the long run!
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