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Everything posted by Gatogateau

  1. I was wondering what y'all were on about, about "filling" carts. I shrugged and didn't think too much more about it. Oh. Huh. A Mktpl shopping cart can hold no more than 10 items at a time. I had no idea. However long Mktpl has been around I have never had a full cart. Ever. Like "who knew?" there was a limit. It is kinda easy at AF, with the clutter items and the *free* items. But I'm so zonked I have to go inworld and determine which cushions I have and which would look good where, and hm, maybe a side chair for the houseboat isn't a bad idea but I do have that one from junk, and gosh I wish that store hadn't closed and... someone inworld today said my babbling chat was adorable. Let's leave it at that. Adorable... chatting... cushions... sleep... but...
  2. This sub thread is cracking me up. It is funny af (get it? get it?) I nearly fell asleep in PIxicat and their sale is only 50% off. And yes, asleep inworld at the store. Diligence.
  3. @Scylla Rhiadra don't forget to get some cat food bowls at AF. Yeah, AppleFall is kind of an amazing bunch. I don't own 1/2 of their store's wares but I have some. I know I'll get more on the Marketplace. 39 though? And the store hasn't finished updating. ::: daintily snort laughs::: I know I want some throw pillows. I have a couple in gold/bronze and need a few others just in case. There's always "just in case." Most of their stuff is a bit too traditional for my places, but... yeah. Yuppers. I know there will be $L spent. I'm trying to hold the rest down to a gentle roar. We'll see who else tries to destroy my budget. 39 Scylla? LOL.
  4. For some weird reason I actually remember your prediction and thank the gods you were right.
  5. Yeah. It is interesting that some people assume "stupid person" or some dark conspiracy upon seeing a single person in a car wearing a mask. The truth is probably much simpler.
  6. Hands these out for copy & paste to those that want/need them. Then waves the paw "bye" indication of unknown period of time, to be measured in minutes or years.
  7. Sent out today, just a little while ago. Assuming someone might want help. BTW, this is an excellent inworld group for people with a variety of Dx.
  8. Obviously you care, whether it is coming from me or others, otherwise you wouldn't be having your very public tantrums here. You want attention. So that's your reason. You want to knock down all the toys and stomp out, just to show THEM (us) precisely because you do care. And that's sad. And inappropriate. And no, on the other hand I don't think you care or are self-aware enough even IF you are having a DID episode. But at the basics of it, you care so much it is painfully obvious to EVERYONE here but apparently you.
  9. zomg. I love Supernatural!!!! That's my 2nd genre of go-to gifs! But, I'm blanking on the evil unicorn episode! Now I must google. And, sigh, sure would have liked to have seen the RL "unicorn" pick you are describing.
  10. When the rocks being thrown out are going in 360 degrees and hitting anyone and everyone, it is not a surprise that people pile on from all directions. Frankly, it seems to be the kind of attention that is wanted. This is happening in several threads.
  11. Mental illness is not an excuse or a pass to act like an asshat. Period. I will and have championed mental illness awareness, acceptance, whatever the pretty code words are, but it is a pet peeve of mine to see is used like a get out of jail free card for hate and hatefulness.
  12. My heart knows no more thrill than to realize THIS was my 1000th post as GiGi. oy
  14. As loathe as I am to even read Luna's posts, this one showed up and darn it... Yes. This. And, speaking from the choir? (Hm is that the right metaphor/analogy?) Mental illness is no excuse for being ugly and/or a troll. It just isn't, unless you're locked in a mental ward in which case you probably don't have access to the Internet anyway.
  15. I really do love gifs. I wrote a blog article about them not too long ago (and yeah, I'm grateful for them, they allow you to express so much while being too lazy to actually type). Since this is the peeve thread, I'm peeved that there were so many good ones and I could not decide which one to select to use as a response to @Amina Sopwith... so you can decide as I will post as many as the software allows.
  16. I don't think I've seen anyone say that, like this, in that framework... but by gawd, you nailed it on the head. Yus! Teenage-angst but not.
  17. Actually Skell, in the COVID thread that she's trying to get shut down, she laughed at a post of mine which discussed a covid death, and then just doubled & tripled down on it. For whatever reasons, these posts continue to stand... but if one "argues" with her, those posts often get removed. :::shrugs::: But yes, you were right in your supposition.
  18. I mean, does anything scream more of low self-esteem than this declaration? All that is missing is the foot stomp and flounce. It would be sad, hope for help would be offered, except... no. There isn't enough self-awareness there and it is just too darned vile and disruptive. A self-fulfilling prophecy about the nature of human demise.
  19. This is very much a peeve topic. I mean, this is like the embodiment of the OP. @Scylla Rhiadra you trigger her, just by existing. Probably because many people like you and respond to you. I trigger her because... well I call BS on the BS and she seems to think there is some power move. (LoL, you and I know the ancient history on how THAT is just hilarious.) Same with several other people. The broad isn't well. I did finally out of my own curiosity, go back to see when I first was made aware of this issue. It was in May 2020, in Beth's Nip Equality thread, which surprise surprise, was locked due in large part to the trolling antics of said person. It was mentally numbing to read much of that thread, so I just screenshot a short snippet. Those who are interested in reading the blathering of the self professed "arguing all day for her own amusement" can get a good glimpse here.
  20. Well, the unicorn stuff, by any of us, is just goofing around, and to see it otherwise is just a little too much knickers in a bunch whilst clutching a strand of pearls, etc. HOWEVER, my botulism remark was meant mostly jokingly, too... but especially in light of what followed, yeah, no. The tone isn't right for a public forum at the moment. I deleted it. I would have deleted the remark without your comment, but thought I should acknowledge that you did comment. As for the continuing bile that someone who is clearly off "her" meds is posting... par for the course. But man did she get all triggered a few pages back about how picked on she is. Go figger.
  21. Peeve: This thread and @Jordan Whitt and @Silent Mistwalker in particular. The former for bringing it to my attention that one can have the desire to be a unicorn in order to stab (stupid) people (I think I'd branch out); the latter for bringing it to my attention that I could do this, sort of, by affixing a Bugle snack to my forehead. I honestly can't get the image out of my head. Happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrate. mew.
  22. /me hands you dark glasses to hide the stuck eyes, because my guess is you hang around here too much so your eyes must almost always be stuck...
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