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Everything posted by archangel969

  1. Oh yes growing older sometimes changes your perspective and the value of things :-).
  2. Do you have created or bought an object in your house or your environment that looks like, or reminds you of an object that is dear to you in RL? Now you don't need to bring your whole RL story, just the object. 🙂 For example the story of my object. In Dutch families there is often Delft blue pottery in the family possession. As I was a teenager I didn't like it. I thougt it was old fashioned and bourgeous. Now I have inhereted a Dutch garniture: three Delft blue vases. Now I am older and I have become very attached to it now. In villa Rudolfo in SL where I live I got a bit homesick for the Netherlands and decided to also purchase a Delft blue vase. That's the story of my SL/RL object. In the picture on the left vases in SL and on the right vases in RL. Hope to hear your stories!
  3. Utill now I have interviewd three residents: Belinda Newell, Lewis Luminos and GoSpeed Rasere. There are I others here who said they liked to be interviewd and I will contact them. Sometimes it's a bit of a puzzle due to the time zones. But one way or another: I keep trying to contact everybody who wishes to be interviewed for these little portraits. https://angelusvanengelen.homesteadcloud.com/second-life-our-passion If there are others here who liked to be interviewed too, apart those who allready said they are available for an interview: let me know! Contact me inworld (Angelus van Engelen), or here at the forum, by PM or bij mail: angelusvanengelen@gmail.com. I am planning to make a long term project of this, so I will have a varierity of protraits of residents in SL! Eventually I will bundle the portraits and make a book of it, to be published both inworld and in RL. I am now planning to contact writers in SL who have exprience in writing and publishing inworld (GoSpeed Rasere thanks for your information!).
  4. My name is Angelus van Engelen. My real name is Archangelus van Engelenburgh, but I prefer the shorter name Angelus van Engelen. It's also a funny name when you would translate it from Latin (Angelus) and Dutch (van Engelen) in English: Angel from the Angels. In real life I also have an Angel's name, and I chose to let some aspects from RL be the same for SL, the meaning of the name (although the name is different).
  5. I love all kinds of music: pop, jazz and also classical music. I like music that has something special or imaginative. I love the sitar player, singer and composer Bishi for instance. Her clips are also fenominal. I can imagine that someting like this, in that epic clip I now share, can happen in SL. It's a bit magical realistic, and SL can be magical realistic too. Enjoy!
  6. Tonight no interviews due to time zone differences etc. BUT. I just saw that the B52's are giving a concert in London tonight! If someone knows who they are: they are one of my favorite bands! So, if anyone searches me: I am with the B52's!
  7. The 3rd blog: I visited the lovely @GoSpeed Racer, fellow writer and... SL DJ! What is her dearest passion? https://angelusvanengelen.homesteadcloud.com/gospeed-rasere
  8. Dear forum tigers! Here is the second interview. I had this with the very friendly and handsome @Lewis Luminos! What would be his passion? https://angelusvanengelen.homesteadcloud.com/lewis-luminos
  9. Dear people, for those I have been in contact with for an appointment, I WILL contact you. Have had 2 interviews now and tomorrow another appointment for an interview. because I like to work directly with the text after I've had the interview (the memory is still fresh then 🙂 ) I don't have two interviews after another. But this series will grow steadily!
  10. THE FIRST BLOG! Hi all, @BelindaNhas seen the text and commented on it for the first blog of the interview series. Now I can share it here so you can have an idea about the form and style of the blogs: https://angelusvanengelen.homesteadcloud.com/belinda-newell I will eventually also publish the blogs inworld, and you, very helpfull forum people gave me a few names of experienced SL authors who I will contact for advise.
  11. Today I had a very interesting conversation with BelindaM. I didn't know here before. But the ones here who DO know here, know how she could completely suprise me :-).
  12. Hi Prokovy Neva, well let's see. Today I have two interviews. I guess I must make a schedule (I'm not a schedule type of person 🙂 ). It's good to have a good number of residents to interview, it may take some time. Then you also have the greatest chance of diversity. So I will certainly love to interview you, it can take some time.
  13. Haha, sounds intriguing! I will yell then! 🙂
  14. Hi Belinda, so you are a colleague of mine? 🙂 Sounds all very good! Much to talk about then. Yes certainly I am interested. I will contact you inworld!
  15. Today I met Lewis Luminos. I will work on the text I have from the chat with him. Then I will send him the text and some pics I made. He can also add pics of his own if he wishes. I will publish the text and pics no earlier as he is agree with it. I will follow this procedure with everyone I interview. Good to know that I will never publish a text or pic which the interviewee does not agree with. For me this goes without saying, but it might be good to share it here as well.
  16. Well, then I shall wish you a prosperous redoing! But very curious about your redoing plans! 🙂
  17. Great, will contact you inworld. Have also send you a message with a question about you inworld name. See you later, inworld!
  18. And here is the website I just launched for the interviews. https://angelusvanengelen.homesteadcloud.com/ Just had a talk with the very kind GoSpeed Racer, and had some great ideas. Very inspirational allready! Eventually I would like to bundle the interviews and publish them inworld and in RL as well.
  19. That would be great! Also love to hear about the books you published! I have mainly published 4 novels in RL and also have done interviews (interviewed people and being interviewed 🙂, but would like to keep that seperate from SL. I know there are different opinions about seperating or mixing RL en SL, but it's everybody's own choice. I will contact you, thanks!
  20. Hi, I will contact you all in the coming week(s) or days, depends on how the preperation goes. What I wanted to add that I Have a RL body that lives in The Netherlands and that body lives in the Dutch Time, wich is: Central European Time (CET). It's a bit of a puzzle, caus in SL I want to hold on the SL time (convenient for events etc.), but the difference is enourmous. In The Netherlands it is 9 hours later. So 4 PM PST is in my place: one o'clock in the morning :-).
  21. What a great responses! My aim is to show with this blog series and eventually the book, that SecondLife residents have a warm heart and live a passionate life. I came to this idea because I hear so many people say about secondlife that the contacts there are cold and shallow. I will prove otherwise! My name is: Angelus van Engelen inworld and: archangel969
  22. Glad you would like to be interviewed! It could take a bit time (have to make some preparations), but I will contact you. What times (SL time) are you available mostly?
  23. I am of course :-). Can I contact you inworld? It could take a bit time (have to make some preparations), but I will interview you then in your own environment where you are at home. What times (SL time) are you available mostly?
  24. As some of you know: I am a bit of a hermit. Most of the time I am writing in my home at Regal (Sweet Grass community). But now I am going to leave my house to travel around SL! Why? I am planning to write a book (consisting of a series of blogs) about you, my fellow residents! I will travel around SL and visit people who would like to be interviewed. I have 2 main questions: 1. Please show me your house and: 2. What is your dearest passion? That can ben ANYTHING. Cars, a new found love, flowers, designing. They only thing is that it MUST be your dearest passion. But the most important question is: are there residents who like to cooperate with this project and like te be interviewed? And a secondary question: are there residents who have allready published a book inworld? I also love to hear from your experiences. Well, I am hoping At least a few of you think this is a good idea :-). Otherwise I will return to my villa and be the happy hermit as I always was ;-).
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