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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Thank you as well Cinn. I enjoy spending time with you. And I have a new friend as well, which is what SL is all about.
  2. Great Pic!!! I see much more in this than a cup of coffee. it's actually quite horrific, if you can see it from a different perspective.
  3. Great pic!!! It's all too easy to fill all our attachment slots, unfortunately.
  4. I went to see her gallery, and I liked her art. She came to see ours too, and she said she liked my art. Some of it wasn't to her taste because of the content. but she pointed out some she liked. Oddly enough, one was of me being spanked as Pearl. She seemed very nice. I really liked the one she made with the woman reading a book. She pointed out that someone may have plagiarized some of your posts.
  5. My ex, Mysteria. She returned after a long hiatus. I made this profile pic for her. And also made a slightly altered art version. We never truly broke up, and I knew she would come back to me. Just this time, she can't be my partner, and fortunately, she doesn't want that (sort of). Caitlin is my wife here now, and I stay with her.
  6. I love the fur (and everything else). I think I got Caitlin the same one.
  7. /me smiles. Class has nothing to do with where one lives, or what restaurants one eats in. I stand with my statement. And fair enough. Neutral ground is fine with me.
  8. I had the pleasure of meeting Cinnamon Mistwood inworld. I was giving her a tour of our Island, and she was kind enough to show me a dress she has. As you all can see, she was quite breathtaking in it. She's a very classy lady, with an enchanting personality.
  9. I had the pleasure of meeting Cinnamon Mistwood inworld. I was giving her a tour of our Island, and she was kind enough to show me a dress she has. As you all can see, she was quite breathtaking in it. She's a very classy lady, with an enchanting personality.
  10. Absolutely NOT. I laugh WITH you, not AT you!!!
  11. Oh God, you made me laugh!!! The old style 3D postcards are exactly that. Lenticular prints.
  12. I've fiddled with 3D images, and lenticular printing. Aligning the lenticular lens correctly is a real pain though, as is finding the right spacing to match the lens.
  13. It gives information about the position if objects relative to the camera. You can construct a 3D image/object with a depthmap. When it is used in conjunction with the regular image, it can create a 3D image. It's usually the z axis, except in SL, where "z" refers to "up and down" .
  14. LOL, I could explain your confusion LittleMe Jewel. But that wouldn't be appropriate here on the forums. If you really want to know, them you can IM me. Really, this pic is an expression of my love and respect for Caitlin and the things she desires. And even when she messes up, I'm still here for her. Please remember, my pics aren't planned. This is what's happened in our SL lives.
  15. Great pic!!! I loved seeing that outfit "in person". It just exudes glamour and opulence!!!
  16. A nice conversation with Taisiya Karpenko in our penthouse apartment. She is as gorgeous and glamorous inworld as she is here in the forums.
  17. Now I see what you were looking for. Looks great!!!
  18. Well, everyone is casual sometimes. But you still have the glamour, even looking casual!!!
  19. I absolutely love the glamour you portray. A woman who would never want to break a nail, or get a snag.
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