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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. A few more with @Cinnamon Mistwoodyesterday. Thanks Cinny, for getting me all cleaned up before we went anywhere!!!
  2. Cat and me meeting a SiM owner, who gave us a tour yesterday.
  3. I showed up late to Scylla's event (sorry Scyll). Neither Cat nor Cinny could be there with me, but she forgave them. I spent some time with Scylla's friend Gertrud. Very nice lady, and we had more in common than I would have thought.
  4. I might have to put my keyboard in the dishwasher again LOL!!! I really should be careful of taking a sip of something in RL when I read something you write!!! You can make me very suddenly laugh!!!
  5. People DO get married and have RL relationships from meeting others online. It happens from SL too. No RL info, no RL relationship. It's just a matter of being cautious and taking things slowly, in my opinion. People lie in RL too. You share a tiny bit, they share a tiny bit in return. If they look ultra attractive, be suspicious. People like that usually don't have a need to find someone online, unless they have preferences that aren't easy to find in the real world nearby.
  6. So totally true. We ain't got nothin' without someone's love. Whatever way, shape, or form that love comes in.
  7. I wish I could reflect like my AV RL LOL. My alt has a similar face, but the body? Nooooooo.....
  8. Cat and I in a discussion at the Evergarden house.
  9. I've known Cinny to be in all kinds of moods. Some good, some bad, but she always loves to put a smile on someone's face!!!
  10. I'm laughing LOL. I didn't take it as negative. Damn right it's an adventure!!! Life is an adventure!!! If it doesn't work out, at least we tried. But what if it DOES work out...Can't know unless we try, can we? Can't win a lottery without buying a ticket .
  11. Pet peeve: Living on the other side of the continent from someone in SL, and both of us wanting to meet in RL!!!
  12. google "inm second life". Or I can just tell you in PM or IM.
  13. I'm so embarassed. I had to look it up too!!! /me blushes in shame.
  14. Profiles don't seem cause an issue though surprisingly enough. Both Cat and I have somewhat adult profiles. We've never been asked to leave an area or banned because of them. But perhaps that's because our profiles are not obscene or have foul language, just clear statements of who we are here.
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