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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Not a Kipling fan and nothing in that poem resonates with me whatsoever. As far as managing difficult situations in SL...what are we referring to? Like struggling to keep my inventory tidy, orrrr...? No but really - my SL is fairly pleasant and relaxing and I can't think of any difficult situations that needed to be managed. There are obnoxious people in-world, of course, but those are easily managed by not engaging with them. Interestingly, I do use SL as part of RL coping strategies in some ways (the creative side of it), but I suppose that'd be off-topic, so I'll leave that be.
  2. PSU is my very first thought, given the symptoms and the product reviews on other sites saying theirs died in a year. 😂 Just waiting on my work projects to ramp up after a slow weekend. I just paid taxes last week, soooo, gotta rebuild the funds!
  3. Nuuuuuuuuuuu, that's pretty much what I suspected, though, to be fair. Big scene outside of SL, crickets inside. Similar to most of the music I listen to. Skepta would not be pleased! This does kind of make me wonder just how *different* people really are in SL, though. At least musically. You might be the only other person I know here who is into grime and noise... 👀 Industrial's somewhat rare-ish, industrial rock even more. Dubstep (Kryptic Minds flavor, not Skrillex) not much of a thing... not heard any Venetian Snares in any clubs in...ever... goodness knows I'll never find any Marwan Moussa but I admit that's a bit out there... HRRMMM... 👀👀
  4. Lol, no really! There's a thread from about a year ago for older punks on r/punk and it's a fun read in general. Best quote I saw: "only 31 but i find it funny that me and many of my friends who grew up in the punk scene are now wearing new balances. punk's not dead, it just needs better arch support." Man, that's a mood. 😂 As far as where punks are hanging out and music in SL goes, I haven't found anything good, but I'm looking in an entirely different set of categories - industrial, power noise, minimal dubstep, grime, drill, breakcore, etc. I've only managed to find some goth/industrial, and that crowd felt very different from what I'm used to (same music, different vibes), so I never got too deep into it.
  5. Don't anyone go correcting my English on this here forum, now. I break English rules daily. Here. Look. Breaking 'em right now. *snap* Here I go. *rules broken* Better yet - rules done been broken. Don't @t me. No but seriously, I'm very casual and lax about this stuff in regular online discussions. Rest assured, I do know how to write properly and will agonize over a comma when nobody's looking. Don't mind me. I'm just calling my own self out because I felt attacked. ATTACKED I SAY! 😂 Peeve!
  6. Not at all. I can't say I've ever heard or seen goths behave that way either (especially not about vampires - that wouldn't even make any sense, lol). Also, that's another crowd that skews a bit older in general. My guess is the SL alternative scenes are just attracting a younger audience who mayyyyybe aren't spending a whole lot of time in the actual scenes offline. Not that it matters, but it would explain why SL's industrial music scene never appealed to me much as someone who once spent 5-6 nights a week in real goth/industrial clubs. The two crowds did feel a bit different now that I think about it.
  7. Lol, the reason I asked is they sound rather young (really, ranting about wings and vampires?) and your run-of-the-mill average punk would be like...50 or 60+ years old by now. 😂 They're chilling over on Reddit comparing their prescription meds (no, seriously!). Okay okay, not all of them and of course there are plenty of younger members of the punk scene, but man, even back in the early 2000s, some of those guys had yearsssss on me. If the younger gen carrying the torch are finding themselves that bothered by such silly little things, the OGs are going to be rather upset! That is a difference I'm not sure they'll accept. 👀😆
  8. Oh yeah, maybe. Well OP, traffic numbers are entirely meaningless and real numbers aren't really provided. Use groups and events to help find people.
  9. Doesn't really answer much. I don't think accurate numbers exist for any online platform. You can find estimates, but devs almost never provide accurate real-time stats for platform usage, and they're certainly never telling players how many alts are in circulation. I don't see why SL should be any different. As to traffic and all that - still unsure as to why that matters to the OP. If it's simply landing in a sim and finding fewer people than stated, okay fine but...that's probably the least effective way to socialize (plus, lots of sims are indeed populated - sounds like he's just chosen one that isn't).
