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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. These are Tama Swingstars. They are made of blend of of some kind of resin with wood chips. That's why they survived for so long. They were in very humid conditions for months at a time.They don't sound as good as ones made of pure wood, but they certainly can survive a lot longer, and have their own unique sound. I like them, and I like the sound.
  2. Here are my RL drums. I took this pic earlier today when I saw your post, but I couldn't respond at the time. They are 40 years old, and been through a lot, but still holding up.
  3. LOL, I do. Flute isn't easy. I'll take the drums...thank you very much... And why in a few years?
  4. I tried guitar. I couldn't get my fingers right for the cords. I tried keyboard too. But I fell in love with the drums back in grade 9 when I saw them in my highschool music room. So drums it's always been!!! My first instrument love. And they are staying with me for the rest of my life!!!
  5. You are so right. Jerks cannot be allowed to run our lives. Whether it be SL or RL.
  6. It seems things have changed. The men on the dedicated sex SIMS nowadays are quite shy in a lot of cases. Caitlin gets really upset at that, and has said to me many times they should be banned from the SIM.
  7. I've played drums RL on stage with my old band many years ago in a few. it was always fun!!! LOL, my parents who were in their 70's at the time came out to some of our shows. People would sit down with them. It really WAS a very welcoming crowd in more than one venue!!!
  8. It really isn't though. LMAO. But there's nothing wrong with a good dive bar. Seriously, I knew one in RL where the owner died. It was converted into a classy restaurant. The original owner was MINTING money. It was so full, we had to stand out on the street in front of it with our drinks sometimes (no trouble surprisingly, so no cops, and it was a long time ago). The classy restaurant thing closed in a couple of months. Wrong area, wrong crowd.
  9. Go to a dedicated sex SIM, and you'll run into fewer idiots. Men don't like to be labelled as "Poachers". The lowest of the low, in a VERY bad way.
  10. Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies...
  11. Thank you so much!!! Riff raff are everywhere though. Don't avoid Fogbound Blues simply because there is the occasional idiot.
  12. For those who don't know, Canadian Thanksgiving was Monday October 9th this year. It's not as big of a celebration here as in the US when I compared notes with Cinny, but that could just be me.
  13. /me smiles. Scylla Rhiadra. Now Captain of the I.S.S. Enterprise...
  14. I don't go to many events, so I haven't seen. But it DOES make sense. There are only so many variations on a basic design that are noticeably possible, and it's easier to create a new product by making variations on a previous one.
  15. I haven't seen anyone else wear these same ones before. Inworld or here. Do YOU have a pair?
  16. Cat when we were chatting before she went away for a week last Sunday. I didn't post this before, because I wanted my old Windows 10 filters back that I had before my Win 11 "upgrade". The predefined filters don't exist in Win 11, and I end up with extreme edge enhancements in the Win 11 photo app, that I can't get rid of. Finally, I found a download of the old photo app for Win 10 that installed on my Win 11. Eh, I still go to photoshop after for more filters and adjustments.
  17. It's scarier than what's apparent in the picture. But in a positive way.
  18. I just put in on "sequence" and "random". But I told you that when we were there. Lol, we have lots of slow dances and intimate pics over the last year where you WERE present for them, and already posted here and elsewhere in the forums. There is nothing in these pics you weren't, or aren't willing to do with me. I was afk half the time too, as you know.
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