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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I really had to laugh at myself. My eyes were still a bit blurry from waking up. My first impression was "where is the dancepole"? Then I noticed Archangel, and read his caption. Nice cafe!!!
  2. Absolutely we'll come and visit!!! I don't think you and Cat have met yet, so it's a great opportunity!!!
  3. I just logged in this morning, and the creator sent us the "Gold Pack", and some extra surprises, as he put it. I can't wait to unpack it all with Caitlin when we can be together. We're both so excited to have something we picked together, and make new memories in a new house that are uniquely ours as couple!!!
  4. Cat and I found the new house we were looking for. This is the Model Home rezzed. I bought it for Cat as a gift, and I get a copy from the creator for free. We'll rez mine, because I do the technical things. Cat decorates. It better come with a dishwasher LOL!!! If not, it won't be her or me....Well, it could end up being me... We are both just thrilled!!!
  5. I did. That's for the UI only.. alt shift h clears all huds except for RLV locked ones. The FS docs say RLV locked ones won't hide.
  6. Cat and I are trying to get a new house for our Island. I couldn't rez the two I have on our land, because we don't have enough free prims. Sandboxes wouldn't do it, so I IM'd the actual landowner, and he brought us here where I could. We weren't really happy with either, so we keep looking ahead for other ones.
  7. Cat and I visiting Archangel's Dutch Estate. It's just GORGEOUS!!! We found the wine cellar, which we thought at first was a dungeon. That was just projection on our part, because of our lifestyle. I couldn't take many pics, because Cat runs around so fast, I can't follow her and take pics at the same time. We were there for over an hour. Being there led us to an insightful discussion and inspiration.
  8. Thanks!! I'll try it, and set it up as a macro, so I can do it with one keystroke. Then of course, another macro to revert to normal.
  9. I can move my HUD's, by editing them, and using the arrows. That would possibly work when the shot is preplanned. But not for "on the fly" recording. We can do that with stills, so I don't see how there can't be an option to get a clean screen.
  10. I rarely take posed pics, so your prim method is the fastest. I have Lumipro, but I use it so rarely that I have to go through the manual. The last posed pic I took was for the Christmas Card with Caitlin and me. Our FS camera will remove all HUDs even RLV locked HUDS when that option is activated. Unfortunately, there is no video record option, and I know of no way to remove the RLV locked HUDs so the screen would be fully "clean" for recording with a third party prog. I just started a thread about that.
  11. In Firestorm I can hide the UI with Ctrl+Alt+F1, and most HUDS with Shift+Alt+H, but I can't hide any RLV locked HUDS or my AO HUD. Is there a way of doing that without turning RLV off? Our cameras do a good job of that for stills, but they don't record video, which is what I want to do.Does anyone have any idea?
  12. This can be very useful, since it doesn't require a hud. Thank you!!
  13. Jenn, you can also use Lumipro, but it's expensive. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LUMIPro-Professional-Photography-Studio-Machinima-and-In-World-Lighting-HUD/2585413 It's a great tool if you are taking a lot of preplanned pics.
  14. I was following one of my friends. and ended up standing on this track while I was looking for her. I did end up finding her.
  15. Cat caught in a frozen moment of time by the camera when we went dancing last weekend.
  16. LOL, I ran into the same issues with a bike I have. Trying the steering compensations helped, but not enough. We can't give anyone a good ride if we can't steer properly!!!
  17. You have done an incredibly good job at telling the story with your build. I look at your work as a source of conceptual and visual inspiration. Thank you!!!
  18. Set up a tent? Yourself? You can't be serious... You'll rip your nylons to shreds, and destroy that beautiful nail job you just had done...
  19. Yes, some DO eat the male afterwards...So it is NEVER truly safe to...
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