  10. Weird idea. And why would I even care about what's happening at London City? Alts are entirely valid. Content creators use them to test scripts, animations, poses, furniture, etc. Photographers use them as models. Regular users use them to keep roleplay personas or inventories separate for whatever reason. People who work in SL might use them to separate business accounts from personal. VPNs - whatever, no opinion. Traffic - not concerned. Most places I go have 0 people there. I kind of like that, since I mostly go to stores to shop or somewhere scenic to take photos. If you are looking for people, event and social groups are a great place to start. Anyway, alts are a staple in almost every online game/platform. Not sure why it matters so much here.
  11. Ohhhh yes, I used to run SL on some pretty terrible hardware back in the day! I haven't been spending a ton of time in-world lately, though, so it's not too bad. It just feels so weird not being on a desktop! I should be able to fix this up soon-ish, though. Thank you for the well-wishes! And definitely do stick around - we've got some really nice people on the forums who can help you if you have any more questions about your avatar or shopping in general.
  12. You can go ahead and add me, but I'm not going to be in-world too often for the next few weeks since my PC died this weekend and I need to replace a part to get it back up and running.😩 The laptop I'm using in the meantime can barely run SL. I'll be available on the forums during that time, though!
  13. Awww, thank you so much! ❤️
  14. You're welcome! Hopefully someone else can help with the rest.
  15. Iiiiii, didn't even think about that. I've got one local, too! 👀 I don't really want to haul this thing way over there, though, so I'll try the PSU swap myself first. Great tip about the CPU and motherboard, though! And yes, I have read so many horror stories about people destroying their brand new CPUs (and motherboards) before they even got them situated in the build, LOL. That kind of thing is way too finicky for me. I'm good for messing with screws and plugging stuff in - don't give me anything delicate to do, though.
  16. Are you suuuure those were actual punks? I'm from a slightly adjacent crowd (industrial, primarily), and I don't really remember offline punks sounding so...whiny. Overly critical, yes - all of those groups are. Whiny, not really. Then again, I never attempted to troll them. 😂 I never got too deep into those music scenes and clubs in SL, though. They were nowhere near as fun as the real ones, and don't even get me started about SL's noise scene (or lack thereof!!).
  17. Ooof, the one thing I hate doing - manual upgrades, lol. RAM and hard drives are usually no biggie, though I'm still not looking forward to it this time around because my current mobo is tiny - micro ATX, ew. I knew that going in, but STILL. The price was too good to ignore. Big sigh. I actually bought this setup with the full intention of handling all the upgrading myself instead of just trashing it and buying a new PC years from now, but some things are more daunting than others. Not looking forward to future CPU and/or motherboard replacements, ugh...might not even do it honestly LOL. Those things I never actually touch. Drives, RAM, GPU, and now PSU - sure.
  18. Yeah, that's smart, actually. I always go back and forth with how to handle NOT using my PC, since I use the dang thing hours and hours and hours per day. Is sleep better, should I hibernate, is it bad to turn it on/off daily, how should I configure the timers, etc. I usually get a good 7-9 years out of my PCs before I need to even worry about big upgrades, so I don't know why I panic so much, but you know - I try to keep things functioning for as long as possible, so I think about these things way too hard! I settled on just putting it to Sleep most nights and doing full shutdowns when I allow Windows Updates to run, but recently, I did have a few instances where it woke itself up in the middle of the night for no reason (checked the logs - reason unknown), which is really obnoxious in a pitch black room. Christmas tree of a PC, lol. Little did I know, though, that was likely the start of the problem. I bought this PC in 2020, so I'd expect a minor part failure or glitch by now - definitely NOT the PSU! Normally, I'd do my best to customize, but it was a pre-built Black Friday deal with a fantastic price dropped in the middle of the night (this was back when GPUs were impossible to snag because of Covid and shenanigans and it came with a 3070), sooooo...yeah! It's a shame the company went with that brand, but perhaps stock was just weird, given the pandemic and the fact that I wound up with a higher-than-stated wattage. But come on, InWin - When your product fails years and years before some basic, budget, no frills, proprietary HP or Dell PSU, that's not the beeeest sign!
