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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I wish!!!! We are getting a bad storm today!!!
  2. No thanks. I have experienced things like that in RL at my cabin.
  3. Well guess what. There is no such thing as raw in RL photography. There is no way i would put up a raw image in my house or office. Matching a print to what we see on the screen is much more difficult than that. Even when the printer profile matches the screen profile. I'm not even talking about pics taken RAW format, which is a different question altogether. I mean our screens are backlit, while pics are reflective. A totally different way of perception. And excuse me Sir. An "actual" photographer is anyone who takes it seriously and wants to continue to learn. And is SL photography any less serious? I took a shot which I'm planning to print up 13x19 and hang it in my RL home..
  4. I personally consider raw as anything that was taken through the viewer with nothing afterwards, No cropping, no adjustments in any way after the initial pic was taken.
  5. Basically, I feel I shouldn't claim anything as raw that has any sort of processing. Whether with the Firestorm cam or afterwards. So please judge any of my images that appear obviously processed as such. If you have to wonder if it is or not, it isn't. I have no issues being honest about it. To me, our photog is not a contest. It's about inspiring and being inspired (to roughly quote in a different context someone I know).
  6. Now here is a question. What do we consider raw? I use Firestorm's built in filters sometimes. Is that raw or post processed?
  7. All the images I've posted have been fully raw except one. I can't remember which, but it was a while ago. I totally agree that there is nothing wrong with post production processing. I wouldn't throw away an image the is slightly over exposed, or incorrectly framed if I could adjust it and make something that I thought looked good. I encourage everyone to post their images, no matter if they think they are perfect or not. There can be beauty in imperfection. In my opinion, every image we make is another step forward in learning!!!
  8. Discussing art with my dear friend Kitty.
  9. I couldn't have said that better myself. But in my case I have a lot more to lose than a chess game.
  10. This just didn't have to happen Nickee...I'm still willing to work it out.
  11. This just didn't have to happen Nickee...I'm still willing to work it out.
  12. I love that hair, and wouldn't mind trying it for my male AV. Can I get it on MP?
  13. Experimenting with a Male AV. I'm not quite happy with it yet though.
  14. Experimenting with a Male AV. I'm not quite happy with it yet though.
  15. I'm definitely going to need some! You know I don't have any!
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