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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. You can also right click on the pic in your photostream and select "copy link address"
  2. I love that gun!!! Could you tell me what it is?
  3. Seriously though, it's a U of T orientation. It's not like people would ever see it again. It was shown there for three nights, and the people who came to see it were a part of the experience.
  4. That's the producer's concern. I just shot the footage.
  5. It's not that weird. I find it takes people a bit of time to get used to someone taking film or pics. She was just nastier than most.
  6. This was a University of Toronto orientation that I was filming.
  7. It's not being on cam that's the issue, it's needing permission to show it. I was there to document the event, and the footage was not for personal use. In that particular setting, it was appropriate. I was simply filming the event for the producer. He is responsible for anything beyond that.
  8. People get pissed in Rl too. I was shooting a documentary film in RL once of an event that lasted several days, and had people really pissed when I came close with the cam. I'll never forget this one lady who was really upset at me, and told me to get away in no uncertain terms, and I did. Then 2 days later she said "Mr. Cameraman, when can I be on film"?. I replied: "never". To make it clear though, my career is not in cinematography. It is just something I have been involved with in the past.
  9. Your feet must be killing you. Relax and go to bed. Hopefully you had fun at the dance.
  10. Two new tat's on my right side I custom made.
  11. Two new tat's on my right side I custom made.
  12. I wish you, and everyone else, the same. May there be peace and goodwill on this earth.
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