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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Peeve: I'm in BeSpoke's Discord server and though I somehow knew this head was releasing, I didn't realize it was going to be free. I wouldn't really call that furry, though. It's in their hybrid head line (a mix, but leaning more human). I'm also not sure I'd ever use it. I prefer their old faun version, which is far more stylized and less humanoid. If you like that, though, BeSpoke is releasing another faun for We Love Roleplay whenever that event happens to be. Next month, I think. The new faun will be a more animalistic deer/goat mix. Should look a bit closer to the original version. Another peeve: That reminds me that I still have some store credit there and I have absolutely no idea what head to buy next. I'm desperately needing more monsters in my life, but there are two in that line I neeeed and I can't deciiiiiiiide.
  2. It's the CUTEST THING EVAAAAAA! Here's the store. They have quite a few colors (and other mods, too!) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/en-US/stores/175276 The MP is full of cute stuff like this. I'm still wanting the otters from Risusipo, too. Peeeeeeve.
  3. Is it thoooooo? Granted, I'm not familiar with every model out there and what USEFUL things are being done with them all, but I can say that some companies who shall remain nameless but would come as no surprise to anyone are sure spending a whole lot of money making the most pointless, useless bots I've ever seen, lol. Like hey, you could easily afford to fund some AI in the medical or science fields or something but nah, you go ahead and make your pseudo-celebrity chatbots, it's kewl. 😆 Just so much pointless drivel coming out of this field, I tell ya. There are good things, too, but the bizarre vanity side projects are seemingly everywhere and when you dig into what they spent to do it...geez. I guess you could argue tossing some bots into Second Life for world-building flavor would at least be more productive than that.
  4. Big ole peeve: I can't just browse the marketplace like a regular person without getting overwhelmed by cuteness and wanting to make whole new furry avatars for no good reason. No, me, you do not need to be a duck. Stop looking at those damn duck eyelashes. No, me, you definitely do not need to be a Dinkie axolotl (!!!!!!!!!). Get off that page already! *sees cute little birb feet...wants cute little birb feet*
  5. Oh, we love procedurally- generated environments and yeah, No Man's Sky eventually turned into a freakin' awesome experience (one I need to return to soooooon). Also intelligent enemies with unpredictable attack patterns, seemingly randomized NPC schedules, unpredictable events, etc. All that stuff has been done for years (decades?) and it's all good. It's just the not-so-backend AI many are opposed to. Writing, storytelling, music, art and visual design, voice acting, conversational dialogue - that's when it goes beyond simply assisting the artists and creatives into fully replacing them, and that's no bueno. Like if a game studio said - ya know what - we were going to give you guys Matt Mercer, but we decided to just use some budget AI that sounds kinda close instead. We cool? No...no we iz not cool. Second Life, of course, does have more wiggle room to play with this stuff since we don't have the same kinds of issues here and no one's losing any jobs narrating our inventory or anything (lol imagine?), but still. I just have no desire to talk to not-real-people in what's supposed to be a platform entirely built around the concept of meeting real people (from all over the planet, even!).
  6. Well, that makes things a bit easier. The OP has everything they need but the Aesthetic body. That's here (I think it's the Enzo - try everything on with the demo first, which is available in-world) - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/NIRAMYTH-AESTHETIC-ENZO-PACKAGE-10/7037603 That kit does not work with Jake. If that's what they want to use, they'll need to choose a different mod kit. Edit: Aesthetic isn't the best choice for a good wardrobe, either.
