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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. You really know how to get a person anticipating the first bite!!! I won't be able to stop salivating LOL!!!
  2. MMMmmmmm....Mouthwatering!!! But what are all those things in the foreground?
  3. Thanks!!! I wanted to give my pic "magic hour" lighting, because the image just seemed to beg for it And she really does have a gorgeous AV. This is a candid shot, as usual.
  4. You look great as is!!! It's true though, if we constantly change our AV's, we don't recognize ourselves, and our friends and partners don't either. That's particularly true for our heads and faces. In my opinion, anyways. I've also found that people treat others differently depending on their AV, and the quality of it.
  5. Darn it. I couldn't get any good "nose hair" pics of anyone, so I took one of the nearest object that caught my eye. Totally random. It was just there.
  6. I tried the demo. It's only EVO X. And I still haven't been able to find an EVO X skin for my Lelutka Skyler head btw. But somehow I don't think Caitlin would want to see me with long nosehairs LOL
  7. We were having a laugh over a "Star Trek" tattoo I created (look close, and you'll see it). The pic looked nice in colour, so I played with it a bit. I got a nostalgic "Old Horror Movie" feel from it when I made it BW.
  8. Thank you. You are not mistaken. I created this thread. My intention was to have people post pics of ANYTHING within SL. Our Avatars. Our Environment. Our nose hairs. Our friends nose hairs. ANYTHING we can take pics of inworld that are allowed within forum guidelines. Lol, I don't think there are any nose hairs on MP though.
  9. O Lord, I hate when this happens!!! Hmmm...This, or molten tar?....Easy...The tar is less painful!!!
  10. And we thought drinking and driving was bad....
  11. That made me feel so sad. Being stood up is horrible.
  12. Leonard is in Montreal,, and Janis is in the Pacific Ocean.
  13. Why? If I see more views like this, I'll never put it down....
  14. I simply have to laugh at myself for ever having said this!!!
  15. Helping Cinnamon pick a Hippie outfit. But there was too much smoke in the air to see clearly...
  16. Helping Cinnamon pick a Hippie outfit. But there was too much smoke in the air to see clearly...
  17. LOL, we don't. We just wanted to try something different, because Caitlin's nickname is "Cat". I never got her one, because she didn't really like any of them for various reasons.
  18. I like your pic, but I'm not sure quite what to make of it. I see both a mature, sexy woman and a young girl combined. At least, from the impression I get. Was that your intent? If you are portraying purely a mature woman, then my comment is: "He must have gotten stuck in someone else's chimney, before he climbed in yours"
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