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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I changed the head for my Swallow AV. I had it, but, didn't use it, and it needed an update. Caitlin enjoys spending time with me as Swallow too.
  2. In this case, it wasn't a matter of the concepts or ideas not being understandable, but a matter of verbiage. In my opinion anyways.
  3. That's not my point. Hearing things over again can sometimes lead to insights. It's the need to impress by using overly convoluted language...well isn't impressive. It shows an sense of inferiority to me. A lack of confidence. A desire to prove they understand the subject. Which makes me feel they perhaps don't as much as they portray.
  4. That's the same swing @Cinnamon Mistwoodwas on when I took the pic I posted of her.
  5. Seriously, no one goes to a scientific discussion unless they can understand the terminology. It's preaching to the converted.
  6. @Cinnamon Mistwood showing me her decorating skills.
  7. Yes, except perhaps the intellectualism was a bit "overdone". In my opinion clarity and scientific terminology should be interrelated, and not one confuscate the other.
  8. Thanks for trying to help us. We found a solution tonight. She got a redelivery of all the AO's she got at that inworld store,and deleted all of her old ones. All three were doing it. it was odd, because the new ones did the same thing, until she detached and reattached them a few times. She did that with the old ones too, but it didn't help. Hopefully it won't start again when she logs back in. She didn't log out and back in tonight. The weird thing too, was that the leaning was happening at an increasing rate.
  9. We tried that. She couldn't find any Gesture that made her lean forward. Any other suggestions?
  10. I took this pic after Hippiestock, and forgot about it. I don't know exactly where I was.
  11. Caitlin was having issues with her new AO. It seems she does a bending forward "pinup" type pose every 15 seconds or so when she wears it. I think it's kind of cute, on a limited basis, but she despises it. I switched to my female AV, and bought the same AO, to see if it would do that when I wore it. Well, it didn't, and that got her pissed off a bit. Fortunately, it wasn't at me I'll take being dipped in molten tar over that any day!!! Either way, I have to help her find a solution. This was us this morning.
  12. You? Pissy? I never would have thought...LOL
  13. Me in my female AV, wearing the same AO as Caitlin, to see if I run into the same problem with it she's been having.
  14. Be careful Billi. She might get you pregnant...
  15. @Cinnamon Mistwoodgave me a peach in the "food" thread, so I gave her a bowlful.
  16. Well, since you gave me enough to fill me, I thought it would only be right to refill your bowl.
  17. I spent my morning with Caitlin, reminiscing about how we've been married here now for almost a year. All in have to say, and please excuse my language, is: "She's one F****ng incredible woman!!!!!!!!!!!" I love her even more now than when I married her!!!
  18. /me smiles. Sure. I did actually pick up some peaches, but didn't have time tonight to get a pic.
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