  7. Ooooo okay, you've got some options. Quick breakdown: How it's done: Shark head + human body (male or female) + mod kit (including your skin, maybe your tail and fins). You can use any of the popular mesh human bodies - Maitreya, Reborn, Legacy F or M, Jake, etc. That way, you can wear clothes without issue. Mod kits will generally let you know what heads and addons they work with, so make sure you read your descriptions before buying anything. Heads will usually have demos. Mod kits typically do not, so be careful with those. For heads (I probably should've asked if you want male or female, but I'll include both) here are some options: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/C-Selachi-Female-Bento-Shark-Head/21120864 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/C-Morpha-Male-Bento-Shark-Head/21121507 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/C-Carcharodon-Bento-Shark-Head/25802693 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SKNK-Sushi-Bento-Head/12922177 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PsiCorp-Shark-Kit-Blue/17799090 (this is a full avatar kit that includes the head - wear it with your choice of body and check their store for other colors). Just note: You'll likely need a free neck extender for some of those. Apricot Paws has a freebie here - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Apricot-Paws-SLUV-Neck-ExtenderFix-Freebie/14958878 If you demo a head and find it floating above your shoulders a bit, that should fix it. Body: Any mesh body that's decently supported in the clothing and mod market - Maitreya, Legacy F, Reborn, Jake, Legacy M, sometimes Gianni are good options these days. Mod kit: Will greatly depend on what you want to look like PLUS how supported your head is. I'd recommend browsing shark mod kits and reading through descriptions to see which head they're based on before deciding on a head. Also check to see which addons they support. You want to make sure your head and tail/fins have good support in the third-party market. Last thing and this is important - make sure the kits include normal BOM skins (which are ideal) and aren't just PSD texture kits or anything you have to fiddle with outside of Second Life. They should specify. In case your ideal mod kit doesn't include parts, here are some standalones (again, really check your compatibilities here with your skins): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SKNK-Bento-Shark-Tail/6117600 (check related items at the bottom for the kit that combines the tail with the head into a single purchase) Once you've got those basics down, you can start browsing for makeup (if you want it) and freckles and things for your heads. Just search using the name of the head (like "Selachi" or "Selachi makeup"). If that's super confusing and a lot of information, trust me, I know, lol. Choose a head to demo first, pick your body, and we can take it from there if you need more help.
  8. Which animal type and do you intend to wear a lot of clothes/want access to a full wardrobe?
  9. Assuming the family can afford a family plan, probably. Some might just be running around with some cheapo pay-as-you-go phones.
  10. It's even wayyyyy more open now. Restaurants, retail, grocery stores, lifeguarding, day camps, food service/fast food, swimming instructors, baristas, blogging/social media, babysitting, movie theaters, golf courses, kennels and shelters, dog walking/sitting (they can make a LOT with that), tutoring, government (National Park Service), office work, lawn care, snow removal, libraries, YouTube, streaming, etc. etc. Considering the insane cost of living up here, I'm not entirely surprised at all that kids are working full-on jobs with serious responsibilities these days, sad as it sounds. Those cell phone bills don't pay themselves. 😄 Whether or not they'll be interested in Second Life on mobile, though - I dunno. Maybe if it's good enough to compete with all the other stuff vying for their attention.
  11. If you think that's bad, you'll probably be peeved about her depiction in Hades 2, I'm just sayin'... There ya go, peeve away! No but seriously, I was a little miffed by that one myself and couldn't really place what in the world inspired all that. I normally dig that game's art style but...yeah. They did our girl dirty with that one. 😄
  12. Can confirm. Plenty of teens in my state get summer jobs or maintain part-time work through the school year. Some places throughout the US (cough Florida cough) are even easing hourly work restrictions for teens 16 and up so they can cram more hours in before school. Outside of the US - probably a bit more rare. Many do it to help out around the house or just cover their own entertainment expenses or start saving up for college. Some just do it for the flex (I cannot tell you how many fake Louis Vuitton bags I have seeeeeeen...😆). And yeah, with things like gaming and lootboxes and gachas and in-game purchases and things - sure some do swipe the ole credit card and deal with the consequences later, but a lot of kids genuinely do have their own funds and spend whatever they aren't saving for some other purpose. Will they spend it on Second Life - I dunno. Roblox and other stuff - probably. I know here, you can start working at 14. I didn't get my first job until about 17 (it didn't last, tho) and I was pretty far behind as a result (took longer to get my first car, etc. - other kids had that locked down by senior year).
