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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I never even realized I had that look. I took a pic with a hangover tattoo, and added some smeared lipstick. Then I randomly tried some PS effects.. I duplicated the layer, and used a claw brush as an eraser. It was all very random. It actually started because i wanted Caitlin to use makeup to show when she's not feeling great in RL, so we have some cues from each other's look, like we would in RL.
  2. Thank you for pointing that out. I absolutely saw Charlotte. I'll remember. And you are very sweet btw.
  3. Yes, inworld I am. Not necessarily here in the forums LOL. And please, call me Sandor.
  4. Eh, faeces happens sometimes. And thank you!!!
  5. LOL, no. Yes, I have some of those, but I was actually referring to a bad day I had in RL yesterday, that messed with my mind. No drugs involved. The "trip" is pure photoshop.
  6. Alice in Wonderland with a bit of Dali. Love it!!!
  7. I don't remember seeing anything that said "HIDDEN". But it could just be exactly that. I don't remember.
  8. I was reading Sam 1 Bellisserian's post in that thread, and I had initially typed that I took that pic in the "R*pe Park" SIM. That's likely what triggered it.
  9. Nope, I never got any messages saying anything about my posts being reviewed. But LittleMe Jewell's link explained things.
  10. It seems the purple showed that it wasn't "initially approved". But the "why" is my question. It's a simple portrait. Did an algorhythm pick up something unusual, that needed to be checked? I've never had that happen before. Has anyone else had this happen?
  11. Have you been sneaking into our "hidden dungeon"? If not, you should be LOL!!!
  12. Thanks Scyll!! That's so nice of you to say!!! I would have said "thanks" earlier, but I just saw your post.
  13. Not anymore. I got a notification saying: "Your post in a topic was approved", and then the purple was no longer there. I could post another pic without that happening, but for some reason it happened to that particular portrait. Is there something about it that flagged it for manual checking by the Lindens?
  14. Don't feel bad. It took me an hour to find the onscreen movement control., and how to customize the toolbars. Personally, I feel it is most useful for posed pics, and not for an "on the fly" photojournal like what my pics basically are. But I can't say that definitively after only having used it for a couple of hours.
  15. I would have gotten a better result if I had used Firestorm, to be honest. But that's only because I know how to use Firestorm. BD is a much different entity.
  16. My first attempt at using Black Dragon. This pic is totally raw. Definitely different than Firestorm. It'll be a while before I can make a semi-decent pic with it.
  17. LOL, you certainly wouldn't want ME!!! But I'm married anyways...
  18. I love the outfit, and your pic. What are you wearing? I want to get that for Cat.Her look is similar to yours, so I think it would work for her too.That martini just adds an even greater degree of sexiness, but I'm sure you know that already!!!
  19. I'm still getting that purple border, and purple letters. What am I doing wrong?
  20. I uploaded this pic yesterday, and my entire post has some weird purple border around it. i don't know if anyone could see it.. It's of some random woman I saw, who's look I liked.
  21. I don't have the slightest clue who this woman is. I simply liked her look. I had no interaction with her at all.
  22. My old friend Atheenahardlover. She came to visit the Charity Art Fair where I'm exhibiting. Thanks Thene, for coming.
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