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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I think somewhere in between the two. I love the mood your first one sets, but I find it a bit flat.The vegetation looks to me as if it's at the same depth as the building. It's better in the second for sure. I would have tried to add some vegetation closer to the camera to establish the foreground better, but that's just conjecture as to whether it would have worked or not. To me this image can be interpreted in many ways. From despair to horror. And that's what makes it interesting. It makes us think.
  2. I added the LeLutka head, and don't remember changing anything, but I could be wrong. I had to restart from my first one though, because something messed up, and I couldn't figure out how to fix it.
  3. I've met both of you, and you are both wonderful people! It's people such the two of you who help me have faith in the SL community, Belinda inspires me with her AV and photography. It's easy to just settle for a basic AV, until we can see what is actually possible The same with SL photography. Every time I see one of Belinda's pics I am inspired to learn more. And hope that one day I can even somewhat approach her level of expertise.
  4. Two separate owners. I don't need both.. And really, they don't own me. They are my best friends. It's a BDSM trust thing.
  5. Now I have to find find hair like what I have, but more realistic. I have another thread on that.
  6. I'm very seriously into making my AV look as realistic as possible, and love the photog side. i really do appreciate comments that can help me improve that. Thank you.
  7. I've managed to get this so far. I don't know if it's worth the time it would take to try and perfect it more.
  8. Thank you so much!!! I just got it!!! If it works well it would be amazing!!!
  9. Thank you so much!!! I guess I have to go to the inworld store though. I have a horrible sense of direction, and I find it hard in inworld stores!!!
  10. Are all Erin heads evolution? I don't have either one of those options. I have static ears, and other.
  11. OMG!!! Thank you!!! I'll try first, but I would still love to meet you anyways!!!
  12. I managed to get it fairly close. Am I being too picky with the slight discrepancy? Both are session skins.
  13. The lag is terrible right now. So I have to wait.
  14. I'm going to try again a bit inworld, then I'll post a pic. I'm going to try a session body skin, as that's what's on my head.
  15. I'm really frustrated. I see many head and body skins, and found two I really like , but don't know how remove the neck seam. I would happily buy one that has both the head and the body, but they all seem so "perfect", and I like texture. Pores, freckles, moles. Etc, etc... I have a Maitreya Lara Body, and a LeLutka Erin head. What I find too is removing a demo skin can be a nightmare. What am I doing wrong there?
  16. Wonderful advice!!! And stop "trying" to make friends. It will happen naturally!!!
  17. I have received accusations and insults though.
  18. I had never heard of Black Dragon before.That poser tool sounds incredibly usefull!! Is it possible to keep IM"s across BD and Fierestorm???
  19. It can be very scary here for sure, lol!!! And there really is some incredible talent in SL!!!
  20. I honestly feel advertising should be inworld or on MP only. I guess in a way people here are starting to turn me into what they think I am. The only thing that's impossible to change is my caring about others.
  21. Well then I will. I refused a very small few who wanted my services to prove my point that I didn't come here to advertise. And I didn't. Now I WILL advertise!!! Appropriately of course in the employment section!!! And it is apparently allowed in our signatures. I honestly wish it wasn't allowed here at all though. The forums should be purely about discussion.
  22. Apparently advertising here is considered to be a bad thing from my experience. Maybe it's just me lol!!!
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