  13. It looks goooood right? Keep an eye out for Dust Bunny sales. I don't remember if they happen every year, but when they do, the whoooooooole stoooooooore gets marked down to 50L each. It's soooooooo goooooood. Apple Fall ran a 50L Marketplace sale at least once, too, but I don't even remember how I heard about that one. Peeve: Too many sales to keep up with, honestly.
  14. Oh, I think you'd like her! But she speaks French. (lol kidding kidding) The peeve thing is because this is technically a thread for posting peeves and mild annoyances. Our place to whine about mostly anything (as long as it fits within the general forum rules).
  15. I'm extremely happy you (and hopefully Madi) have chosen to stick around! The situation that brought you to the forums is rather unfortunate, and I'm sorry your experience here has been less than welcoming at times, but I, for one, am always happy to see new faces around these here parts, and I know I'm not the only one. I so so so rarely run into child avatars in-world (probably a good thing for you guys as I'm often some kind of monster or something when I'm not a frog), so it'll be fun to have the opportunity to learn about your community without accidentally scaring the heck out of you. 🤣 I think I remember you saying you love to shop (WOOHOO), so if you dig around a bit in General and Your Avatar, you might find some threads of interest. I know we have a Second Life foooooooood thread floating around in General somewhere... Peeve: We absolutely need more food and decorating threads.
  16. Honestly, I wouldn't put too much faith into all that. I would be surprised if game devs (especially indie game devs who are already on a constrained budget) would be able to afford the kind of training that goes into some of this stuff. I'd imagine they'd hand that off to a small team to work on, and it's really just not the same as having a massive international workforce that solely focuses on nothing but training and testing and tweaking and breaking and reworking and polishing their single in-game chatbot for well over a year. Also the personality thing - I don't particularly know what that's like as nothing I've done even remotely involves that, but asking one to adopt even a well-known personality/persona? Hilarious results. I messed around with ChatGPT that way once, for funsies (I don't work with that at all - this was merely for my own amusement and entertainment) - oh boooooy was it bad at that.
  17. Yeah, they're fun to play around with on a casual level, but when you're releasing something out to the public for general use, it requires soooooooo much work to ensure the things don't go totally off the rails. Making them sound natural is one thing - you first have to ensure they're safe (and honest). Imagine a big company like Meta or Twitter or whatever puts a chatbot out that without ANY hesitation starts spewing legalese in response to a prompt about a delicate legal situation - hey that sounds legit, thanks bot. Starts giving out directions for making illegal drugs. Tells someone how to break into a neighbor's car. Starts giving marriage advice. Tosses out inaccurate information about medical conditions. This is the kind of stuff people work hard to prevent, and it takes aaaaaaaaaages (well over a year in some cases, depending on the intended use) to train that "NOOOOOOPE don't ask me that I'm just a bot I ain't your lawyer!" behavior in. Left to their own devices, chatbots are dangerously unhinged - Imma just put it that way. 😆 Now obviously, if you're training one for a very limited scope, like Second Life, it'll be different. Sure, you can create a bot to work within a game environment trained only on world-friendly lore. You still might get someone poking at it with unsafe prompts, and if it's capable of any real-world conversation or general knowledge, that might become an issue. You still need to ensure it won't fly off the rails and can safely redirect the discussion. You really gotta lock down its behavior. And after all that's done - you can work on making it sound natural and less...botty. These things WANT to be bad, lol. They will find a way!
