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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I checked your links. and the Mulder seems like your best option. i think that would work. I can see it in a winter environment.
  2. I'm trying to get an image in my head of what winter outdoor furniture would look like. It can't be metal if you are going into RL concepts. Do you have any idea about the look?
  3. Thank you. Your compliment is much appreciated. You brought up an interesting point about which is more important. The final result, or the road that gets us there. That is a matter of perspective. From an outside perspective, the result is what matters. From my perspective, it is Caitlin, and the road we travel together that are the most important.
  4. I haven't told you yet, but I love your new profile pic!!!
  5. What's most interesting, is that when I took this pic, Caitlin and I were simply experimenting with looks. I bought her some fur coats for her to try, and she liked them. We were enjoying being together.
  6. I wouldn't blame her. I doubt anyone would appreciate their partner wanting them to be a copy of someone else. I know I wouldn't. Taking from another look, fine, but it has to end there IMHO.
  7. Here's a BW one. I see what you meant by BW having more impact.
  8. LOL,.No. I don't want her to be an imitation of anyone. And I have a feeling she would be very upset with me if I did want that.
  9. It's interesting that you see the strength in her. She is in fact a very strong woman. I wonder if I subconsciously made her look strong and defiant, because I know her so well. She's my SL wife, Caitlin, but you probably know that.
  10. It's interesting what we see in a piece of art. I normally create art purely for visual impact. This particular piece has many levels of meaning behind it. I'm curious as to what everyone else sees and feels from it. Please comment.
  11. I had to laugh. Cat liked the pic when she saw it in our bedroom. I explained it to her. She said she isn't a part of the storm. She IS the storm. And she is SO correct!!!
  12. LOL, she's trying, but I don't think it's working.
  13. I fixed some issues I saw with my wife's portrait, and then created something different from it. The lightning is interwoven with her her hair, because she's a part of the storm, not just in it. I love that about her. I posted both my fixed version, and the more expressive pic.
  14. LOL, the only mushrooms I do are agaricus bisporus. But, I'm lying. I like oyster mushrooms too...
  15. A pic of Cat, as we were experimenting with her makeup as an expression of her RL mood.
  16. A pic of Cat, as we were experimenting with her makeup as an expression of her RL mood,
  17. I don't know about them, but with a nurse like you, I wouldn't be able to resist!!!
  18. LOL, your modesty is so becoming. Love the pics!!!
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