  19. OMG LOL. There was someone else who got caught preemptively blocking a ton of people before they'd even interacted, and I can't remember who it was...and no, it wasn't me (though I am very guilty of this). Anyway, sorry for the off-topic, lol. I am definitely NOT this block-happy in Second Life, though if we had actual timelines in-world, perhaps I would be. 👀
  20. I didn't even know the thing had lights - that's how many lights are in this stupid rig, LOL. Also, all of my order documentation claims I have a 650W Gold Plus. I opened the thing up for the first time yesterday - it's a 750W PB (Premium Basic, I love that) - fully modular. Oh, thanks for the upgrade, I guess, lmao. But yes, despite using decent brands for everything else, they cheaped it out and went with an InWin 750W - and not only does it have RGB lighting and two switches for such nonsense to sync with the motherboard, but it's got its own independent hibernation mode to shut things off when usage falls below 20%. Well, how much you wanna bet that's what went belly up? The exact issue I've been having - putting my PC into sleep mode at night and in the morning, it refuses to wake up. Refuses SO HARD that even after unplugging and toggling the PSU switch and replugging and pressing the power button, it would NOT wake itself. So hard that when it did finally bounce back from that state hours later (the first time it happened) when I tried the power button again for yolos, it went straight back to the desktop and didn't even do a reboot. We're talking Yogi Bear-style hibernation here, lol. That thing was knocked OUT. A few times after that, waking it up could only happen with the power button (mouse or keyboard would normally do the trick, and no settings were changed), and then finally yesterday, it gave up entirely. Nothing I did would get a response. Looking around online, most seem to agree that's a failed PSU. The RGB keyboard lights up when I plug that in but NOTHING else happens, so it's likely just out of juice. I did some digging on Amazon and elsewhere and saw others complaining their InWins died within a year, so I guess I'm lucky it worked THIS long, lmao. I'll replace it with a Corsair 750W, I suppose. And yeah, you're right - not much to plug in and worry about it seems. I just hate messing with cable management. Everything's so nice and tidy in there right now! They really did a great job with the build. Shame they picked such a weird PSU. PeeEEEEveee.
  21. That sounds like me walking around with my zipper open all the time. 😆 My terrible memory is going to be the end of me. But yeah, that's true - with friends, it's so easy to get carried away and accidentally offend with an iffy joke or teasing that goes too far. That's totally fine, but if I confront someone and they stand by some bonkers, ignorant position, then they can go. Actually, I lied about never using block online - I DO use it very liberally on Twitter. 👀 To be fair, that's a LOT different. It's not like anyone argues in good faith over there and there's so much spam.
  22. Agree with everything you said, and this right here in particular. This is my line. I watch how people treat others and if there's even a hint of rudeness, mean-spiritedness, blatant ignorance, bigotry, hate, or unnecessary hostility and attitude, they gotta go. Oh, you don't feel like you need to tip because you're a jerk and not because you received bad service? Oh, you feel that other person is beneath you? Oh, you think jokes that punch down like that are appropriate? Out. Bye. My closest SL friend still brings up the day I yelled at her for telling a very baaaaad joke. THAT'S NOT FUNNY HERE ARE ALL THE REASONS WHY type vibes, lol. Had I not known her for damn near two decades, I would've sent her butt into orbit over that, too. Just because we're friends doesn't mean I won't snatch that wig off your head when you act up, and I would want any good friend to do the same to me when I mess up, too. Funny thing is I'm so used to shutting people down obnoxious people in real life, I really don't bother too often with using block online or in-world. Perhaps that comes from getting really good at ignoring bullies back in school, but it's really easy for me to just walk away from someone who crosses my line and pretend they don't even exist. I reserve in-world blocks for things like real harassing behavior, which is super rare, and spammy obnoxious objects, which is far more common!
  23. I would try VCO for hair. Not 100% sure on that, but it looks similar to some of their styles. For instance, this one, in the first alternate style: Not sure about the rest, and makeup is difficult to place as it could also be the skin. You could try some regular makeup stores that sell face blush and glosses, like Fontaine or Boopy.
  24. Peeeeeve: My PSU died. It's not even been 4 years, but the brand is dubious and why on Earth does it need RGB lighting?! No wonder it gave up on me. The good news - I have access to a new laptop and all my main peripherals (keyboard, mouse, monitor) to make working and gaming on the dang thing tolerable until I can grab a replacement (or upgrade, in this case). The bad news - I hate fiddling with and replacing parts! If I swap this thing out without breaking everything else in the process and get things working again, I'm going to celebrate with the booziest of mudslides.
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