  18. That's quite a bit different, and yes, I've seen that behavior, too. Right now, anything that deviates from what devs have done for the last 30+ years in gaming gets slammed and whined about endlessly. The community reaction to AI, though, comes from an entirely different place. This isn't just angsty gamers throwing tantrums over "my 'mersions!" These are people who are concerned that, say, Larian could come along and say okay, next game - no Amelia Tyler - we're using AI, yolo it's cheaper woohoo! Larian would NEVER, of course, but that's the fear. People who are very well-known and deeply respected losing real jobs and opportunities. Games being tainted by lifeless, souless NPCs written not by real people but by some bot. Stories and dialogue that drift off into meaningless drivel. Uninspired game worlds and visuals. Etc. The perception is really pretty negative. Second Life doesn't have quite that same risk as we don't have anything TO be replaced (well, I guess user-created content could turn into 100% AI-generated content, eventually), but some in the gaming community still generally look at anything going that route fairly negatively and will avoid it. At least for now. It really depends. I've seen whole fights start in Twitch chat over the topic. Some don't seem to mind and have a "think of the possibilities!" outlook, while others are still pretty concerned about things like IP rights and job stability in the industry (which is already suffering with the constant mass-layoffs, but that's a whoooooole other topic!). Basically, if you want to start a big ole war on Twitch or Discord or social media, ask people about AI in games. 😄 My own personal opinions on the topic come from an entirely different place as I work with chatbots on a training level (paid work). I'm not fascinated by that stuff as I know how it all works and it's really not that magical (they're also pretty bad at a lot of things and it's amusingly easy to get them to absolutely fail). I think they do have their place, as assistants, but ehhhh...they take a ton of training and you can absolutely tell when a company's slacked off on that. Putting them into games sounds like an entire disaster. I've yet to see an AI NPC that didn't sound completely awful and unnatural. The ones SL has...those Convai things? Omg. No words. I think overall people are aware of its use. It's absolutely not new. It's been used in behind-the-scenes processes for as long as I can remember. The issue now is so many devs (Indie, especially) really lean into it to a point where what they're creating is just entirely lazy design and it became associated with that to a degree , so seeing that AI content flag in the description is just an absolute turnoff for a lot of people. Thinking of something like The Day Before and how that release went. AI wasn't even the worst of that game's problems (oh, there were so, so many problems), but it still left a negative impression combined with all the other sloppy things those devs did.
  19. Maybe people outside of gaming communities tolerate it more. I don't know. If LL wants any in that market, though, good luck with that. AI is fast becoming like the NFT fad - a few game devs tried it, a few streamers tried it, a much beloved voice actor tried it - they all messed around with NFTs and found out real fast, and they were eaten alive and had to all back away from their projects. AI (the newer uses of it) already has a similar reputation in those same circles. Game developers, artists, writers, voice actors, musicians, etc. are fairly embedded deep within some communities (some of the channels I visit on Twitch are frequented by a few of them), so it's understandable why some players get so heated over the subject as we want our favorite VAs to keep getting new roles and studios to keep hiring our favorite artists and writers and paying them fairly, etc.). As of now, probably the fastest way to tank your game on Steam is to throw AI in there in the form of art, voice acting, writing, NPCs, etc. Will that change...I dunno.
  20. Things like that are what drive me away from games and platforms almost immediately. Using AI for things like procedural world generation or managing daily NPC routines or enemy attack patterns in an RPG, like games have been doing forever - totally fine. AI for actual conversation, writing/narrative, art, voice acting, etc. - I'm totally gone. AI NPCs in a primarily social platform/game/MMO? Pointless and makes me think the game is too dead to even bother with in the first place.
  21. Lol, exactly this. People hitting up adult clubs while sitting around in class or slacking off at work. And sure, you can access real adult content on a phone via a browser or whatever, no big deal, but our content is a little...special sometimes, and we've got things some of the more mainstream sites wouldn't be caught dead hosting.
  22. That only happened once that I've seen - one or two people in the initial TOS change thread. They were called out by just about everybody. I haven't seen anything like that said again since. To address the main OP, Moderate land is just one of those weird things. I do agree that sometimes you just wanna chill and buy some lemonade dispensers or something without getting an eyeful, but it is allowed. Even as a fully adult avatar, I sometimes find myself trying to time my store trips to encounter the least number of people possible. I'm a grinch like that these days. I've seen too much, y'all. I've seen way, way too much. 🤣
  23. You sure that was him? That sounds like something someone else was saying in the first thread that popped up about this. And that person was rightly criticized quite harshly for that.
  24. I think it's fair to say the majority of us who have read these threads know you've never said such things. The entire opposite, in fact. You've been one of numerous people here who openly support the need for modesty layers (especially now that we've got full clarification on what they'll look like and assurances that they'll break the least amount of content possible).
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