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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I find I'm influenced both by appearance and conversation, hence my conflict.. I want nothing to do with guys who run around naked with hardons. That's a moving dickpic. Whenever I see someone with an AV I like, I send them an IM telling them. And usually we become friends. So my initial reason to approach or not approach is based purely on appearance. And then there are these forums, where we can't always know what a person's AV looks like. I love chatting with you AdminGirl, but I haven't the slightest clue about your AV. So this where I conflict with myself. But maybe not as much as I think. Here our personalities are our AV's.
  2. The shapes i have no issues with .
  3. I totally understand. What is strange though is when someone shows up in a dedicated Escorting location with a very unusual looking AV. I wish I had a pic to show you. It bordered on young looking, but old as well.. All of us were disturbed. and avoided him.
  4. I mean truly creepy. Where it scares more people than just myself. And we are BDSM.
  5. Yes. I have met that person inworld a number of times, and have told them to listen to me.
  6. I have met some with truly creepy AV's. Stuff that RL scares me.
  7. I can't disagree with you, because I haven't run into that. I can only refer to myself and my friends. Those people are truly fake then, and have no business being in SL. I have no patience for anyone abusive, and I have made it very clear here in the forums, but much more "clear": inworld!!!
  8. And you just confirmed my point. That's what i was trying to say.
  9. You are absolutely correct.I meant a reflection of our personalities.
  10. We can't hide our actual RL personalities, no matter what AV we use. It will eventually be noticeable. People make assumptions based on our online persona.
  11. I don't mean physically. Our AV's are a reflection of our personalities. Or am I misunderstanding???
  12. Mini Mouse and Daffy duck are attractive characters though. Again it goes back to my original question.
  13. I find I become friends with people in SL because of our conversations. I don't always like their AV. I'm not really into my best friend's inworld appearance, but I love our friendship. But yet sometimes I approach people because I like their AV, and become friends because of that. Our AV's definitely reflect ourselves though. And I think we do tend to choose others as friends who we find attractive. A creepy or frightening AV definitely shows something.
  14. Unfortunately most of the time we can't synchronize our schedules. I spent some time with her, and met Salty too. I was having huge lag issues, and she was so patient!!! And I'll have to ask her about the "casual" thing lol!!!
  15. Do our AV's influence who we become friends with??? I have conflicting opinions on this.
  16. Thanks, I have to learn about this!!!
  17. Unfortunately Maitreya alpha's are a consideration as well. And they vary by some of my outfits.
  18. It's so close that I won't bother playing with it anymore. Well, maybe at some point.. Did you notice any seam yesterday???
  19. It's a different head. But I'm going to have to redo all of my outfits with my new head, and I have 36.
  20. I changed my skin, and now I'm wearing it in every old outfit. Is there a way of preventing that?
  21. I am thinking of switching to Black Dragon because of the posing feature, but I don't want to lose my chat histories. Any advice anyone???
  22. SandorWren


    I love what I have on. I also like the secretarial updo type.
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