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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Gorgeous!!! So sexy with the little puppy too!!!
  2. Most times I've used a weapon, it's for fun. I've removed some unwelcome "guests" from our Island with some, before hitting the "ban" button. They had fair warning though. Our greeter clearly states that violence is allowed, and anyone may be attacked. Fortunately, this is extremely rare. Most people who come are respectful of everyone.
  3. I only use mouselook for aiming weapons (which I don't do often). What do you use it for?
  4. You are welcome to join me, if you would like a tour of our Island. You might get to meet Cat.
  5. I haven't tried VR (even though I have goggles to use with a phone), only 3D. I'm imagining it in my head what a nose would look like the way we see it in RL. I wonder if it might not be too distracting, or simply not look good. I don't see my nose most of the time in RL, because I mentally ignore it. I don't know if that's possible using VR. And a nose might be seen an object in front of us, and not a part of our bodies. I don't know. Anyone have any comments on this?
  6. So let them talk. You have a great look. Reminds me of Lucy Lawless (which we once talked about). I personally like Legacy, but like you said. Thousands of $L invested in clothes doesn't make it look as attractive anymore. And then updating outfits and RLV (for those of us who use it). No way it's worth it. Especially when someone has a perfectly gorgeous AV as is.
  7. What dress is that? I just have to get it for Cat!!!
  8. Good for you!!! Who looks down on your old school Catwa? It looks great!!! /me pulls out his bullwhip and will use it on anyone who looks down on Jordan's Catwa head.... And absolutely. Alts are for experimenting. Great profile pic, btw.
  9. I totally agree with you. It's been proven that if we control a robotic hand, we can identify it as being ours. I started as a female AV, and a side of myself identified with that. Two other female AV's, and the same thing. I found it difficult to switch, because then it simply wasn't "me" Now I identify with my male AV, which is more "real", since I AM male in RL. What I found most interesting, is that I could be influenced by my friends as to which AV should be "me". All of the women I know prefered my male self. Most importantly, Caitlin did, and she dragged me through emotional hell deliberately, to prove to me who and what I am, and which AV I should be in (thank you Hon). So now, I can only identify as my "Sandor" AV. And it's simply "me". TMI maybe (I'm known for that), but a proof of what you're saying. We are not our physical bodies, but what we perceive ourselves as. And we can become what other people perceive us as, or want from us. Hopefully, only what we really are.
  10. Amazing how much mischief you get into. I never would have figured. Pushing AV's off landing zones? Shameful!!! Good way to deal with a griefer though. You showed them you weren't upset, and that destroys what they get their thrills from.
  11. Wearing an outfit Cat got me for Christmas!!!
  12. Never ask a question you're not willing to answer @Cinnamon Mistwood. What kind of mischief have you been up to?
  13. This is how my SL looked today. I got Cat a new sweater and top. Of course shoes too, but they aren't in the pic. She loved them, and so did I !!!
  14. Nope. Not at all. So what if it doesn't? A lot of things don't make sense, but they're still fun!!!
  15. You're getting softer with age. Softer doesn't mean weaker though. Love your pic!!!
  16. Good question. Very true. I want to know the answer too. She made a great pic IMHO either way.
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